資料來源:本署出生通報。 備註:1.出生性別比:(活產男嬰數 ÷ 活產女嬰數)×100。 2.縣市別依產婦戶籍地分,其中「其他」包含外籍及資料不詳者。 Source:Birth Reporting System, HPA. Note:1. Sex Ratio of Live Births : (Number of male live birth ÷ Number of female live birth) × 100. 2. "County" is based on the registered household of the parturient , "Others" refers to a foreign territory and unspecified information.

依生母年齡別分 活產新生兒數Number of Live Births 出生性別比Sex Ratio of Live Births(%)
58166638 under 20 ages 2,982 113.15
58166639 20-24 16,840 107.77
58166640 25-29 50,823 107.93
58166641 30-34 81,699 106.78
58166642 35-39 37,243 109.15
58166643 40-44 5,445 111.05
58166644 45-49 194 100
58166645 above 50 ages 20 66.67
總共 8 筆,顯示第 1 到第 8 筆