column value
tf_hs_e_reason 本案貨品依檢附資料之說明及圖片,係為上釉之瓷製工藝花瓶半成品,進口後再經貼花、黏蓋等工序,供盛裝液體之用,宜歸列貨品分類號列6909.90.90.00-2。
TF_STANDARD_HS 69099090002
tno 69099090
sc 00
cd 2
TF_ENGLISH_COMMODITY 瓷製容器(半成品,供盛裝食品如酒等) 型號:XZ-04-88C-1 高:24.3cm、寬:18cm、厚:6.5cm
TF_FACTOR_MATERIAL 瓷土:SiO2 63~73%、AI2O3 18~22%、Fe2O3 ≦0.30%、TiO2 ≦ 0.05%、CaO ≦ 0.40%、MgO ≦0.20%、K2O 2~3%、Na2O 2~2.5%、L.O.I 6~8%
TF_FUNCTION 半成品進口工加工,作為花瓶、液體容器、擺飾
TF_ISSUE_DATE 20120201
cnote 其他陶瓷槽、桶、及類似之農業用容器;陶瓷罐、缸及類似品,供搬運或包裝貨物用者
enote Other ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods