column value
tf_hs_e_reason 本案貨品依檢附資料說明,係設計專供調整液晶電視高度升降之用,參據94章章註1(庚)規定,及(98)基預字第0318號進口貨物稅則預先審核答覆函,歸列貨品分類號列8529.90.90.00-8。
TF_STANDARD_HS 85299090008
tno 85299090
sc 00
cd 8
TF_ENGLISH_COMMODITY lift for lcd monitor,model:A282,spec:for 22" lcd monitor
TF_FACTOR_MATERIAL Made by iron metal(如附件圖)
TF_FUNCTION moving up & down with installation of lcd monitor on the top of panel
TF_ISSUE_DATE 20091209
cnote 其他專用或主要用於第8525至8528節所屬器具之零件
enote Other parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of headings 85.25 to 85.28