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2014/09/03 17:58:19 瑞芳 01 25.08833 121.82823 382000000A NO 224 Chailiao Rd., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 There are nine train tunnels between Ruifang and Shuangxi, of which four are in Houtong and three are the Yuangshan No.1, No.2 and No.3 Tunnels, which are referred to as “The Three Tunnels” as they stand in very close succession. The old tunnels have become obsolete but the vestige of history makes them irresistible to professional and amateur photographers. There are nine train tunnels between Ruifang and Shuangxi, of which four are in Houtong and three are the Yuangshan No.1, No.2 and No.3 Tunnels, which are referred to as “The Three Tunnels” as they stand in very close succession. The old tunnels have become obsolete but the vestige of history makes them irresistible to professional and amateur photographers. Old Train Tunnels 火車舊隧道群 E1_382000000A_011586
2013/01/16 01:00:00 14 25.10837 121.84125 382000000A 9.00 – 18.00 224 No. 66, Shipi Ln., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Recommended ProductsJiufen, gold mine, museumFollow Qiche Road, No. 102 county road, go uphill along the stone stairs next to the "Sleepless Ones Garden Hotel" on Qingbian Road. As you climb, you can exercise your heart and enjoy the mountain scenery at the same time. Follow the signposts, and you will reach the Jiufen Museum of Gold Mine. Recommended ProductsJiufen, gold mine, museumFollow Qiche Road, No. 102 county road, go uphill along the stone stairs next to the "Sleepless Ones Garden Hotel" on Qingbian Road. As you climb, you can exercise your heart and enjoy the mountain scenery at the same time. Follow the signposts, and you will reach the Jiufen Museum of Gold Mine. An alternate route, which is less physically demanding, starts next to the Artist Teahouse on Qingbian Road. Stay on Qingbian Road and go towards No. 5 Park, you will find a set of stone stairs that leads downhill to the Jiufen Museum of Gold Mine.The owner of the Jiufen Museum of Gold Mine, Mr Zeng Shui-Chi, believes he is one of the last miners in Taiwan. He is from Jiufeng and is one of the few that dedicate his time to the promotion of mining history and culture. As Mr Zeng used to work in a mining quarry and is experienced in gold metallurgy process, he is very familiar with everything about gold mining and gold metallurgy process. He has transformed level two of his own house into a gold mining museum, whereas mining tunnel and mining trolley tracks recreated on level one take visitors back to the past. Many precious gold ore, coexistence ore and related original documents are displayed here.Level two is divided into a multimedia area and a learning area with a gold panning theme. Unlike the gold panning hands-on experience provided by Museum of Gold, the gold panning exhibition here starts from the crushing of ore and ends when shinning gold dusts appear in the bottom of the riffle. Objects that help to explain metallurgy process such as gold cyanidation and gold-mercury amalgam are also displayed.Mr Zeng believes that gold mining, metallurgy and panning cannot be regarded only as jobs he has done, but his lifelong interests and something he see as his responsibility to promote. Jiufen Museum of Gold Mine 九份金礦博物館 E1_382000000A_012151
2013/01/16 01:00:00 龍洞岩場,貢寮 11 25.11101 121.91615 382000000A None 228 Longdong St., Gongliao Dist., New Taipei City 228, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Located in Longdong Cape, it is the best natural rock-climbing site in Taiwan. Sandstone metamorphic rocks, the hardest rocks in Taiwan, were formed as deposiions of the ancient coninent of Southeast China 50,000 years ago. These near-verical, giganic stone walls and square rocks are not only breathtaking in sight, but the paradise for rock-climbers. Located in Longdong Cape, it is the best natural rock-climbing site in Taiwan. Sandstone metamorphic rocks, the hardest rocks in Taiwan, were formed as deposiions of the ancient coninent of Southeast China 50,000 years ago. These near-verical, giganic stone walls and square rocks are not only breathtaking in sight, but the paradise for rock-climbers. Longdong Rock Climbing Area 龍洞岩場 E1_382000000A_012064
2013/01/16 01:00:00 捷運,板南線,捷運永寧站,土城 11 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A no *Take the MRT Bannan Line and get off at Yongning Station. Take  shuttle bus for holidays. *Take National Freeway No. 3 and exit at Tucheng Interchange. Turn right on Expressway 3 236 149, Chentien Road, Tucheng District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 As its name suggests, this is truly one of the greatest places to observe the tung flowers. Even when the flower season is over, the park has a lot of visitors. Many people would take the trail leading to the Chengtien Temple in the mountain from here. You can see a lush forest and bamboos along the trail. As its name suggests, this is truly one of the greatest places to observe the tung flowers. Even when the flower season is over, the park has a lot of visitors. Many people would take the trail leading to the Chengtien Temple in the mountain from here. You can see a lush forest and bamboos along the trail. From April to May every year, snow-white tung flowers are sprinkled all over the mountain and when you stroll on the trail in the morning, the delicate white flowers scattering on the ground make such a beautiful and romantic scene. May is regarded as the best time to see the flowers as they are so beautiful, rain or shine. Tung Flower Park 土城桐花公園 E1_382000000A_011818
2013/05/24 13:08:12 http://www.facebook.com/thecan.tw 05 24.93447 121.37241 382000000A Sun.~Thu. 11:00~21:00、Fri., Sat. 11:00~22:00 No. 317, Qingshui St., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City (Near Zushi Temple) 886-2-26717090 CAN, which was renovated from an old house, is located in a comfortable environment. In the house, the decorations and furnishings are full of cultural and creative feelings. In addition to displaying various handmade products everywhere in the store, the store has organized small performances, film appreciation sessions and concerts in the past. CAN, which was renovated from an old house, is located in a comfortable environment. In the house, the decorations and furnishings are full of cultural and creative feelings. In addition to displaying various handmade products everywhere in the store, the store has organized small performances, film appreciation sessions and concerts in the past. The founder, Mr. Jun-Cheng Lin, has great interests and is deeply concerned about the environment, place and industry. CAN was established based on his concern. Not only the store integrates food and beverage, community empowerment, cultural and creative products and arts performances, the store also provides parents and children interactive educational ecological classes. What is more, the inaugural issue of the independent publication for local youths, “CAN Culture, Art and Nature” was published in September 2010. The content of the magazine includes social issues, local culture information and arts information to further promote the integration of local culture and local industry. Right now when people hear about Sanxia, they would not just associate it with the Old Street. All Natural Soap and Blue-dying have started to get more popular despite the fact that they have been in Sanxia for a long time. As the founder of CAN Culture, Art and Nature, Mr. Jun-Cheng Lin, is from Sanxia himself, he is strongly committed to the culture of his home and insists that culture must start from the very basics in order to find the wonderfulness of the place. He believes, after all the wonderful elements are put together, the final product released would be full of local characteristics. With local culture being the strong foundation, the industries would be developed in success smoothly. All Natural Soap and Blue-dying are the best proves. CAN Culture, Art and Nature CAN Culture, Art and Nature E1_382000000A_012433
2013/01/16 01:00:00 瑞芳 01 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A 8:00-20:00 224 294,Qingbian Road, Jiufen, Ruifang District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 During Jiufen’s prime, the barbershop was where mine workers and local residents went for a shave or haircut and exchanged news; it was sort of like the center of social activities for local residents. The barbershop has therefore witnessed the prosperity and decline of the town. During Jiufen’s prime, the barbershop was where mine workers and local residents went for a shave or haircut and exchanged news; it was sort of like the center of social activities for local residents. The barbershop has therefore witnessed the prosperity and decline of the town. The old-fashioned furniture and decoration of the barbershop emanate a special beauty of simplicity, a stark contrast to its more modern counterparts. A-Po Barbershop 阿婆理髮廳 E1_382000000A_011575
2013/01/16 01:00:00 茶花莊,雙溪 11 24.99718 121.82209 382000000A None 227 Meizhuxi, Shuangxi Dist., New Taipei City 227, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Camellia Village’s two owners run their business by adoping the idea of managing a natural habitat. The garden covers approximately one hectare, and three hundred kinds of camellia are planted. Many varieies of camellia are grown in the garden; whereas frogs, buterflies, insects and birds all happily live here. Camellia Village’s two owners run their business by adoping the idea of managing a natural habitat. The garden covers approximately one hectare, and three hundred kinds of camellia are planted. Many varieies of camellia are grown in the garden; whereas frogs, buterflies, insects and birds all happily live here. While enjoying the outdoor views, visitors can also take a tour in the old house: the aniqued architecture blends with the village landscape and forms a unity. If you want to have a memorable vacaion, you may come to Camellia Village. Camellia Village 茶花莊 E1_382000000A_012086
2013/01/16 01:00:00 11 25.06161 121.63971 382000000A none Take the Dajian Mountain Line on the community bus 221 Ln. 334, Jiafu St., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 221, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Chiedong is the largest waterfall in the Daijian Mountain area. Its precipitous cliffs send water cascading down in silk-like sheets, forming a crystal clear pool at the bottom. Sitting in the forest and listening to the sounds of the waterfall is very satisfying. Chiedong is the largest waterfall in the Daijian Mountain area. Its precipitous cliffs send water cascading down in silk-like sheets, forming a crystal clear pool at the bottom. Sitting in the forest and listening to the sounds of the waterfall is very satisfying. To reach the falls, enter near the Fuji Villa or follow the Chiedong Waterfall path, listening to the babbling brook and admiring the elegant scenery as you go. Chiedong Waterfall 茄苳瀑布 E1_382000000A_012306
2013/01/16 01:00:00 01 24.91229 121.38405 382000000A 09:00~17:30 237 No. 64-11, Baiji Road, Sanxia District, New Taipei City 886-2-26714400 In the hills of Sanxia on a quiet alley off to the side of the road is the Tourism Factory of Cha-Shan FangCha-Shan-Fang Soap. Its calm exterior hides the active interior, where such lively soap making activities take place that the New Taipei City government named this an excellent tourism factory. In the hills of Sanxia on a quiet alley off to the side of the road is the Tourism Factory of Cha-Shan FangCha-Shan-Fang Soap. Its calm exterior hides the active interior, where such lively soap making activities take place that the New Taipei City government named this an excellent tourism factory. At Cha-Shan FangCha-Shan-Fang, visitors can see how handmade soap reacts chemically with Sanxia speciality products such as Pi-Lo-Chun green tea and tea seeds to produce pure, wonderful natural fragrances. The journey begins on the first floor, where the different handmade soaps made in the factory are available for purchase in the souvenir shop. If you want to experience making these soaps yourself, you can head to the counter to make an appointment. On the second floor is the soap making classroom, where caring, young guides teach students the soap making process. Classes are even available for children to enjoy. Soap Making: Tourism Factory of Cha-Shan FangCha-Shan-Fang Soap 茶山房肥皂文化體驗館 E1_382000000A_012261
2014/09/03 11:52:04 鐵道,平溪鐵道遊,鐵道三貂嶺站,鐵道侯硐站,瑞芳,博物館 01 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A 8:00~18:00 224 Houtong Rd., Chailiao Rd., Pinglin Rd., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City 886-2-24974143 The Houtong Coal Mine Ecological Park is built along the riverside. Several key sites are the information desk, the Vision Hall, the Houtong Station, the Coal Preparation Plant, the Coal Mine Transport Bridge and the Commemorative House of Miners. The Houtong Coal Mine Ecological Park is built along the riverside. Several key sites are the information desk, the Vision Hall, the Houtong Station, the Coal Preparation Plant, the Coal Mine Transport Bridge and the Commemorative House of Miners. Though Houtong’s mining industry is now history, the park goes into great detail about the mining operation and gives a gritty portrayal of how local miners lived and worked in the past, taking visitors back to the days when Houtong and coal mining were inseparable. Houtong Coal Mine Ecological Park 侯硐(猴硐)煤礦博物園區 E1_382000000A_011585
2013/01/16 01:00:00 中角沙灘,金山 11 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A no *Take the MRT Tamsui Line and exit Tamsui station. Transfer to any bus going to Shimen direction. Get off at “Jinshan”. *Take the National Highway No. 1 and exit Taipei exchange. G 208 Zhongjiao Beach, Jinshan District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 The north wind that blows through the concave terrain of the sand bay brings in ultra high waves at the bay all year round. This has made Zhongjiao Beach and the Shazhu Bay the favorite surfing spot in Northern Taiwan and many surfers are gathered here during the weekends and public holidays. The north wind that blows through the concave terrain of the sand bay brings in ultra high waves at the bay all year round. This has made Zhongjiao Beach and the Shazhu Bay the favorite surfing spot in Northern Taiwan and many surfers are gathered here during the weekends and public holidays. There is a number of clubs that provide surfboard rentals and surfing lessons. Whether you are a beginner or veteran, you will find excitement at this beach. In addition, this is also the best spot to see one of the eight wonders in Jinshan –the “Twin Candles Isle”, which contains a pair of rocks that look like two candles looking at each other. Zhongjiao Beach Shazhu Bay 中角沙珠灣 E1_382000000A_011554
2013/01/16 01:00:00 雙溪,牡丹老街 01 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A NO *Take the Huatung Line of Taiwan Rail, pass via Ruifang, Houtong and Sandiaoling, and get off at Mudan Station.  *Take Freeway No.1 and switch to Freeway No.5 towards Yilan. Exit a 227 159,Mudan Rd., Shuangxi Dist., New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 The Mudan Village in Shuangxi was not exactly a tourist attraction before the drama series My Lucky Star selected it as a scene location. Even as people began to come to the place, not much has changed for the Mudan Old Street. Old houses built along the railway stand unchanged before the train station. The Mudan Village in Shuangxi was not exactly a tourist attraction before the drama series My Lucky Star selected it as a scene location. Even as people began to come to the place, not much has changed for the Mudan Old Street. Old houses built along the railway stand unchanged before the train station. There is a sense of ease and simplicity in the air. A ramble through the street is quite a lovely experience. Mudan Old Street 牡丹老街 E1_382000000A_011634
2014/07/04 15:30:06 鐵道,平溪鐵道遊,鐵道望古站,平溪 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shifen_waterfall 11 25.03459 121.75374 382000000A None 226 Pingxi District, New Taipei, Taiwan 226 886-2-29603456 Shifen, which means there used to be ten families working together to build the home. Shifen Waterfall locates in Pingxi Township in Taipei County. It locates in the Shifen stop of the Pingxi railroad and the bus stop of Dahua at the upper part of the waterfalls in Keelung River. It is a great waterfall with the big force of the current vast. Shifen, which means there used to be ten families working together to build the home. Shifen Waterfall locates in Pingxi Township in Taipei County. It locates in the Shifen stop of the Pingxi railroad and the bus stop of Dahua at the upper part of the waterfalls in Keelung River. It is a great waterfall with the big force of the current vast. It is the greatest screen curtain style waterfall in Taiwan. The pond underneath the waterfall is very deep. The waterfall is like hundreds of soldiers and millions of horses running down. This gives you the feeling of a blanket of white silk satin falling into a great wide deep pond. The water of the waterfall forms hydrosphere flowing above the waterfall. When the sun shines, the reflection forms a rainbow showing the clear sky with the beautiful rainbow. That is why it has the name of rainbow pond Besides, because of the ways of the rock is opposite to the flow of water. It belongs to the contrary waterfall. Shihfen Station: Along Keelung river valley is the Pingxi branch railroad. It starts from Sandiaoling to Jingtong stand with the total length of 12.9 kilometers. It was built for coal transportation in 1918, and Pingxi branch railroad was selected to by the tour trail railroad in 1992. Shifen is one of the stands. The view near the station is beautiful scenery. The waterfall and the little anabranch make people affected amazement. Shifen Liao has rangy river tableland, and Pingxi branch railroad is passing through. It is the best place of recalling old memories and expressing homesickness. Many of the ad merchants came here to take the act. Glasses hole locates underneath the railway with the distance not far from Shifen Waterfall. The flow of the stream forms like the two holes of the glasses. That is why it named lasses holes.source: Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportasion and Communication Shifen Scenic Area 平溪十分風景區 E1_382000000A_011424
2013/01/16 01:00:00 金山, 漁港 12 25.13001 121.38001 382000000A Not provided 1.Ride the Guoguang , Royal Bus, Keelung Bus, Tamsui Bus on the Tamsui -Jinshan Line to the Jinshan City bus stop and walk to the fishing port. 2.Drive on Taiwan National Highway No 208 Huanggang Road, Jinshan Township, Taipei County 886-2-29603456 Huanggang Fishing Port is located south of the Jinshan cliffs where the mouth of the Jinshan Kuang River meets the sea. The cliff face protects against no’easters and it is now primarily a long-line fishing port. Due to its excellent conditions the Huanggang Fishing Port catch is quite abundant and an important fishing port. Huanggang Fishing Port is located south of the Jinshan cliffs where the mouth of the Jinshan Kuang River meets the sea. The cliff face protects against no’easters and it is now primarily a long-line fishing port. Due to its excellent conditions the Huanggang Fishing Port catch is quite abundant and an important fishing port. Huanggang Fishing Port 磺港漁港 E1_382000000A_011612
2014/07/04 14:14:40 十八王公廟,石門 04 25.26861 121.57138 382000000A None 253 Shimen District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 253 886-2-29603456 This temple, which is notable for its bronze statue of a dog, has an interesting legend associated with it. It is said that sometime during the middle of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), 17 merchants and a dog died during a rough crossing from mainland China. The dog, which had tried to save its master, was buried together with the merchants, and their grave became a shrine called 18 Kings Temple. This temple, which is notable for its bronze statue of a dog, has an interesting legend associated with it. It is said that sometime during the middle of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), 17 merchants and a dog died during a rough crossing from mainland China. The dog, which had tried to save its master, was buried together with the merchants, and their grave became a shrine called 18 Kings Temple.Apart from the dog, another singular practice is associated with the temple. The legend goes that the 17 merchants were fond of smoking, so many worshippers offer cigarettes at the shrine, lighting them and placing them in stands, just as they do with incense.18 Kings Temple is a popular place of worship and is especially busy at night, when large crowds visit to make offerings of incense and food.[source: Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan)] Eighteen Wang Gong Temple 十八王公廟 E1_382000000A_011469
2013/01/16 01:00:00 南山寺,坪林 04 24.92444 121.72666 382000000A None 232 Pinglin Dist., New Taipei City 232, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 This century-old temple is an important temple in northern Taiwan established in 1902. The main god is the Divine Emperor of Broad Protecion (Lu Dongbin). If you want to visit this temple, you can go along Pingshuang Road, pass Yuguang Elementary School and then turn let. This century-old temple is an important temple in northern Taiwan established in 1902. The main god is the Divine Emperor of Broad Protecion (Lu Dongbin). If you want to visit this temple, you can go along Pingshuang Road, pass Yuguang Elementary School and then turn let. Since it is situated in a higher locaion, mornings are misty and atracive. It is possible for one to overlook Dashe Lake and enjoy the magnificent sight of the Yuguang terrace farms. There are many tea farms which offer tea-making lessons so that tourists can watch the tea-making process, and you may keep the fun memories of tea-making by taking some pictures. Nanshan Temple 南山寺 E1_382000000A_012061
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鐵道,平溪鐵道遊,鐵道菁桐站,平溪 01 25.02387 121.72369 382000000A NO 226 Jingtong Street, Jingtong Village, Pingxi District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 With the development of the railway, the busiest old street of Jingtong is at the exit of the Jingtong Station. Because of the increasing amount of tourists, the nearby merchants started catering to tourists by providing things such as local delicacies, agricultural specialties, and souvenir shop. With the development of the railway, the busiest old street of Jingtong is at the exit of the Jingtong Station. Because of the increasing amount of tourists, the nearby merchants started catering to tourists by providing things such as local delicacies, agricultural specialties, and souvenir shop. In addition, although nobody knows how it started, it has become a trend in the Jingtong area to write prayers on bamboos and hang them next to the railway. Somehow, this became a feature of the Old Street. Jingtong Old Street 菁桐老街 E1_382000000A_011613
2013/01/16 01:00:00 土城 01 24.97782 121.46649 382000000A 08:30~20:00 236 No. 55, Guoji Road, Tucheng District, New Taipei City 886-2-82620506 Wagashi are symbolic of Japan’s cake culture and art. To introduce these treats, Shu Shin Bou has constructed a tourism factory that highlights the history of wagashi, the culture associated with them, and the production apparatus. There are also DIY activities where children and adults can display their creativity by making wagashi or learning the steps of mochi production. Wagashi are symbolic of Japan’s cake culture and art. To introduce these treats, Shu Shin Bou has constructed a tourism factory that highlights the history of wagashi, the culture associated with them, and the production apparatus. There are also DIY activities where children and adults can display their creativity by making wagashi or learning the steps of mochi production. Shu Shin Bou Wagashi Museum 手信坊創意和菓子文化館 E1_382000000A_012274
2013/01/16 01:00:00 新店 01 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A none 231 The bank opposite Xindian Ferry, Xindian District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Xindian Ferry is the only place on the Xindian River where one can take a ferry propelled by human power. A century ago this was the only transportation hub available to reach mountainous areas such as Wantan, Chihtan, Tutan and Chuche, but today it primarily serves as a tourism facility. Xindian Ferry is the only place on the Xindian River where one can take a ferry propelled by human power. A century ago this was the only transportation hub available to reach mountainous areas such as Wantan, Chihtan, Tutan and Chuche, but today it primarily serves as a tourism facility. To take a trip over the misty water on one of these ferries costs just NT$20 a person, and it takes two minutes to go across the river to Wantan. After reaching the other side, the 150-meter-long Literary Trail is right in front of your eyes. Embedded in the embankment are handwritten manuscripts by some of Xindian’s most famous writers. As you stroll away from the ferry area, admiring writings by Bo Yang, Chang Hsiang-Hhua, Chou Meng-Ttieh, and Chen X. H., you get a feeling of Xindian’s profound local culture. Xindian Ferry Literary Trai 新店渡口文學步道 E1_382000000A_012314
2013/01/16 01:00:00 芝柏山莊藝術村,三芝 05 25.25626 121.51151 382000000A No 252 Zhibo Rd., Sanzhi Dist., New Taipei City 252, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Chibo Mountain Inn is located half way up the mountain, around ten minutes walk from the old Sanzhi street. With graceful environment and the landscape of mountain and ocean, many artists have resided in or established workspaces here. The enriching art village atmosphere has attracted many lovers of art and culture. Chibo Mountain Inn is located half way up the mountain, around ten minutes walk from the old Sanzhi street. With graceful environment and the landscape of mountain and ocean, many artists have resided in or established workspaces here. The enriching art village atmosphere has attracted many lovers of art and culture. The first professional hand puppetry museum in Taiwan, the Lee Tianlu Museum, is also established here. In 1996, the museum opened; the 60 ping old building exhibits many memorable collections. Chibo Mountain Inn (Art Village) 芝柏山莊藝術村 E1_382000000A_012023
2013/01/16 01:00:00 富基漁港,石門 11 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A no *Take the MRT Tamsui Line and exit Tamsui station. Transfer to any bus  going to Shimen direction. Get off at “Dentaikou” (Lighthouse).  *Take the National Highway No. 1 and exit T 253 25 km of Fujili Highway No. 2, Shimen District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Fuji Fishing Harbor used to be an unknown small local harbor until the district government of Jinshan established the Fuji Seafood Market, which became a popular attraction in the North Coast. Because it is close to Taipei City, the market center has become one of the top places for truly fresh seafood in the North. Fuji Fishing Harbor used to be an unknown small local harbor until the district government of Jinshan established the Fuji Seafood Market, which became a popular attraction in the North Coast. Because it is close to Taipei City, the market center has become one of the top places for truly fresh seafood in the North. There is an amazing variety for you to choose from: fish, shrimp, mussels, lobsters, squid, crabs and a whole lot of other seafood. You can even request restaurants on the street to cook your purchases from the market and enjoy an immediate seafood feast. Fuji Fishing Harbor 富基漁港 E1_382000000A_011546
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鐵道,平溪鐵道遊,鐵道平溪站,平溪 01 25.02994 121.73663 382000000A no 226 Pingxi Street, Pingxi District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 The Pingxi Old Street has an old-world atmosphere. Along both sides of the railway on the slanted hillside are traditional houses untouched by modernity. Nearby business are traditional grocery shops, drink stalls and fruit shops. You can see the local residents’ humble life. The Pingxi Old Street has an old-world atmosphere. Along both sides of the railway on the slanted hillside are traditional houses untouched by modernity. Nearby business are traditional grocery shops, drink stalls and fruit shops. You can see the local residents’ humble life. When the train passes by through the old street, a rumbling and thunderous sound is inescapable. A very famous Taiwanese commercial was shot here. Pingxi Old Street 平溪老街 E1_382000000A_011603
2013/01/16 01:00:00 http://xuite.net/mu71113402 14 25.10858 121.83997 382000000A Phone first asked to make an appointment 224 No. 278, Qingbian Road, Ruifang District, New Taipei City 886-2-24062388 Mei-yu Jan was born in Jiufen in 1972 and graduated from the National Keelung Maritime Vocational High School. She exhibits her ceramic works at the Imagery Ceramics Workshop on a regular basis. According to her, "The dialogue between life and experience in nature is the most value thing in art."She has a strong affection for her hometown. Mei-yu Jan was born in Jiufen in 1972 and graduated from the National Keelung Maritime Vocational High School. She exhibits her ceramic works at the Imagery Ceramics Workshop on a regular basis. According to her, "The dialogue between life and experience in nature is the most value thing in art."She has a strong affection for her hometown. Now, this mountain city where she was nurtured has become her creative base and where she experiences her life of art with ceramics. Jan was a QC worker of a private enterprise and worked at the Jiufen Teahouse out of chance. At that time, the Jiufen Teahouse added ceramics to the business to fuse with the natural atmosphere of Jiufen. This encounter between teahouse and handcrafted ceramics has become first intimate contact between Jan and ceramics.Jan began her ceramic career by painting on the body of the work after biscuit firing. Next, she tried pinching. Now, she makes almost all her works with pinching. The local features of Jiufen also become the elements of her works, including the sea view, the old street, the wild flowers, the grass, the stray cats, etc; cats are the most common subject matter of her recent works.Recently, she has completed a series of ceramic lamps based on the cat. After the primary biscuit firing, Japan added to her works the shape of the pedal of Yedcensis, a famous Japanese cherry blossom in Jiufen. By integrating the hollow and under-glaze painting techniques, she has made her cat-shaped ceramic lamps with special fun and a rich texture become the focus of collectors. According to Jan, art must connect life in order to go live. Out of persistence, ceramics have become her life of art, penetrates the soul of viewers through her unique language, and embellishes the living space of collectors. Imagery Ceramics Workshop 意象陶坊 E1_382000000A_012150
2013/01/16 01:00:00 櫻木花道,三芝 11 25.23666 121.52527 382000000A No 252 Sanzhi Dist., New Taipei City 252, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Staring from 1996, cherry trees were planted beside the road, and now, there are over 15,000 trees, spanning nearly 70km. Some of the famous cherry blossom trails include Dahu Road and Qingshan Road, with different types of mountain cherry, Yoshino cherry, and peony cherry. Each year in early spring, one can enjoy the sea of flowering trees. Staring from 1996, cherry trees were planted beside the road, and now, there are over 15,000 trees, spanning nearly 70km. Some of the famous cherry blossom trails include Dahu Road and Qingshan Road, with different types of mountain cherry, Yoshino cherry, and peony cherry. Each year in early spring, one can enjoy the sea of flowering trees. Cherry Blossom Trail 櫻木花道 E1_382000000A_012037
2013/01/16 01:00:00 三峽,藝術文化 05 24.94072 121.35722 382000000A 09:00-17:00 Monday toFriday *Take the MRT Bannan Line and get off at Yongning Station. Take  Bus 917 and get off at the "Hakka Museum" bus stop.  *Take National Freeway No. 3 and exit at Sanying Interchange 237 239, Longen Street, Sanxia District, New Taipei City 886-2-26729996 Hakka people have been one of the major ethnic groups in Sanxia for many years. This museum is a rare facility that highlights Hakka culture in Taiwan. This place has multiple cultural functions, including a large performance area, multimedia display, a bookstore selling Hakka publications and music albums and regular Hakka culture and art exhibitions. Hakka people have been one of the major ethnic groups in Sanxia for many years. This museum is a rare facility that highlights Hakka culture in Taiwan. This place has multiple cultural functions, including a large performance area, multimedia display, a bookstore selling Hakka publications and music albums and regular Hakka culture and art exhibitions. Even Hakka grinding tea is served in the museum. You can find almost everything related to Hakka culture here. This museum has turned Sanxia into a treasure house of Hakka people in Northern Taiwan.*09:00-18:00 on weekend. The first Monday ofeach month is an official holiday Hakka Museum 新北市客家文化園區 E1_382000000A_011846
2013/01/16 01:00:00 柯子林溪谷,汐止 11 25.06666 121.66666 382000000A No 221 Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 221, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Beigang Brook passes through Kezilin along hills to polish natural cliff valleys, where the water is clean and pleniful; there are large and bizarre stones, where the pothole on the brook bed is unique. Standing here to look at trees along the lakeside, you will be touched by the uncomplicated beauty of tree trunks. While listening to the gurgling brook, it is the sound of nature. Beigang Brook passes through Kezilin along hills to polish natural cliff valleys, where the water is clean and pleniful; there are large and bizarre stones, where the pothole on the brook bed is unique. Standing here to look at trees along the lakeside, you will be touched by the uncomplicated beauty of tree trunks. While listening to the gurgling brook, it is the sound of nature. Being present in such mountains and waters and bathed in the bright and beauiful serenity, you will be relaxed and at peace immediately. Valley in Kezilin 柯子林溪谷 E1_382000000A_012053
2013/01/16 01:00:00 中正河濱公園 ,永和 12 25.01892 121.51137 382000000A No 234 Yonghe Zhongzheng Riverside Park ,Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Zhongzheng Riverside Park is the best place for exercise and recreaion. Its landscape such as the remote buildings and riverbank creates a unique riverside view in the concrete city jungle. You will feel comfortable and enjoy exercising with your friends in this park. Zhongzheng Riverside Park is the best place for exercise and recreaion. Its landscape such as the remote buildings and riverbank creates a unique riverside view in the concrete city jungle. You will feel comfortable and enjoy exercising with your friends in this park. Under the development plan of Green Jewel, many game and sports faciliies have been finished in this park, for example, the skaing rink, adventure playground, Ball Park and others. Also, the “Wind Square” is built acively in progress to be a muli-funcional entertainment space. Yonghe Zhongzheng Riverside Park 中正河濱公園 E1_382000000A_011996
2013/01/16 01:00:00 三重布街,三重 12 25.08279 121.48801 382000000A None 241 No.47, Bihua St., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Bihua street of Sanchong Dist. is popularly called “minor cloth market,” because there are many cloth shops on the street. Due to stock cloth sales, various cloth supply of colorful design and patern as well as low cloth price, it has become a new point of interest of “Taiwan Cloth Shops Museum Garden”. Bihua street of Sanchong Dist. is popularly called “minor cloth market,” because there are many cloth shops on the street. Due to stock cloth sales, various cloth supply of colorful design and patern as well as low cloth price, it has become a new point of interest of “Taiwan Cloth Shops Museum Garden”. The space environment, business mode and cultural acivity have been closely interwoven and coordinated each other very well. Besides shopping cloths here, people can also paricipate in the DIY lessons offered by cloth shops. It is really a good place for leisure and shopping cloths. Cloth market in Sanchong City 碧華布街(三重布莊博物園區) E1_382000000A_012089
2013/01/16 01:00:00 04 25.06847 121.65895 382000000A none Take any of the community buses or Bus 51, 605, 629, or 668 221 No.10, Gongyuan Road, Xizhi District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Also located near the historical street is Jhongshun Temple, which is sometimes called Angong Temple. It took the Jhongshun name after the Japanese occupation period ended, when it was also renovated to become Chinese in style. The main god revered at the temple is Baoyi Dafu, but at the entrance remains a decorative archway honoring a Japanese god. Also located near the historical street is Jhongshun Temple, which is sometimes called Angong Temple. It took the Jhongshun name after the Japanese occupation period ended, when it was also renovated to become Chinese in style. The main god revered at the temple is Baoyi Dafu, but at the entrance remains a decorative archway honoring a Japanese god. Jhongshun Temple 忠順廟 E1_382000000A_012324
2014/06/26 17:08:05 鶯歌 01 24.95001 121.35001 382000000A none 239 Yingge 886-2-29603456 Yingge Old Street, including Wenhua and Jianshanbu roads along with Chongqing Street, contains many historical locations. There are the ancient residences of Wang Yang and Cheng Fa, which seem like extensions of the ceramics museum, and there are over 200 ceramics shops. Yingge Old Street, including Wenhua and Jianshanbu roads along with Chongqing Street, contains many historical locations. There are the ancient residences of Wang Yang and Cheng Fa, which seem like extensions of the ceramics museum, and there are over 200 ceramics shops. The entrance to the old street is defined by a Fujian-style red brick building that imitates Wenhua Road’s century-old Cheng Fa residence along with a set of metal bird sculptures. Each store on the street shares the architectural themes of red bricks and pillars, plus there are ceramic chairs dispersed throughout to underscore the local culture. Meanwhile at the end of the street the wall of Yingge Elementary School includes a large, colorful ceramics pastiche. Each feature shows why Yingge’s reputation as a pottery town is well deserved. Yingge Old Street 鶯歌老街 E1_382000000A_012334
2013/01/16 01:00:00 烏來 01 24.86371 121.55148 382000000A none 233 No. 12, Wulai Street, Wulai District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 The three-story Atayal Museum brings visitors on a journey to learn about Wulai and Atayal culture, using a variety of mechanisms such a historical origins, traditional culture, social customs, festivals, and ceremonies. The first floor concentrates on the Atayal origin, migrations, hunting, and other cultural elements, plus it explains Wulai’s natural and ecological environment. The three-story Atayal Museum brings visitors on a journey to learn about Wulai and Atayal culture, using a variety of mechanisms such a historical origins, traditional culture, social customs, religious beliefs, festivals, and ceremonies. The first floor concentrates on the Atayal origin, migrations, hunting, and other cultural elements, plus it explains Wulai’s natural and ecological environment. The second floor describes the Atayal badasun, the tattoos they wear on their face which were traditionally a requirement for marriage. These are a highly important part of their heritage, and only boy and girls who learned to hunt and weave had the right to wear them. The third floor, meanwhile, displays common tools used by the Atayal along with their industrial arts creations. Visitors who want to learn even more about the Atayal through interactive exhibits can come on weekends to watch musical performances by locals or to join DIY activities such as beadingceramic glass jewelry-making, weaving, or bracelet making. Wulai Atayal Museum 烏來泰雅民族博物館 E1_382000000A_012235
2013/01/16 01:00:00 板橋 12 24.99697 121.45596 382000000A none 220 Floor 5, No. 10, Lane 16, Section 2, Sichuan Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 886-2-89669762 It became Taiwan’s first tourism factory to feature life education as a theme. Besides free tours that let people understand the production process of making maternity clothes, there are DIY activities and prop clothes that teach people of all ages how difficult the pregnancy are for expectant mothers. To visit, call to make an appointment. After half a century in business, the YMR Maternity Garment Co. factory converted to a tourism factory in 2012. It became Taiwan’s first tourism factory to feature life education as a theme. Besides free tours that let people understand the production process of making maternity clothes, there are DIY activities and prop clothes that teach people of all ages how difficult the pregnancy are for expectant mothers. To visit, call to make an appointment. YMR Maternity Garment Co. Tourism Factory 玉美人孕婦裝觀光工廠 E1_382000000A_012299
2013/01/16 01:00:00 新店 11 24.89968 121.55014 382000000A none 231 No. 43, Sec. 3, Xinwu Rd., Xindian District, New Taipei City 886-2-26667811 The Feitsui Reservoir is a valuable resource. Located along Beishi River, a tributary of Xindian River, it provides Greater Taipei with water and electricity. With a catchment area of 303 kilometers squared it is Taiwan’s second largest reservoir, behind only Tsengwen. The Feitsui Reservoir is a valuable resource. Located along Beishi River, a tributary of Xindian River, it provides Greater Taipei with water and electricity. With a catchment area of 303 kilometers squared it is Taiwan’s second largest reservoir, behind only Tsengwen. Surrounding the catchment area, meanwhile, is land rich in plant and animal life. No plant is more unique than the Rhododendron kanehirai, a species endemic to Taiwan. Every March it blooms, creating a beautiful scene reminiscent of a sea of flowers. For animals there areis the Formosan macaque and the Formosan blue magpie. There are also emerald green tree frogs that were discovered in the area. Those who want to understand the mystery of the reservoir can begin at the Water Resource Eco-education Center. The family oriented center has information on water resource conservation, reservoir ecology, and reservoir construction. Feitsui Reservoir 翡翠水庫 E1_382000000A_012313
2013/01/16 01:00:00 Pinggxi Township 12 24.91571 121.67393 382000000A 09:30∼17:00 (Every Monday sabbatical) 226 No. 117 Jingtong Road, Pingxi Township, Taipei County 886-2-24951510 The former domicile for railway workers located next to JingtongStation has been refurbished in to the Jingtong Mine Museum. The simple exterior features wooden windows and it's walls appear occupied bysome vines and yet there is a kind of artful atmosphere about the building. Representative aspects of Pingxi life are shown within. The former domicile for railway workers located next to JingtongStation has been refurbished in to the Jingtong Mine Museum. The simple exterior features wooden windows and it's walls appear occupied bysome vines and yet there is a kind of artful atmosphere about the building. Representative aspects of Pingxi life are shown within. The sky lantern festival, the coal mine, railways and the local falls and caves are described with the occasional arts or crafts exhibition for good measure. Jingtong Mine Museum 菁桐礦業生活館 E1_382000000A_011984
2013/01/16 01:00:00 三峽 01 24.93461 121.36922 382000000A Guided tour 9:00-17:00, Weekdays (Closed on Mondays). 10:00-17:00 Holidays. *Take the MRT Bannan Line and get off at Yongning Station. Take 916 bus to this area. You can also take the Zhonghe Line , get off at Jingan Station and take Bus 908 to get here.  237 18, Zhongshan Road, Sanxia District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Dubbed as the most beautiful government building in Taiwan, The museum was built in 1929 and used as the Sanxia Township office during Japanese rule. Now this building, the only Japanese government office in Sanxia, has been transformed into a museum displaying old documents and antiques that record the history of Sanxia’s industries, the Qingshui Zushi Temple and the Old Street. Dubbed as the most beautiful government building in Taiwan, The museum was built in 1929 and used as the Sanxia Township office during Japanese rule. Now this building, the only Japanese government office in Sanxia, has been transformed into a museum displaying old documents and antiques that record the history of Sanxia’s industries, the Qingshui Zushi Temple and the Old Street. Sanxia Dye House, which is next to the museum and very close to park, provides courses, DIY sessions, and products of blue dye work. Even a short visit can make you feel the charm of this typical traditional skill of Sanxia. The only fee that is charged is for learning dyeing. Jinxingju, the traditional residence next to the park, has the typical characteristics of historic houses in Southern China, including one dragon structure, clay sculptures and colored pattern on the roof ridge and tiles with green glaze at the front side. Peripheral Area of Sanxia History Museum 三峽歷史文物館 E1_382000000A_011842
2013/01/16 01:00:00 瑞芳,博物館 01 25.10834 121.85625 382000000A 9:30-17:00 on weekdays and 9:30-18:00 on weekends 224 8, Jinguang Rd, Ruifang Disttrict, New Taipei City 886-2-24962800 The Gold Ecological Park is located in the mountainous town of Jinguashi in Ruifang Township, Taipei County. With plenty of historical, humanities and natural heritage, the park is the first ecology museum in Taiwan. It lays special emphasis on heritage preservation, sustainable development, old buildings reuse as well as localized operations aimed at promoting regional development. The Gold Ecological Park is located in the mountainous town of Jinguashi in Ruifang Township, Taipei County. With plenty of historical, humanities and natural heritage, the park is the first ecology museum in Taiwan. It lays special emphasis on heritage preservation, sustainable development, old buildings reuse as well as localized operations aimed at promoting regional development. In addition to enjoying the unique geological and natural sights here, visitors of the park will have better understanding of the mining history and community culture of Jinguashi. Jinguashih is ready to create a fresh golden legend with the participation of local residents who together will forge the glamour of this land.source: Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportasion and Communication*NT100 for gold panning tour; Benshan Fifth Tunnel Adults NT50(the first Monday of each month is an official holiday) Gold Ecological Park 金瓜石黃金博物館 E1_382000000A_011460
2013/01/16 01:00:00 大尖山風景區,汐止 11 25.06666 121.66666 382000000A None Take a community bus to Dajian Mountain. 221 Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 221, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 The 460-meter-high Dajian Mountain is often considered the back garden of Xizhi. As the seasons change so does Dajian, with cherry blossoms in the beginning of spring, fireflies lighting the skies in summer, and maple leafs coloring the mountain red at the end of fall. The 460-meter-high Dajian Mountain is often considered the back garden of Xizhi. As the seasons change so does Dajian, with cherry blossoms in the beginning of spring, fireflies lighting the skies in summer, and maple leafs coloring the mountain red at the end of fall. Surrounding Dajian are many waterfalls, with two of the best being Chiedong and Hsiufeng, and you can climb the mountain itself by taking the stone-stair paths by either the Tianhsiu Temple or the Tiandao Buddhist centermonastery. When you reach the top the view of the Taipei Basin and the peaks in the surrounding mountain range is incredible. The color shades vary from light to dark as if someone splashed ink across the mountain canvas. In the evening, there is also excellent nighttime scenery with thousands of lights lit up, and the peak is a great vantage point to see Taipei 101 during its New Year’s Eve fireworks show. Scenic zones in Dajian Mountain 大尖山風景區 E1_382000000A_012057
2013/01/16 01:00:00 捷運,板南線,捷運永寧站,土城 11 24.95171 121.44601 382000000A 6:00-17:00 *Take the MRT Bannan Line and get off at Yongning Station. Walk in the direction of Chengtien Road and you will get the temple. * Take National Freeway No. 3 and exit at Tucheng In 236 96, Chentien Road, Tucheng District, New Taipei City 886-2-22671789 The Chengtien Temple is a sacred Buddhist site and a tung flower scenic spot. Although this place becomes a tourist attraction because of the tung blossoms outside the temple, people usually come here with an extra dose of religious piety and respect. Located in the mountain, the large temple with green tiles and a white wall is a famous religious site for Buddhists in Northern Taiwan. The Chengtien Temple is a sacred Buddhist site and a tung flower scenic spot. Although this place becomes a tourist attraction because of the tung blossoms outside the temple, people usually come here with an extra dose of religious piety and respect. Located in the mountain, the large temple with green tiles and a white wall is a famous religious site for Buddhists in Northern Taiwan. It takes about 30 minutes to walk up here from the Tung Flower Park. Sometimes you can feel a Buddhist disciple's respect for this sacred site when you see them doing respectful bows on the serene trail. When you arrive at the temple, you can visit the majestic shrine and enjoy a panoramic view of the Danshui River Basin, which will help you forget all the troubles in a secular life. Chengtien Temple 承天禪寺 E1_382000000A_011820
2013/01/16 01:00:00 貢寮,三貂角燈塔 11 25.01666 121.89999 382000000A Tuesday to Sunday 9:00-16:00 *Take the shuttle bus from Taipei Station towards the direction of Yilan, or Luodong, or Suao. Get off at Sandiao Cape. *Take the National Highway No. 1 and connect to Highway No. 228 38 Magang Street, Fulian Village, Gongliao District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Sandiao Cape is located at the most eastern spot of Taiwan. When the Spanish explored this place, they named it as “San Diego”. Since the local people did not understand the language so they borrowed the pronunciations and call it in Taiwanese as “Sandiaojiao”, until now. There is a lighthouse stands on the top of the Sandiao Cape. Sandiao Cape is located at the most eastern spot of Taiwan. When the Spanish explored this place, they named it as “San Diego”. Since the local people did not understand the language so they borrowed the pronunciations and call it in Taiwanese as “Sandiaojiao”, until now. There is a lighthouse stands on the top of the Sandiao Cape. It is 16.5 meters tall and is the only lighthouse that opens to the public in northern Taiwan. The lighthouse related equipment and information is on display inside so next time when you pass by, do not miss it! Sandiao Cape Lighthouse 三貂角燈塔 E1_382000000A_011566
2013/01/16 01:00:00 白雲古道,汐止 11 24.91571 121.67393 382000000A no Ride from Taipei Main Train Station to Xizhi Train Station. Transfer to Xizhi Bus Shueiyuan Line. Ride to Shueiyuanju bus stop. Baiyun Ancient Way mouth is visible from there. Driv 221 Along No. 424, Shueiyuan Road Section 2, Xizhi City,Taipei County 886-2-29603456 Th 13 mountain districts of Xizhi has been a called White Clouds (Baiyun) by the locals since most of the year the peaks are misty. Baiyun Ancient Way is a popular destination for residents of Xizhi because of the well-marked hiking trails on Shueiyuan Road andits accessibility. Th 13 mountain districts of Xizhi has been a called White Clouds (Baiyun) by the locals since most of the year the peaks are misty. Baiyun Ancient Way is a popular destination for residents of Xizhi because of the well-marked hiking trails on Shueiyuan Road andits accessibility. On the road hikers can see the famous Baiyun Shrine with superior habitat and monuments along the way, making this the entry-point to further exploration of Xizhi's ancient pathways. Baiyun Ancient Way 白雲古道 E1_382000000A_012005
2013/01/16 01:00:00 板橋 12 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A none 220 Around Chongqing Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 From Exit 1 or 2 of the metro’s Fuzhong Station, pass across Xianmin Blvd. and you reach the Banqiao “Hot Zone,” known as New Taipei City’s Ximending. The main artery through the zone is Chongqing Road, and it extends to Zhongshan Road Section 1, Guanqian East Road, and Gongyuan Road. From Exit 1 or 2 of the metro’s Fuzhong Station, pass across Xianmin Blvd. and you reach the Banqiao “Hot Zone,” known as New Taipei City’s Ximending. The main artery through the zone is Chongqing Road, and it extends to Zhongshan Road Section 1, Guanqian East Road, and Gongyuan Road. Older residents of Banqiao know the area as the Houzhan Shopping Center, but when the Banqiao Train Station was moved, it began transforming from a bustling shopping center into an outdoor performance square. On weekends and holidays students pack the streets to practice dance, adding new vitality to the old district. Meanwhile at the heart of the “Hot Zone” there are stylish clothing shops, electronics stores, and a wide variety of restaurants. Hidden in the lanes and alleys are also many food stands and stalls selling traditional Taiwanese snacks. Whether you are looking for food or other items, the zone offers inexpensive, quality choices that are especially appealing to students. The “Hot Zone” 板橋非常熱區 E1_382000000A_012298
2013/01/16 01:00:00 平溪 11 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A no 226 12,Zhonghua St.,Pingxili, Pingxi District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Pingxi used to be a town that relied on the mining industry. With the decline of the industry, the abandoned mines, railway, and old houses became an asset to Pingxi’s tourism development. The most popular folk activity is the “Sky Lantern Festival”. Every year the festival attracts thousands of people to join the event and is as famous as the Firework Festival in Tainan. Pingxi used to be a town that relied on the mining industry. With the decline of the industry, the abandoned mines, railway, and old houses became an asset to Pingxi’s tourism development. The most popular folk activity is the “Sky Lantern Festival”. Every year the festival attracts thousands of people to join the event and is as famous as the Firework Festival in Tainan. An activity like this definitely makes Pingxi all the more special. Pingxi 平溪 E1_382000000A_011601
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鐵道,平溪鐵道遊,鐵道菁桐站,平溪 01 25.02337 121.72674 382000000A 09:30 – 17:00 (Closed Monday) 226 117 Jingtong Street, Jingtong Village, Pingxi District, New Taipei City 886-2-24952749 The Jingtong Mining Industry Life Pavilion was originally a for the Taiway Railway employees. until it was renovated quite extensively. Inside, there is an exhibition of Jingtong’s mining development. There are free guided tours where visitors can ask questions and get answers right away, making it an interactive experience. The Jingtong Mining Industry Life Pavilion was originally a for the Taiway Railway employees. until it was renovated quite extensively. Inside, there is an exhibition of Jingtong’s mining development. There are free guided tours where visitors can ask questions and get answers right away, making it an interactive experience. In the pavilion, there are also cultural items for sale, coffee shops, and a square. Jingtong Mining Industry Life Pavilion 菁桐礦業生活館 E1_382000000A_011610
2013/01/16 01:00:00 新莊 02 31.90955 120.26591 382000000A none 242 At the intersection of Shoushan and Zhongshan roads 886-2-29603456 At the intersection of Shoushan and Zhongshan roads is Mudanxin Ecological Park, Xinzhuang’s only natural park that is a conservation zone. Also known as Xinzhuang Youth Park, its walking paths spread in all directions and include three main hiking trails. Among those the easiest to hike is the Linyin Trail because it only has a slight incline and is in the best condition. At the intersection of Shoushan and Zhongshan roads is Mudanxin Ecological Park, Xinzhuang’s only natural park that is a conservation zone. Also known as Xinzhuang Youth Park, its walking paths spread in all directions and include three main hiking trails. Among those the easiest to hike is the Linyin Trail because it only has a slight incline and is in the best condition. It is the favorite route among families and has many sights, including thick forest and signs to introduce the park’s plants and animals. Each season walking the trail is a different experience, with Indian azaleas in the spring, butterfly watching in the summer, and silver grass during the winter and fall. For hikers who want more exercise at the end of the trail is a square that has plenty of exercise equipment and a playground. It is a great place for families to come and enjoy the great outdoors. Xinzhuang Mudanxin Ecological Park 新莊牡丹心生態公園 E1_382000000A_012357
2013/01/16 01:00:00 福安居,深坑 14 24.99917 121.61759 382000000A None 222 No 31. Sec 2, Wénshān Rd, Shenkeng District ,New Taipei City, Taiwan 222 886-2-29603456 Fu-an Residence, also known as Tujiaocu, is an architect unique to Shenkeng. Warm in the winter and cool in the summer, this structure is known for its countryside fragrance . Tujiaocu refers to the square-shaped bricks made of clay, soil and cow manure mixed with paddy rice husks and stems. Fu-an Residence, also known as Tujiaocu, is an architect unique to Shenkeng. Warm in the winter and cool in the summer, this structure is known for its countryside fragrance . Tujiaocu refers to the square-shaped bricks made of clay, soil and cow manure mixed with paddy rice husks and stems. These dried bricks are as tough as red-tile bricks but they offer even better ventilation and drainage. There are still residents living in Fu-an Residence so visitors can only view the exterior. Fu-an Residence 福安居 E1_382000000A_012067
2013/01/16 01:00:00 陽明山大屯自然景觀公園,三芝 11 25.23666 121.52527 382000000A No 252 Sanzhi Dist., New Taipei City 252, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Datun Natural Scenic Park is located on Baikala Highway (County Highway No. 101A) between Datun Mt. and Caigongkeng Mt., covering over 50 hectares. In the park are footpaths for people to appreciate the nature or stroll along. There is also a pond with many fish, turtles, and wild ducks. Children love this place of abundant ecology, and couples come here for wedding photographs. Datun Natural Scenic Park is located on Baikala Highway (County Highway No. 101A) between Datun Mt. and Caigongkeng Mt., covering over 50 hectares. In the park are footpaths for people to appreciate the nature or stroll along. There is also a pond with many fish, turtles, and wild ducks. Children love this place of abundant ecology, and couples come here for wedding photographs. Yangmingshan Datun Natural Scenic Park 陽明山大屯自然景觀公園 E1_382000000A_012039
2013/01/16 01:00:00 土城 01 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A 9:00-17:30 *Take the MRT Bannan Line and get off at Yongning Station. Get out of the station at exit 3. Tale BL43 bus at the Yazhou Road or Nougat Museum bus stops. *Take National Freeway 236 31-2, Zichiang Street, Tucheng District, New Taipei City 886-2-22687222 Nougat is a popular traditional candy whose origin can be traced to the Ming Dynasty over 500 years ago. In recent years, nougat has been reinvented to include new as well as traditional flavors. Sales of the candy have remained strong. Nougat is a popular traditional candy whose origin can be traced to the Ming Dynasty over 500 years ago. In recent years, nougat has been reinvented to include new as well as traditional flavors. Sales of the candy have remained strong. Hey-Song Corporation, a well-known producer of nougat, established the museum to commemorate the company’s early venture in the business and to bring back people’s memory and attention to the traditional culture. You can make nougat candies by yourself with the ingredients provided by the museum, which also features the traditional ways of life of the previous generations in the early decades. This is an ideal destination for a family tour to create sweet and lasting memory.* DIY fee: NTD$150 (nougat or pineapple cake) Taiwan Nougat Museum 大黑松小倆口牛軋糖博物館 E1_382000000A_011822
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鶯歌 05 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A 11:00-18:00 Monday. 10:00-18:00 from Tuesday to Sunday *Take the Taiwan Railway and get off at Yingge Station. It is within walking distance.  *Take National Freeway No. 1 and proceed to National Freeway No.2 t exit at Danan Interchan 239 81, Jianshanpu Road, Yingge District,New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 The museum epitomizes a four-generation family business in ceramic arts over the last 85 years. When you enter the museum, you are greeted by the firelight of flames over 1000 Celsius degrees in the Hsinwang kiln. The museum has a display of precious antique ceramic production devices. The museum epitomizes a four-generation family business in ceramic arts over the last 85 years. When you enter the museum, you are greeted by the firelight of flames over 1000 Celsius degrees in the Hsinwang kiln. The museum has a display of precious antique ceramic production devices. If you have enough time, you can attend pottery DIY class to experience the whole process of pottery making, including throwing, glazing and coloring. The most amazing souvenir here is a cup with a picture of a beautiful butterfly because it changes color when the water temperature changes.* NT$50 per person for guided tour Hsinwang Shu Ceramics Memorial Museum 許新旺陶瓷紀念博物館 E1_382000000A_011832
