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PRGID 23610
PRGACT 鴻宇國際藝術有限公司
PRGDATE 2015/03/27
ORGNAME 大東文化藝術中心
PRGAG 台北市立交響樂團
TICKETSYSURL 300,500,800
ITEMDESC <br /> [演出者]&nbsp;<br /> 指揮:吳曜宇&nbsp;<br /> Yao-Yu Wu, Conductor&nbsp;<br /> 鋼琴:林易&nbsp;<br /> Steven Lin, Piano&nbsp;<br /> 臺北市立交響樂團&nbsp;<br /> Taipei Symphony Orchestra&nbsp;<br /> <br /> [曲目]&nbsp;<br /> 林姆斯基-高沙可夫:西班牙隨想曲,作品34&nbsp;<br /> Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Capriccio espagnol, Op. 34&nbsp;<br /> 拉赫瑪尼諾夫:帕格尼尼主題狂想曲,作品43&nbsp;<br /> Sergei Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43哈查圖量:蓋雅納組曲選曲&nbsp;<br /> Aram Khachaturian: Excerpt from Gayane Suite&nbsp;<br /> <br /> [音樂會概述]&nbsp;<br /> 1980年電影「似曾相識」穿越時空找尋似曾相識的佳人,那淒美浪漫的愛情故事讓許多人迷醉,而電影中如夢似幻的配樂,更是將椎心刺骨的愛情刻畫得淋漓盡致。拉赫瑪尼諾夫以帕格尼尼的24首小提琴隨想曲中的最後一首為主題,進行了24次的變奏,而其中最浪漫動人的一個變奏就是出現在電影中的第18段變奏。如果你聽過帕格尼尼的主題,你一定會讚嘆作曲家無遠弗屆的想像力,一次次的蛻變,可以羽化成如此美麗而動人的旋律。聽2013年獲得法國貝桑松國際青年指揮大賽首獎的臺灣青年指揮家吳曜宇指揮、甫獲得2014年魯賓斯坦鋼琴大賽銀牌獎的年輕鋼琴家林易與臺北市立交響樂團,共同演出充滿俄羅斯、西班牙風情與異想的音樂。&nbsp;<br /> <br /> In the 1980 romantic fantasy film Somewhere in Time, a playwright travels back in time by way of self-hypnosis to find a gorgeous actress from a photograph. The beautiful romanticism of the story is intoxicating and the film&#39;s musical score is dream-like, vividly depicting a romance that chills you to the bone. Running throughout the film is the 18th variation from Sergei Rachmaninoff&#39;s Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, which is the most romantic and moving of all the variations. If you have ever heard this Paganini theme, you will definitely sing the praises of the composer for his boundless imagination&mdash;being able to immortalize this beautiful melody through transformation upon transformation. Come and hear the young conductor Yao-yu Wu, who won first prize at the 2013 International Competition for Young Conductors in Besancon, France, and young Taiwanese-American piano prodigy Steven Lin, who won the silver prize at the 2014 Rubinstein International Piano Competition, performing the fanciful music of Russia and Spain with the TSO.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <br /> 指揮/吳曜宇 Yao-Yu Wu, Conductor&nbsp;<br /> 「吳曜宇在最後一輪的表現非常出色,當他指揮史特拉汶斯基的芭蕾音樂《火鳥》時,他那優雅、講究的手勢鼓舞了樂團的熱情。」─《費加洛時報》&nbsp;<br /> 在贏得了第53屆貝桑松國際青年指揮大賽首獎、觀眾獎、及樂團獎後,吳曜宇在各大樂團與經紀邀約中展開他的職業生涯。吳曜宇在2014/2015樂季中,演出遍及各地,除了與臺灣的國家交響樂團、臺北市立交響樂團、國立臺灣交響樂團、及長榮樂團外,也包括了聖彼得堡交響樂團、波蘭國家廣播樂團、法國洛林國家交響樂團、法國波爾多國家交響樂團......等。&nbsp;<br /> 吳曜宇現就讀於國立臺北藝術大學音樂研究所。&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <br /> 「Mr. Wu has a extremely outstanding performance in the final round, when he conducts Stravinsky&rsquo;s ballet music &quot;Firebird&quot;, his elegant, exquisite gestures inspire orchestra with enthusiasm.」 ─《Le Figaro》&nbsp;<br /> After winning the first prize of the 53rd International Besan&ccedil;on Competition for Young Conductors, which he also won the 《Prize from Public》 and 《Prize from Orchestra》, Yao-Yu Wu received contractors from cooperated orchestra and artistic agents around the world. His performance held around the world in season 2014/2015, such as: National Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Evergreen Orchestra, St.Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre National de Lorraine, Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine.&nbsp;<br /> Now he is studying the master degree in Taipei National University of the Arts.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 鋼琴/林易 Steven Lin, Piano&nbsp;<br /> 第14屆國際魯賓斯坦鋼琴大賽銀牌獎得主&mdash;林易(Steven Lin),為當今最耀眼的美籍臺裔青年鋼琴家。《巴爾迪摩太陽報》對他在競賽中與巴爾迪摩交響樂團合作演奏《拉赫瑪尼諾夫:帕格尼尼主題狂想曲》的表現以「精緻典雅」讚譽之。同時,林易曾獲得2012年美國CAG國際音樂大賽首獎,在2013年范‧克萊本國際鋼琴大賽上充滿活力的演奏,獲得「暢快的音樂與表演」佳評,並榮獲評審團主席特別獎得肯定。&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Steven Lin is the Silver Medal (2nd Prize) Winner of the 14th Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition, an immediately engaging and imaginative young Taiwanese American pianist. The Baltimore Sun declared his recent performance &ldquo;elegantly refined,&rdquo; listening to Lin as soloist in Rachmaninoff&rsquo;s Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini with the Baltimore Symphony. After a victory at the 2012 CAG Victor Elmaleh Competition, his vibrant playing at the 2013 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition was recognized both by the critics (&ldquo;&hellip;thoroughly enjoyable both as music and as a performance&rdquo; &ndash; Ft. Worth Star-Telegram) and the judges, who selected him for the John Giordano Jury Chairman Discretionary Award.