column value
tf_hs_e_reason 本案貨品依檢附之資料說明,係含有管路之一次性輸液接頭及附件,接頭係以聚碳酸酯製之注射座、活塞、圓錐接頭組成,裝於管路兩端。輸液時係用注射器錐頭插入本案貨品之注射座進行注射,核與第9018.3目須插入體腔內之「注射器、針、導管、套管及類似品」不合,宜歸列貨品分類號列第9018.90.80.00-6號。
TF_STANDARD_HS 90189080006
tno 90189080
sc 00
cd 6
TF_ENGLISH_COMMODITY ABLE Disposable Injection Site Adaptor,型號:FL-TF03-305,規格詳見仿單及結構圖
TF_FACTOR_MATERIAL Medical grade polycarbonate and nature rubber(or silicon rubber).
TF_FUNCTION The product is used to close the transfusion port,supply liquid drug when the adaptor is closed and prevent the transfusion system from polluting during therapy.
TF_ISSUE_DATE 20130604
cnote 其他第9018節所屬之貨品
enote Other articles of heading 90.18