2013/01/16 01:00:00 櫻花水車園區 ,三芝 11 25.23666 121.52527 382000000A No 252 Sanzhi Dist., New Taipei City 252, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 The park is located near Putou Bridge beside Balian River. The waterwheels in the park are designed in cherry blossom shape, which are unique and special. In the park are pavilions, footpaths, and arch bridges. The park is refreshing and quiet without the bustling hassles of the city. This is an excellent place for people to rest and appreciate the scenery. The park is located near Putou Bridge beside Balian River. The waterwheels in the park are designed in cherry blossom shape, which are unique and special. In the park are pavilions, footpaths, and arch bridges. The park is refreshing and quiet without the bustling hassles of the city. This is an excellent place for people to rest and appreciate the scenery. Cherry Blossom Waterwheel Park 櫻花水車園區 E1_382000000A_012038
2014/07/04 14:15:08 北海岸及觀音山國家風景區,石門 11 25.26861 121.57138 382000000A None 253 Shimen District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 253 886-2-29603456 Rocky and unforgiving in several places, Taiwan's North Coast also boasts fine sandy beaches and stunning vistas. Inland, typically it is rugged and precipitously steep, but there are also hot springs, rushing rivers, and several waterfalls. Unfriendly to farmers and often hazardous to seafarers, this landscape is certainly dramatic - and, for that reason, very attractive to tourists. Rocky and unforgiving in several places, Taiwan's North Coast also boasts fine sandy beaches and stunning vistas. Inland, typically it is rugged and precipitously steep, but there are also hot springs, rushing rivers, and several waterfalls. Unfriendly to farmers and often hazardous to seafarers, this landscape is certainly dramatic - and, for that reason, very attractive to tourists.The North Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area encompasses two separate sections of North Taiwan's Taipei County. The larger part consists of the seashore, part of the ocean, and a strip of land either side of Fugui Cape, Taiwan's northernmost point. The smaller part of the Scenic Area is centered on the 616-meter-high mountain called Guanyinshan.Whether you're seeking a bleak, deserted strip of shore, the sun beating down on a sandy beach, or history, culture and good food, you'll find it in the North Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area.source: Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportasion and Communication North Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area 北海岸及觀音山國家風景區 E1_382000000A_011489
2013/01/16 01:00:00 坪林,坪林親水吊橋 11 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A no *Take the MRT Xindian Line and get off at Xindian Station. Transfer to Xindian Bus Green No.12 or Bus No.923 and get off at Pinglin Station. *Take Freeway No.3 then connect to Free 232 Pinglin New Bridge, Pinglin Dist., New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 At the end of the Pinglin Xingxiang Commercial Circle and down the stairway next to the gas station is the entrance of the Pinglin Drawbridge, or the best location to view schools of fish swimming in the river, an uneasy achievement from the district’s river ecological restoration project. Many visitors would throw fish feeds or toast crumbs down the bridge to feed the fish. At the end of the Pinglin Xingxiang Commercial Circle and down the stairway next to the gas station is the entrance of the Pinglin Drawbridge, or the best location to view schools of fish swimming in the river, an uneasy achievement from the district’s river ecological restoration project. Many visitors would throw fish feeds or toast crumbs down the bridge to feed the fish. Though feeding is not prohibited, visitors should not throw garbage into the river to cause water damage and possibly hurt the fish. Pinglin DrawBridge 坪林親水吊橋 E1_382000000A_011665
2013/01/16 01:00:00 烏來 11 24.85569 121.56656 382000000A no *Take the MRT Xindian Line and get off at Xindian Station. Take the Xindian bus (Taipei-Wulai) line and get off at Wulai Station. Walk to Wuyu Checkpoint for a wilderness permit.  233 Xiaoyi Village, Wulai District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 In the old days, the trail was the path Atayal tribesmen took for hunting activities in the mountain. Now the 13-kilometer-long trail connecting Wulai District and Yilan County is a popular hiking route. Hikers who do not make transportation arrangements can turn around midway. Cycling on the Tonghou Forest road is also a pretty good choice for enjoying the relaxing environment. In the old days, the trail was the path Atayal tribesmen took for hunting activities in the mountain. Now the 13-kilometer-long trail connecting Wulai District and Yilan County is a popular hiking route. Hikers who do not make transportation arrangements can turn around midway. Cycling on the Tonghou Forest road is also a pretty good choice for enjoying the relaxing environment. You can also try the smooth Jiajiuliao Trail, which was where old rails of rail carts were built. Visitors do not have to worry about suntan because large trees provide shade along the trail. The end of this trail is the border between Nanshi River and Jiajiuliao River where huge rocks on the river valley give you the feeling of wilderness. Tonghouyueling Trail 桶後越嶺古道 E1_382000000A_011707
2013/01/16 01:00:00 金山,獅頭山公園 11 25.22416 121.64493 382000000A no *Take the MRT Tamsui Line and exit Tamsui station. Transfer to any  bus going to Shimen direction. Get off at “Post Office”.  *Take the National Highway No. 1 and exit Taipei excha 208 Gongyuan Road, Jinshan District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Shitou Mountain is located on Jinshan North Coast, it was originally a military zone and restricted to the general public, thus there is no pollution and its original environment and flawless coastal landscape have been preserved. Shitou Mountain Park has lookout pavilions setup everywhere. Shitou Mountain is located on Jinshan North Coast, it was originally a military zone and restricted to the general public, thus there is no pollution and its original environment and flawless coastal landscape have been preserved. Shitou Mountain Park has lookout pavilions setup everywhere. To the east, you can see the Yeliu Cape; to the west, you can see the Kuanggang Fish Harbor and Zhongjiao Cape. Follow the trail up north, a traditional red pavilion is the best spot to see Jinshan’s landmark “Twin Candles Isle”. Within the park, you can enjoy a different vista and its ecological environment. It is a great place for an outing. Shitou Mountain Park 獅頭山公園 E1_382000000A_011555
2013/01/16 01:00:00 新莊體育館,新莊 12 25.04011 121.45236 382000000A None 242 No. 75, Section 1, Zhonghua Rd, Sinjhuang Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan 242 886-2-29603456 Xinzhuang stadium is also called Xinzhuang Arena. Some aciviies, like carnivals, will be held occasionally in this area. Sports games and concerts were held here as well. This stadium is a large sports zone which includes ground track field, baseball field, gymnasium and big park greenbelt, sports area and game area for children. This is an excellent place for your picnic with children. Xinzhuang stadium is also called Xinzhuang Arena. Some aciviies, like carnivals, will be held occasionally in this area. Sports games and concerts were held here as well. This stadium is a large sports zone which includes ground track field, baseball field, gymnasium and big park greenbelt, sports area and game area for children. This is an excellent place for your picnic with children. Xinzhuang Stadium 新莊體育館 E1_382000000A_012080
2013/01/16 01:00:00 坪林,坪林茶業博物館 14 24.92444 121.72666 382000000A None 232 Pinglin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 232 886-2-29603456 The Pinglin Tea Museum is one of the area’s newest and best landmarks. When approaching the tea museum the first thing you notice is its Fujian-style architecture, with a large circular courtyard along with long halls and round doors. In many ways, it seems like a small version of the mountain streams that are common south of the Changjiang River. The Pinglin Tea Museum is one of the area’s newest and best landmarks. When approaching the tea museum the first thing you notice is its Fujian-style architecture, with a large circular courtyard along with long halls and round doors. In many ways, it seems like a small version of the mountain streams that are common south of the Changjiang River. The main purpose of the museum is to give visitors a chance to learn more about the tea industry by understanding its history through tea fields visits and an exhibition area. The knowledge they gain adds substance to subsequent tea culture experiences they partake on their visit to Pinglin. On the second floor is a “plant clinic” that provides local tea growers with accurate knowledge about growing techniques. Outside the courtyard gives visitors a traditional southern Chinese setting where they can go for a stroll, admire the carp pool and manmade waterfall, or sip tea in the pavilion. Behind the museum there is also an ecological park which features a tea flower forest and Taiwan’s only Matsu statue built in a tea-growing area. Many locals come here to pray and ask for good fortune. Pinglin Tea Museum 坪林茶業博物館 E1_382000000A_011457
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鶯歌 05 24.94851 121.34185 382000000A Weekdays 13:00~17:00, Holidays 11:00~19:00 239 No. 6, Lane 55, Jianshanbu Road, Yingge District, New Taipei City 886-2-26772709 On a trip to Yingge besides being able to try pottery kneading and throwing, children can take mosaic and pastiche classes where they can easily make household objects like picture frames or penholders. One of the best places to try these DIY activities is on the ceramics old street at a place called Taoqu House Workshop. On a trip to Yingge besides being able to try pottery kneading and throwing, children can take mosaic and pastiche classes where they can easily make household objects like picture frames or penholders. One of the best places to try these DIY activities is on the ceramics old street at a place called Taoqu House Workshop. Caring teachers provide guidance to a wide range of people, from families to couples, who can produce colorful mosaics, pastiches, and other souvenirs in just half an hour! DIY Mosaics: Taoqu House DIY Workshop 陶趣家馬賽克拼貼DIY工坊 E1_382000000A_012343
2013/01/16 01:00:00 坪林,九芎根親水公園 11 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A no *Take the MRT Xindian Line and get off at Xindian Station. Transfer to Xindian Bus Green No.12 or Bus No.923 and get off at Pinglin Station. Walk to Jingualiao Industrial Road and 232 Shuiliujiao Rd., Pinglin Dist., New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 The Jiuqun Water Park is located at the end of the Fish Observation Bicycle Trail on Jingualiao Industrial Road. Next to the sign of the Pinglin District Office, a conspicuous boulder and the toilet, the entrance is very easy to find. The Jiuqun Water Park is located at the end of the Fish Observation Bicycle Trail on Jingualiao Industrial Road. Next to the sign of the Pinglin District Office, a conspicuous boulder and the toilet, the entrance is very easy to find. The water in the park comes from Jingualiao River through a flume, and other recreational facilities such as trails, pagodas and ponds are also available inside the park. With an eco-friendly environment and clean water, fireflies start coming out in the summer, making the kids excited by the flickering light. Jiuqun Water Park 九芎根親水公園 E1_382000000A_011679
2014/09/03 11:59:11 平溪 01 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A NO 226 Shidi Street, Pingxi District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Pingxi has many rich coal mines; therefore, it was a primary target for air raids during World War II. In order to seek safety during air strikes, the oft-frightened residents dug five caves next to Guanyin Rock to build a community war shelter that can hold hundreds of people. The shelter is now obsolete and inadvertently becomes a tourist attraction. Pingxi has many rich coal mines; therefore, it was a primary target for air raids during World War II. In order to seek safety during air strikes, the oft-frightened residents dug five caves next to Guanyin Rock to build a community war shelter that can hold hundreds of people. The shelter is now obsolete and inadvertently becomes a tourist attraction. If you visit Pingxi, why not go inside the cave shelter and experience how it used to be during air raids? Pingxi Air Raid Shelter 平溪防空洞 E1_382000000A_011605
2013/01/16 01:00:00 Pingxi Township 12 24.91571 121.67393 382000000A no 226 Shihfen Street, Pingxi Township, Taipei County 886-2-24951510 Shihfen Station is the largest train stop in Pingxi. Trains going both ways stop here and here one can see conductors exchanging credentials-a throwback to a more bureaucratic age dur ing Japanese occupation that's worth a contemplative glance. There are two picturesque sites at Shihfen: where the train crosses the street and where it runs parallel to the street. Shihfen Station is the largest train stop in Pingxi. Trains going both ways stop here and here one can see conductors exchanging credentials-a throwback to a more bureaucratic age dur ing Japanese occupation that's worth a contemplative glance. There are two picturesque sites at Shihfen: where the train crosses the street and where it runs parallel to the street. Villagers here are accustomed to waiting for the train to pass and then carrying on once it's gone. Shihfen Old Street 十分老街 E1_382000000A_011989
2013/01/16 01:00:00 金山,朱銘美術館 http://www.juming.org.tw/ 05 43.12799 -77.66611 382000000A None *Ta ke s h u t tl e buses from Guoguang, or Huangke, or Keelung, or Tamsui all the way to Jinshan. At the Jinshan Dist. Art and Senior Center right next to Jinshan Dist. Offi 208 No.2, Xishihu, Jinshan Dist., New Taipei City 208, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-24989940 Born in Tongsiao, Miaoli in 1938, Juming a.k.a. Chu Chuan Taiis an art master in Taiwan. Juming Museum is surrounded by lush forests, ample space and infinite view. Next to Jinshan, Juming Museum is the largest outdoor art museum in Taiwan.The spacious museum presents Jumings creative works from 1987 to 1999. Master Juming himself participated in locating, designing and constructing this museum. Born in Tongsiao, Miaoli in 1938, Juming a.k.a. Chu Chuan Taiis an art master in Taiwan. Juming Museum is surrounded by lush forests, ample space and infinite view. Next to Jinshan, Juming Museum is the largest outdoor art museum in Taiwan.The spacious museum presents Jumings creative works from 1987 to 1999. Master Juming himself participated in locating, designing and constructing this museum. After being exhibited in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris and Luxembourg, Jumings works have been shipped back to Taiwan and are presented in this outdoor museum.With 50 years of extensive experience from at home and abroad, art master Juming places his creations in Juming Museum, which is a place worth visiting for art lovers.Painting exhibits include oil paintings, Chinese ink paintings, multimedia works, etc. Sculptures and pottery works are also exhibited in the galleries. Taichi Square is with 3 lawns, Taichi Square is bright in green, with more than 30 pieces of Taichi works exhibited on the lawns. This is actually why the square is named TaichiLiving Presented on the Living World Square, of course, are the Living World art works made mainly of bronze and stone. 2 major works on the square are entlemanand spects of Living World.*Adult Ticket: NTD$250,Dis count Ticket : NTD$220 source: Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportasion and Communication Juming Museum 朱銘美術館 E1_382000000A_011462
2013/01/16 01:00:00 烏來 11 24.88361 121.52388 382000000A none 233 Hsinhsien Vvillage, Wulai District, New Taipei City 886-2-26617358 The Neidong National Forest Recreation Area is a 1,000-hectare park situated in Hsinhsien village, a neighborhood inof New Taipei City’s Wulai District. It is a national level ecological park, which locals affectionately refer to as Doll Valley, and it is most famous for the Neidong Waterfall (Hsinhsien Waterfall). The Neidong National Forest Recreation Area is a 1,000-hectare park situated in Hsinhsien village, a neighborhood inof New Taipei City’s Wulai District. It is a national level ecological park, which locals affectionately refer to as Doll Valley, and it is most famous for the Neidong Waterfall (Hsinhsien Waterfall). The waterfall consists of three levels spread out like a white cloth pulled downward into the valley, with Japanese cedars forests enclosing it from the left and right. The cedars make the air rich in negative ions, boosting the health benefits of hikers and other visitors. In addition, the area is a virtual nature classroom, with an abundant variety of plant and animal life. Some to be on the lookout for include Formosan whistling thrushes and Formosan blue magpies, plus the park is considered one of Taiwan’s best places to go frog watching. Neidong National Forest Recreation Area 內洞森林遊樂區 E1_382000000A_012224
2014/06/26 12:01:18 瑞芳 01 25.11666 121.79999 382000000A no 224 Ruifang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 224 886-2-29603456 If you do not know the taboos and rules of entering the mine tunnel, you have to visit this attraction. In the past, workers had to take a safty oath and wear a helmet before they enter the mine tunnel due to the serious threat of collapse. During the Japanese colonial rule, the anuses of mine workers were examined upon their exit of the tunnel to prevent gold theft. If you do not know the taboos and rules of entering the mine tunnel, you have to visit this attraction. In the past, workers had to take a safty oath and wear a helmet before they enter the mine tunnel due to the serious threat of collapse. During the Japanese colonial rule, the anuses of mine workers were examined upon their exit of the tunnel to prevent gold theft. Now visitors can experience the underground work conditions of mine workers in this tunnel, without the anus check of course! Benshan Fifth Tunnel 本山五坑坑道 E1_382000000A_011579
2013/01/16 01:00:00 粗石斛吊橋,坪林 11 24.92076 121.74234 382000000A None 232 Cushihu, Pinglin Dist., New Taipei City 232, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 The Cushigu Suspension Bridge can be found ater you walk toward uguang, pass the Huliao Pond, turn let, and then walk for another kilometer. The Cushigu Suspension Bridge slightly sways in the wind, and it is beauiful with the reflecions on the water. The clear water and the swimming schools of fish can calm the troubled minds. The Cushigu Suspension Bridge can be found ater you walk toward uguang, pass the Huliao Pond, turn let, and then walk for another kilometer. The Cushigu Suspension Bridge slightly sways in the wind, and it is beauiful with the reflecions on the water. The clear water and the swimming schools of fish can calm the troubled minds. Along with Huliao Pond and Shuiliujiao Water-Friendly Suspension Bridge, it is considered one of the three most representaive new-style suspension bridges in Pinglin, and tourists love taking pictures at these places. Cushigu Suspension Bridge 粗石斛吊橋 E1_382000000A_012062
2013/01/16 01:00:00 雙溪,柑林國小 01 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A NO *Take the Huatung Line of Taiwan Rail to Shuangxi Station. Transfer to Kuokuang Motor Bus and get off at Changyuan Borough. *Take Freeway No.1 and switch to Freeway No.5 towards Yi 227 3, Ganjiao, Shuangxi Dist., New Taipei City 886-2-24931624 Ganlin Elementary School was once an unknown school with only two dozen students. However, because the school’s name carries a funny assonance to a common but harless profanity word used by young people in Taiwan, the school has become a hot topic on the internet and a fixed destination for cyclists and motorists coming to the area. Such a way of bringing in tourism is certainly unexpected. Ganlin Elementary School was once an unknown school with only two dozen students. However, because the school’s name carries a funny assonance to a common but harless profanity word used by young people in Taiwan, the school has become a hot topic on the internet and a fixed destination for cyclists and motorists coming to the area. Such a way of bringing in tourism is certainly unexpected. Ganlin Elementary School 柑林國小 E1_382000000A_011628
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鐵道,平溪鐵道遊,鐵道十分站,平溪 11 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A NO 226 136,Nanshanping,Nanshan Village,Shifenli, Pingxi District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Yen Jing Dong Waterfall is located 200 meters upstream of Shifen Waterfall. There is a high-rise iron bridge close the Pingxi Branch Line railway, where you can see the entire vista of the waterfall. Different from the Shifen Waterfall, Yen Jing Dong Waterfall is a “hanging valley” waterfall. Yen Jing Dong Waterfall is located 200 meters upstream of Shifen Waterfall. There is a high-rise iron bridge close the Pingxi Branch Line railway, where you can see the entire vista of the waterfall. Different from the Shifen Waterfall, Yen Jing Dong Waterfall is a “hanging valley” waterfall. The river eroded the sides of the fall creating a concave path for the water to fall. Looking from afar, it looks like a pair of glasses. Yen Jing Dong Waterfall 眼鏡洞瀑布 E1_382000000A_011594
2013/01/16 01:00:00 貢寮,舊草嶺隧道 11 24.69294 121.71954 382000000A 8:30-17:00 *Take the Northern Railway Line and get off at Fulong Station, then walk aslong the path. *Take the National Highway No. 1 and connect to Highway No. 62 at Badu  exchange. Exit at 228 Fulong, Gongliao District, New Taipei City all the way to Shicheng, Toucheng Town, Yilan County 886-2-29603456 A popular kid’s nursery rhyme was inspired by the Old Caoling Train Trunel. And it is also the first train tunnel to be converted to a bicycle trail in northern Taiwan. Although the tunnel is 2,166 meters long, the air inside is cool and fresh. The decoration of the retro oil lamps and the sound effect of the train makes bikers feel pretty much back to the old age. A popular kid’s nursery rhyme was inspired by the Old Caoling Train Trunel. And it is also the first train tunnel to be converted to a bicycle trail in northern Taiwan. Although the tunnel is 2,166 meters long, the air inside is cool and fresh. The decoration of the retro oil lamps and the sound effect of the train makes bikers feel pretty much back to the old age. It is fun to pass through the tunnel and follow the trail biking to the Fulong Beach. Old Caoling Train Tunnel 舊草嶺隧道 E1_382000000A_011565
2014/06/26 13:56:36 新莊青年公園,新莊 12 25.03583 121.41048 382000000A None 242 Shoushan Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan 242 886-2-29603456 Xinzhuang Youth Park is located on the Mudanxin Mountain, between Yakoukeng River and Shibafenkeng River. And this is why the Youth Park is also named as Mudanxin Eco-park. The park and hiking trails are built by following the shape of the hills, and the highest point is about 200 meters. Xinzhuang Youth Park is located on the Mudanxin Mountain, between Yakoukeng River and Shibafenkeng River. And this is why the Youth Park is also named as Mudanxin Eco-park. The park and hiking trails are built by following the shape of the hills, and the highest point is about 200 meters. There are more than 10 thousand wild and planted trees, which creates the view of flourishing flowers and grasses, among which buterflies, insects and birds inhabit abundantly. The hiking trails and paths extend in the park, and it is the only eco-park in Xinzhuang. Xinzhuang Youth Park 新莊青年公園 E1_382000000A_012078
2013/01/16 01:00:00 九份, 老街 14 25.60001 121.50001 382000000A Not provided 224 Jiufenjishan Street, Ruifang Town, Taipei County 886-2-29603456 There are four relatively well-renown streets in Jioufen among which includes Jishan Street, otherwise known as Dark Street. Rain or shine the street never sees the sun’s rays of light and it is usually packed with people, particularly on weekends and holidays. The other three streets also frequented by visitors are known as Cingbian Road, Ciche Road and Jianci Road. There are four relatively well-renown streets in Jiufen among which includes Jishan Street, otherwise known as Dark Street. Rain or shine the street never sees the sun’s rays of light and it is usually packed with people, particularly on weekends and holidays. The other three streets also frequented by visitors are known as Cingbian Road, Ciche Road and Jianci Road. It is recommended that tourists slow down, for on these ancient lanes and alleys, perhaps when least expected, a picture perfect moment shall be availed of the careful eye. Jiufen Old Street 九份老街 E1_382000000A_011619
2013/01/16 01:00:00 石碇淡蘭藝文館,石碇 05 24.59001 121.39001 382000000A Wednesday-Sunday 09:00-17:00 Ride the 666 Shinshin Bus Beiding Line to Shiding Township Hall Station. Alight the bus alternatively you can take Tamsui-Xindian MRT line to Jingmei Station or the Muzha Line to M 223 No. 87 Shiding East Street, Shiding Township, Taipei County 886-2-26631354 Shiding has been an impor tant center of production for a type of green tea styled by the Queen of England as Oriental Beauty since the 18th century. There also is a type of BaoZhong (Pouchong) tea. The two varieties have made it one of the three largest tea markets in Taiwan. During the Taiwan black gold rush, Shiding, Shiding served Taiwan as an important coal mining region. Shiding has been an impor tant center of production for a type of green tea styled by the Queen of England as Oriental Beauty since the 18th century. There also is a type of BaoZhong (Pouchong) tea. The two varieties have made it one of the three largest tea markets in Taiwan. During the Taiwan black gold rush, Shiding, Shiding served Taiwan as an important coal mining region. There is normally no cole here anymore, but there are plenty of remains. As a means to preserve this tourist historic resource, the locals have turned the original local government HQ into the Shiding Center for Orchid Arts. On F1 is a reception area introducing Shiding Township history, environs, et. al. 2F is a for exhibitions, 3F is for activities and meetings. The idea is that through arts and culture, we can preserve the local culture. Shiding Danlan Gallery 石碇淡蘭藝文館 E1_382000000A_012028
2013/01/16 01:00:00 Wanli-Jinshan 12 25.16761 121.63971 382000000A no Ride Tamsui Bus or Keelung Bus Company on the Tamsui-Keelung Line. Drive on Taiwan National Highway No. 3 to the Jinshan Interchange. Drive on Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 2 (Binh 207 Huanggang Rd.,Wanli Dist., New Taipei City 207, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Another seaside bicycle trail that can't be missed is the Wanli-Jinshan Bicycle Trail, that allows one to have a relaxing ride from Zhongjiao Beach all the way to Taiwan Nuclear Power Plant No. 2. Along the route are beaches, ocean vistas, and attractive fishing villages. The central point along the trail is is Jinshan Tourist Center. Another seaside bicycle trail that can't be missed is the Wanli-Jinshan Bicycle Trail, that allows one to have a relaxing ride from Zhongjiao Beach all the way to Taiwan Nuclear Power Plant No. 2. Along the route are beaches, ocean vistas, and attractive fishing villages. The central point along the trail is is Jinshan Tourist Center. South from there is breezy Guosheng Beach for flying kites, north is wavy Zhongjiao Beach for surfing and swimming.Beiguanchu Jinshan Tourist CenterNo. 2 Lane 171 Kuanggang Road,Jinshan Township, Taipei County02-2498-8980Jiouguotuan Jinshan Youth CenterNo. 1 Cingnian Road, JinshanTownship, Taipei County02-2498-1190 Wanli-Jinshan Bicycle Trail 萬里-金山自行車道 E1_382000000A_011977
2013/01/16 01:00:00 八里,博物館 14 25.90001 121.24001 382000000A May to October, Tuesday-Friday 09:00-18:00; Saturday & Sunday 09:30-19:00, 1.Ride the Red Line to Tamsui Station, the terminal station. Board the Tamsui Ferry for Bali Wharf then walk.  2.Drive on Taiwan National HIghway No. 1. Exit on Wugu Interchange 249 No. 200 Bowuguan Road, Bali Township, Taipei County 886-2-26191313 The Tamsui River bank was once an archeology site for excavators in search of pottery, iron implements and other evidence of the past. It had been named Shihsanhang dig and later the Shihsanhang Museum of Archeology was built on the site. There is declination as you approach the museum to reflect the sensation of going into a dig. The Tamsui River bank was once an archeology site for excavators in search of pottery, iron implements and other evidence of the past. It had been named Shihsanhang dig and later the Shihsanhang Museum of Archeology was built on the site. There is declination as you approach the museum to reflect the sensation of going into a dig. There are study rooms, an octagonal theater, something about preservation of the remains and a treasury exploring those remains. Shihsanhang Museum of Archeology 十三行博物館 E1_382000000A_011677
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鶯歌 05 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A The workshop is a private residence. To visit, first make an appointment by phone 239 No. 22, Lane Jiande 2, Zhongzheng First Road, Yingge District, New Taipei City 886-2-26791355 After a decade of work, the well-known Yingge ceramics artist Huang Cheng-Nnan developed a process that has shattered impressions of what ceramics can be. By combining the materials to make English bone china along with his other own ingredients, and figuring out just the right firing temperature, Huang managed to make the thinnest porcelain bowls in the world. After a decade of work, the well-known Yingge ceramics artist Huang Cheng-Nnan developed a process that has shattered impressions of what ceramics can be. By combining the materials to make English bone china along with his other own ingredients, and figuring out just the right firing temperature, Huang managed to make the thinnest porcelain bowls in the world. At a thickness of just a tenth a millimeter these bowls are highly flexible. If you blow slightly they move as if ready to dance, and they are so translucent that if you shine light on them, you can see the writings or pictures painted on the other side. Huang’s work has earned widespread acclaim! Huang Cheng-nan Eggshell Porcelain Workshop 黃正南薄胎瓷碗工作室 E1_382000000A_012340
2014/09/04 09:30:56 泰山 5 04 03 25.05373 121.42969 382000000A none 243 New Taipei City, Taishan District of Street No. 32 886-2-29603456 Built in 1754, the Upper Taishan Temple has the longest history of any temple in the district and is listed as a level three national monument. The last time it underwent major refurbishment was duringin the Japanese occupation period induring the first half of the 20th century, with work led by master craftsman Chen Ying-Ppin. Built in 1754, the Upper Taishan Temple has the longest history of any temple in the district and is listed as a level three national monument. The last time it underwent major refurbishment was duringin the Japanese occupation period induring the first half of the 20th century, with work led by master craftsman Chen Ying-Ppin. Chen gave the temple a two-wing pattern, with two-entryways and corridors, and the auspicious wood engravings, stone carvings, and paintings were all done meticulously, showing the beauty that can be achieved with traditional artisan techniques. Its main purpose is to honor the Buddhist master Xianying Zushi, and every year on September 18 it hosts celebrations for his birthday. Near the temple there is also the Citou Path, a famous ancient walkway that leads to Yixuekeng and Mingzhi Academy, letting visitors take in several of Taishan’s greatest landmarks on a single trip. Upper Taishan Temple 頂泰山巖 E1_382000000A_012352
2013/01/16 01:00:00 萬里,翡翠灣 11 25.18935 121.68312 382000000A no 207 Feicui Road, Wanli District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Feicui Bay is the most thoroughly planned recreation area in Northern Taiwan. Other than a beach, there’s windsurfing, surfing, jet skiing, parasailing, hang gliding, paragliding, boating, etc. It has any water sport you can think of, plus extreme sports in the sky. This is a must-go place for the summer. Camping lovers can also come here to enjoy the sound of the waves at night. Feicui Bay is the most thoroughly planned recreation area in Northern Taiwan. Other than a beach, there’s windsurfing, surfing, jet skiing, parasailing, hang gliding, paragliding, boating, etc. It has any water sport you can think of, plus extreme sports in the sky. This is a must-go place for the summer. Camping lovers can also come here to enjoy the sound of the waves at night. However, in the winter the northeast monsoon is relatively strong and it is not appropriate to use the facilities. Taking a walk along the dyke while enjoying the scenery can be quite relaxing. Feicui Bay 翡翠灣海水浴場 E1_382000000A_011557
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鐵道,東北角連線,鐵道貢寮站,貢寮,鹽寮海濱公園 11 25.01822 121.93601 382000000A None 228 XìngLóng St, Gongliao District, New Taipei, Taiwan 228 886-2-29603456 Yanliao is located in Gongliao Township, Taipei County. It has beautiful beach and traditional fishing village. In Guangxu year 21 (1895), the Japanese army entered Taiwan from Yanliao and began their 51 years of occupation. The Japanese set up a monument here to remember their victory and the monument was rebuilt after World War II. Yanliao is located in Gongliao Township, Taipei County. It has beautiful beach and traditional fishing village. In Guangxu year 21 (1895), the Japanese army entered Taiwan from Yanliao and began their 51 years of occupation. The Japanese set up a monument here to remember their victory and the monument was rebuilt after World War II. The beach here is not steep and the waves are gentle; thus, sand sculpture is famous on Yanliao Beach. The most famous commercial seafood here is clams. In addition, along the tour track, visitors can enjoy the natural beach plants.The monumental on the beach was set up by the Japanese. After World War II, it became the monumen in memory of Taiwanese resistance against the Japanese. Now, Yanliao Bathing Beach is frequented by surfers, swimmers, divers and sea lovers. There are scenery balcony, tour tracks, public restrooms, parking spaces, shower rooms, and simple food courts. It will connect with Fulong Bathing Beach so as to provide a more complete tourist service in the future.Yanliao Beach Park, at 80 hectares, is the largest recreational area on the Northeast Coast and has the most extensive facilities as well. Its golden-sand beach stretches 3 kilometers all the way to Fulong, making it the longest in Taiwan. This is the ideal spot for a diverse range of seaside activities includings swimming, fishing, sand sculpture, and beach volleyball. When the Japanese began their 50-year occupation of Taiwan in 1895, Yanliao was where they landed. A monument near the beach commemorates those brave souls who sacrificed their lives resisting the occupation. In the future, Yanliao will be linked with Fulong into a complete recreational system including lookout platforms, walkways, and bicycle paths so that visitor can have a wide range of leisure options in addition to swimming.source: Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportasion and Communication Yanliao Beach Park 鹽寮海濱公園 E1_382000000A_011479
2013/01/16 01:00:00 三峽,李梅樹 01 24.55501 122.22211 382000000A Make arrangement during weekdays, Weekends and Holidays 10:00-17:00 1.Ride Banqiao-Nangang (Banqiao-Nangang) Line and exit at Sinpu Station Exit No. 2, ride 910 to Ansi Elementary School. 2.Drive on Taiwan National Highway No. 3. Exit at Sanying In 237 No. 10 Lane 43 Zhonghua Road, Sanxia Town, Taipei County 886-2-26732333 The hall is not expanisve, yet it serves as a collection of a life’s work, including his drafts, letters, photographs and schemata for the rebuilding and innauguration of the Sanxia Ancestral Temple. Only those visitors to the temple interested in knowing intimate details of the anestral temple should approach. At the other end of Changfu Bridge is the Li Mei-shu Memorial Gallery. It records the complete efforts over a lifetime of the creations and artistic movements of Li Mei-shu. The hall is not expanisve, yet it serves as a collection of a life’s work, including his drafts, letters, photographs and schemata for the rebuilding and innauguration of the Sanxia Ancestral Temple. Only those visitors to the temple interested in knowing intimate details of the anestral temple should approach. The Li Mei-shu 李梅樹紀念館 E1_382000000A_011663
2014/06/27 10:17:54 林口亞太生態園區,林口 10 25.06666 121.50001 382000000A None 244 Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 It covers a total area of about 25 hectares and has mountains with good vegetaion and forest. It is a park with good scenery, clean air without any polluion and equiped with comprehensive faciliies for leisure and resort. There is a specialized ecological museum in the park with zones for lucanidae, paradoxides, sick insect, lovely animals, specimen and explainaion. It covers a total area of about 25 hectares and has mountains with good vegetaion and forest. It is a park with good scenery, clean air without any polluion and equiped with comprehensive faciliies for leisure and resort. There is a specialized ecological museum in the park with zones for lucanidae, paradoxides, sick insect, lovely animals, specimen and explainaion. It also has zones for barbecue, wooden house quarter and paint shell experience. The faciliies in the area are proper for both old and young people and suitable for whole family vacaion, party and barbecue. If you have ime, it will be a good choice to come with the whole family to enjoy the warmth of the family or to feel the comfort of sweaing all over ater a game of paint shell fight. The planned contents are not only vivid and acive but also intersing and edifying. Linkou Ecological Park Area 林口亞太生態園區 E1_382000000A_012091
2013/01/16 01:00:00 泰山 11 22.25192 112.79406 382000000A none 243 Taishan 886-2-29603456 On the side of Liming Road lies Fude Temple, which is where you will find the entrance to the Chiung Tz Lake Park Trail. This trail goes up the mountain using stairs and a wooden walkway, and you can take it to reach Shandingjiao Mountain, Shanding Park, Upper Taishan Temple, or Yixuekeng. On the side of Liming Road lies Fude Temple, which is where you will find the entrance to the Chiung Tz Lake Park Trail. This trail goes up the mountain using stairs and a wooden walkway, and you can take it to reach Shandingjiao Mountain, Shanding Park, Upper Taishan Temple, or Yixuekeng. As you stroll through the forest you come across many historical landmarks, and if you are tired you can stop at a pavilion or temple to rest. The numerous trails mean that hikers can plan the best route based on their endurance. Chiung Tz Lake Park Trail 瓊仔湖公園步道 E1_382000000A_012348
2013/01/16 01:00:00 金山,跳石海岸 11 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A no *Take the MRT Tamsui Line and exit Tamsui station. Transfer to any bus going to Jinshan direction. Get off at 34-39 km. *Take the National Highway No. 1 and exit Taipei exchange. G 208 Zhongjiao to Shimen, Caolijian Coast, Jinshan District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 This place is named Jump Stone Coast because residents and visitors in the past had to jump between the stones after the tide ebbs to advance forward on the coast. The round gravels all over the shore were once gravels thrust out by the force of volcanic eruptions followed by years of sea erosion. This place is named Jump Stone Coast because residents and visitors in the past had to jump between the stones after the tide ebbs to advance forward on the coast. The round gravels all over the shore were once gravels thrust out by the force of volcanic eruptions followed by years of sea erosion. Along the 10 km coast, from the Jump Stone Coast to Yongxing Fishing Harbor, there are ocean scenic trails along the way. Portable coffee carts are everywhere. You can stop your car any time, have a cup of coffee and look at the round stones and the ocean. Jump Stone Coast 跳石海岸 E1_382000000A_011553
2014/06/26 13:57:36 潮江寺,新莊 04 25.03336 121.45292 382000000A None 242 No. 47, Bijiang St, Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan 242 886-2-29603456 Located at the end of Mishi Lane, Chaojiang Temple is a two-storied old building of red bricks. Its main purpose is to “guard" and "protect wealth". This building has a unique feature: it is built with parapet wall of western-style at the roof and clay sculpture rails of Victoria-style at the second floor. Located at the end of Mishi Lane, Chaojiang Temple is a two-storied old building of red bricks. Its main purpose is to “guard" and "protect wealth". This building has a unique feature: it is built with parapet wall of western-style at the roof and clay sculpture rails of Victoria-style at the second floor. The second floor worships Kwan-yin and the tablet "Chaojiang Temple" is hung under the roof, while the first floor worships Earth God with the tablet "Fude Temple". Chaojiang Temple 潮江寺 E1_382000000A_012075
2013/01/16 01:00:00 三峽,老街 14 24.55001 121.22001 382000000A Not provided 1.Ride the Blue Line to Sinpu (Xinpu) Staion. Transfer to Bus Blue 19, 920, or 802; OR Ride the Blue Line to Yongning Station and transfer to Bus 916 or Blue 43. Alternatively, rid 237 Mincyuan Street, Sanxia Town, Taipei County 886-2-29603456 To the west of the Cingshuei Ancestral Temple is Sanjiaoyong Old Street. The buildings of the market street were built during the Japanese occupation and it is the No. one old street in norther Taiwan rebuilt for added value, and nowadays, the whole lineup are interesting shops is geared to allow people to have a relaxing stroll and a meal. To the west of the Cingshuei Ancestral Temple is Sanjiaoyong Old Street. The buildings of the market street were built during the Japanese occupation and it is the No. one old street in norther Taiwan rebuilt for added value, and nowadays, the whole lineup are interesting shops is geared to allow people to have a relaxing stroll and a meal. Shoppers can find anything from children’s toys, folk art, snack stands and traditional mom-and-pop shops. The buildings have Baroque-style plaques and Chinese gateways and within the buildings are visible signs of bygone days. Sanjiaoyong Old Street 三角湧老街 E1_382000000A_011656
2014/09/03 12:01:19 捷運,淡水線,捷運淡水站,淡水,歷史古蹟,小白宮(前清淡水關稅務司官邸) 5 03 25.17409 121.43622 382000000A Tuesdays to Sundays 9:30-18:00 (Closed Mondays, Chinese New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year) *Take the MRT Tamsui Line to Tamsui station, transfer to Bus 2, 5, or 10, get off Tamsui library Station and walk along Chenli Street.  *Take the National Highway No. 1 and exit Ta 251 15 Zhenli Street, Tamsui District, New Taipei City 886-2-26282865 The Little White House used to be Tamsui’s Custom Inspector General’s residence in the Qing Dynasty. In 1862, as the port became prosperous and more foreigners were stationed here, more residences were built for foreign officials. The Little White House is an impressive piece of colonial architecture. The main building is a square structure in with Spanish style halls and 11 half arches. The Little White House used to be Tamsui’s Custom Inspector General’s residence in the Qing Dynasty. In 1862, as the port became prosperous and more foreigners were stationed here, more residences were built for foreign officials. The Little White House is an impressive piece of colonial architecture. The main building is a square structure in with Spanish style halls and 11 half arches. Every door and window uses wooden Persian blinds, and the interior takes in lots of light and air during the day. There is a patio facing the Guanyin Mountain looking over the Tamsui riverbank, which makes for a very beautiful view, indeed! Little White House 小白宮(前清淡水關稅務司官邸) E1_382000000A_011524
2013/01/16 01:00:00 板橋 12 25.01111 121.44583 382000000A none 220 Between Fuzhou Bridge and Tucheng’s Chenglin Bridge, along Huanhe Road in Banqiao District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Xizhou Sports Park is located along the Dahan River between Tucheng District’s Chenglin Bridge and Banqiao’s Fuzhou Bridge. The park includes a baseball field made from red clay that frequently hosts amateur baseball teams, along with basketball courts and a garden. The park is great for families looking for intense exercise or simply a scenic stroll. Xizhou Sports Park is located along the Dahan River between Tucheng District’s Chenglin Bridge and Banqiao’s Fuzhou Bridge. The park includes a baseball field made from red clay that frequently hosts amateur baseball teams, along with basketball courts and a garden. The park is great for families looking for intense exercise or simply a scenic stroll. Xizhou Sports Park 溪洲運動河濱公園 E1_382000000A_012287
2013/01/16 01:00:00 虎豹潭,雙溪 11 25.00972 121.83416 382000000A None 227 Shuangxi Dist., New Taipei City 227, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 Two mountain hills in the shape of a fierce iger and a leppard are situated beside Hubao Pond. Hubao Pond Trail used to be an old trail between Shuangxi Deiping and Yilan Deixi. Siing on the poolside away from the noisy urban streets is comforing , and it can also help you relax the moods. It takes twenty to thirty minutes to get here if you take Shuangtai Highway. Two mountain hills in the shape of a fierce iger and a leppard are situated beside Hubao Pond. Hubao Pond Trail used to be an old trail between Shuangxi Deiping and Yilan Deixi. Siing on the poolside away from the noisy urban streets is comforing , and it can also help you relax the moods. It takes twenty to thirty minutes to get here if you take Shuangtai Highway. Hubao Pond 虎豹潭 E1_382000000A_012081
2013/01/16 01:00:00 根德水車園區,三芝 11 25.23667 121.52528 382000000A No 252 Sanzhi Dist., New Taipei City 252, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 This park is located beside Provincial No. 2 Line on the way to Beizhuang Village, Sanzhi downtown, where people to the north coast have to pass through. The tri- waterwheel is a unique design and the remaining tri-waterwheel in Taiwan. Tri-waterwheel is coninuously in operaion to generate electricity for on-site faciliies. This park is located beside Provincial No. 2 Line on the way to Beizhuang Village, Sanzhi downtown, where people to the north coast have to pass through. The tri- waterwheel is a unique design and the remaining tri-waterwheel in Taiwan. Tri-waterwheel is coninuously in operaion to generate electricity for on-site faciliies. The other end of the waterwheel moves water-powered rice grinder, with “Gende Bridge” crossing the Balian River to connect to a leisure park suitable for family travels. It also seeks to promote the concept of environmental protecion. Gengde Waterwheel Park 根德水車園區 E1_382000000A_012024
2013/01/16 01:00:00 五股凌雲禪寺,五股 04 25.08881 121.43418 382000000A None 248 Wugu Dist., New Taipei City 248, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 The Temple is built on Lingyun Mountain of Wugu Dist. behind Lingyun Temple for people to worship Guanyin Bodhisatva. It was first build in the second year of Xuantong of the Qing dynasty (1910) and renovated in 1914 to improve the main halls and buildings. The Temple is built on Lingyun Mountain of Wugu Dist. behind Lingyun Temple for people to worship Guanyin Bodhisatva. It was first build in the second year of Xuantong of the Qing dynasty (1910) and renovated in 1914 to improve the main halls and buildings. It was further enlarged in 1918 to add the halls for Chan, dining, living, paying thanks as well as Kaishan Courtyard and Lengyan Pavilion, etc. At the same ime, the road to the Temple was also improved for cars to be driven to the foot of the Mountain easily. At present, Lingyun Chan Temple has a very large scale covering an area of about 3 hectares with good faciliies. The surrounding areas are very beauiful, and the temple has atracted a lot of pilgrims. Used to be one of eight major points of interest in Taiwan, It is now one of the four major Buddhist temples in Taiwan. Wugu Lingyun Chan Temple 五股凌雲禪寺 E1_382000000A_012094
2013/01/16 01:00:00 十三層親水園區,雙溪 11 25.00972 121.83416 382000000A None 227 Shuangxi Dist., New Taipei City 227, Taiwan 886-2-29603456 The area was completed in 2005. Surrounded by trees, visitors will feel intrigued by the tranquility and the charms of natural habitat. Saturated in the gentle wind, visitors will be amazed by the greenery in the area under the clouds in the blue sky. The area was completed in 2005. Surrounded by trees, visitors will feel intrigued by the tranquility and the charms of natural habitat. Saturated in the gentle wind, visitors will be amazed by the greenery in the area under the clouds in the blue sky. Populated with the simple and comfortable farmhouses with terraced fields on the side, this place is a nice place to spend vacaion and enjoy the quietness. Shisanceng Water Park 十三層親水園區 E1_382000000A_012083
2013/01/16 01:00:00 八里,挖子尾自然保留區 11 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A NO *Take the MRT Tamsui Line to Guandu Station and transfer to Recreation Bus Red 13.  * Take Freeway No.1 and exit at Wugu Interchange. Connect to Taipei County Highway No.107 and co 249 Pitou Village, Bali Dist., south bank of Tamsui River estuary, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Shaped like a scoop, the Watzuwei Nature Reserve comprises an estuarine lagoon area between the Tamsui River and Taiwan Strait. It is an important ecological nursery for mangroves and kandelia obovat, as well as an abundance of other wildlife plants and animals, such as egrets, mudskipper and fiddler crabs. It is a great outing choice for the whole family and couples! Shaped like a scoop, the Watzuwei Nature Reserve comprises an estuarine lagoon area between the Tamsui River and Taiwan Strait. It is an important ecological nursery for mangroves and kandelia obovat, as well as an abundance of other wildlife plants and animals, such as egrets, mudskipper and fiddler crabs. It is a great outing choice for the whole family and couples! Watzuwei Nature Reserve 挖子尾自然保留區 E1_382000000A_011847
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鐵道,山鶯工藝行,鐵道鶯歌站,鶯歌,博物館 01 24.94939 121.35212 382000000A 9:30-17:00 from Monday to Friday. 9:30-18:00 on weekend *Take Taiwan Rail and get off at Yingge Station. The place is within walking distance. *Take National Freeway No. 1 and proceed to National Freeway No.2 t exit at Danan Interchang 239 200, Wenhua Road, Yingge District, New Taipei City 886-2-86772727 The Yingge Ceramics Museum is the first professional pottery museum in Taiwan. First planned by Magistrate Yu Ching, the museum was finally completed after 12 years of construction with efforts of 3 magistrates. The museum opened on November 26, 2000. The museum is made up with modern constructing materials and transparent glass, presenting a limitless sense of space and the beauty of simplicity. The Yingge Ceramics Museum is the first professional pottery museum in Taiwan. First planned by Magistrate Yu Ching, the museum was finally completed after 12 years of construction with efforts of 3 magistrates. The museum opened on November 26, 2000. The museum is made up with modern constructing materials and transparent glass, presenting a limitless sense of space and the beauty of simplicity. The special structure also enhances the exhibition. The Yingge Ceramics Museum presents 200 years of ceramic techniques and folk culture in Taiwan. At the same time, the museum also has educational function with its modern technology, making it an ideal place for families to visit at leisure. This museum is not for Yingge citizens alone; it also shows how the Taiwanese have endeavored to achieve what we are today. It is a historic and cultural emblem; moreover, it is also place for the peace of mind.Traditional Ceramics Hall presents traditional ceramic techniques and tools. On the 2nd floor, pottery history and features are exhibited and Taiwanese pottery works are introduced. Features and functions of the works are presented, showing how pottery interacts with life. Children Experiencing Room is a experimental ottery area is designed for children aged from 4 to 8. The children can experience and play freely with the clay in this area. In addition, there is a pottery workshop for ceramic artists and experts to exchange experiences and thoughts.Ceramic works are widely used in todays world, from artificial teeth, computers, telephones, cell phones, to cylinders. Here in the Future World, you can see how pottery develops into elements and materials for modern technology and how it will be utilized in the future.source: Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportasion and Communication Yingge Ceramics Museum 新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館 E1_382000000A_011459
2013/01/16 01:00:00 貢寮,露營 12 25.10001 121.56001 382000000A 08:00-17:00, Adult Ticket NT$70;Campground Hours: 12:00-12:00 the next day. 1.Ride the South Line train from Taipei Main Train Station and alight at Fulong Station. Transfer to Bus 1052 to Longmen Campground bus stop. 2.Drive on National Highway No. 1 nort 228 Number 100 Singlong Street, Fulong Village, Gongliao, Sinbei City 886-2-24991791 To the south of Shuangsi is Longmen Campground. Early on, it was a quarry, but it has since been rebuilt ecology park where the mountains meet the sea. There is a campground here, a dedicated bike path, a water activity area and a marine relaxation place. To the south of Shuangsi is Longmen Campground. Early on, it was a quarry, but it has since been rebuilt ecology park where the mountains meet the sea. There is a campground here, a dedicated bike path, a water activity area and a marine relaxation place. Longmen Camping Site 龍門露營區 E1_382000000A_011709
2014/06/26 16:43:08 新店 12 24.57001 121.32001 382000000A Not provided 1.Ride Xindian Line to the terminal station. Turn left after exiting station, which is where Bitan Scenic Area is located and walk along Xindian Road to the ferry. 2.Drive on Taiwa 231 East Bank, Bitan Scenic Area, Xindian City, Taipei County 886-2-29603456 The ferry pier located at Bitan River Suspension Bridge's location is now moved to southern place nearby Xindian Elementary School. Back and forth to the river bank only need 5 minutes, you can call the freeyman by ringing the bell or just yelling to experience the ancient living way. Recently, XindianDu is used to be called "Xindian Ferry Pier", it is also Taiwan's last official ferryman with human operating. The ferry pier located at Bitan River Suspension Bridge's location is now moved to southern place nearby Xindian Elementary School. Back and forth to the river bank only need 5 minutes, you can call the freeyman by ringing the bell or just yelling to experience the ancient living way. XindianDu (Xindian Ferry Pier) 新店渡船頭 E1_382000000A_011710
2013/01/16 01:00:00 鐵道,平溪鐵道遊,鐵道嶺腳站,平溪 14 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A NO 226 22,Lingjiao St.,Lingjiaoli, Pingxi District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 An overlap of railway, river and street sceneries forms the unique mountain town landscape of Lingjiao. In the mining era, there were three mining areas that used Linjiao Station for coal delivery. With the decline of the mining industry, Lingjiao became a peaceful village once again. An overlap of railway, river and street sceneries forms the unique mountain town landscape of Lingjiao. In the mining era, there were three mining areas that used Linjiao Station for coal delivery. With the decline of the mining industry, Lingjiao became a peaceful village once again. However, with sites such as the Lingjiao Waterfall and Dripping Guanyin Rock, it became a good place for an outing. You can get away from the crowd and traffic and enjoy the tranquility of Lingjiao. Lingjiao 嶺腳車站 E1_382000000A_011596
2013/01/16 01:00:00 Bakery Street‧Bridal Accessory Street 12 29.28496 120.08081 382000000A no Get on the Blue line MRT in Taipei Station and get off at Fuchong Station. Walk along Fuchong Street till you reach Bakery Street and you will notice the Bridal Street after You pa 220 Nanmen Street., Park Street, Guanchian East Road and Chongching Road District 886-2-29603456 Bakery is located on Nanmen Street in Banqiao City, every major bakery in Taiwan has a branch here Danby, Rivon, E-G-Sain, Isabelle, Okuraya and King on this street competing and constantly improving the quality of their merchandise to better serve their customers. Bakery is located on Nanmen Street in Banqiao City, every major bakery in Taiwan has a branch here Danby, Rivon, E-G-Sain, Isabelle, Okuraya and King on this street competing and constantly improving the quality of their merchandise to better serve their customers. Bridal Accessory Street is located on Park Street in Banqiao, the entire area is a hot bed for bridal business so, parks around this area and 435 Cultural Center becomes a popular spot for photographers to take pictures of the newlyweds. Bakery Street‧Bridal Accessory Street 板橋婚紗街 E1_382000000A_012014
2013/01/16 01:00:00 淡水,淡水渡船頭 11 25.16929 121.44061 382000000A 7:00-21:00 (Weekdays 10~15 minutes / ferry, weekends and public holidays 3~5 minutes / ferry) *Take the MRT Tamsui line, exit Tamsui station and walk towards the back left of the station until you see Tamsui riverbank, walk 15 minutes along the trail.  *Take the National Hi 251 Huanhe Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Taking a walk or resting by the wharf at dusk, you will see the sunset, a few boats moving along the river, and Guanyin Mountain in the background. It is like looking at a grand scenery painting. It is quite convenient to take the ferry to head to Bali or go to the Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf. Taking a walk or resting by the wharf at dusk, you will see the sunset, a few boats moving along the river, and Guanyin Mountain in the background. It is like looking at a grand scenery painting. It is quite convenient to take the ferry to head to Bali or go to the Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf. It is also an amazing view looking at the Guandu Bridge or looking at the Tamsui riverbank while you are on the ferry.Adult NTD $20, Children NTD $10 Tamsui Ferry 淡水渡船頭 E1_382000000A_011522
2013/01/16 01:00:00 瑞芳 11 25.11063 121.84501 382000000A no 224 89, Qiche Road, Ruifang District, New Taipei City 886-2-29603456 Dubbed as “the Thirteen Levels”, the old copper refinery is also called “the Potala Palace of Mountain Mines” as it looks like a beautiful abandoned palace far away. The parking lot at Shuinandong and the lookout pavilion in Changren community provide an incredible view. Music videos of famous songs are shot here, too. Dubbed as “the Thirteen Levels”, the old copper refinery is also called “the Potala Palace of Mountain Mines” as it looks like a beautiful abandoned palace far away. The parking lot at Shuinandong and the lookout pavilion in Changren community provide an incredible view. Music videos of famous songs are shot here, too. The building has the longest gas pipe in the world, which is 2 kilometers in length and 2 meter in diameter. Due to possible fatal accidents, visitors are not permitted to enter the pipe. The Remains of the Thirteen Levels 水湳洞十三層 E1_382000000A_011576
2013/01/16 01:00:00 金山,法鼓山 01 25.09107 121.55983 382000000A 9:00-16:00 *Take the MRT Tamsui Line and exit Tamsui station.  Transfer to any bus going to Shimen direction. Get off at “Jinshan”.  *Take the National Highway No. 1 and exit Tai 208 14-5 Qilinbanling Sanjie Vil, Jinshan District, New Taipei City 886-2-24987171 In the Dharma Drum Mountain, the colors of buildings consist mostly of brown, gray and white, praising for bounty of earth and reflecting the solemnity and equanimity of Buddhism. There are three pilgrimage routes up in the mountain: Xibing Trail, Qiyuan Trail, and Chaoshan path. Along the Xibing Trail, there are spots for people to practice meditation. In the Dharma Drum Mountain, the colors of buildings consist mostly of brown, gray and white, praising for bounty of earth and reflecting the solemnity and equanimity of Buddhism. There are three pilgrimage routes up in the mountain: Xibing Trail, Qiyuan Trail, and Chaoshan path. Along the Xibing Trail, there are spots for people to practice meditation. The site is surrounded by two streams and the quiet and beautiful scenery can stabilize a cluttered mind. The site regularly organizes meditation activities to help wash away the stresses and worries of the secular world. Dharma Drum Mountain 法鼓山 E1_382000000A_011551
2013/01/16 01:00:00 三峽,文物館 01 24.93095 121.36821 382000000A 09:00∼17:00 1.Ride the Blue Line to Sinpu (Xinpu) Staion. Transfer to Bus Blue 19, 920, or 802; OR Ride the Blue Line to Yongning Station and transfer to Bus 916 or Blue 43. Alternatively, rid 237 No. 18 Zhonghshan Road, Sanxia Town, Taipei County 886-2-86743994 Sanxia History Museum was build in the former local seat of power during Japanese imperial reign. The red brick building is now more than 80 years old. Inside is a reception area and lobby that has been referred to as "the most gorgeous office lobby in all of Taiwan". Sanxia History Museum was build in the former local seat of power during Japanese imperial reign. The red brick building is now more than 80 years old. Inside is a reception area and lobby that has been referred to as "the most gorgeous office lobby in all of Taiwan". In 1999, a 4-year process of reconstruction began to make it the history museum that it is today, with two-stories of cultural exhibitions. The first floor has an exhibition area that periodically hosts arts activities; the second floor features permenant exhibitions of Sanxia historical items, old-time implements and memoribilia. Sanxia History Museum 三峽歷史文物館 E1_382000000A_011658
2014/06/26 17:23:40 三峽 11 24.93333 121.36666 382000000A none 237 Sanxia 886-2-29603456 Looking out from Sanxia Old Street, one notices a mountain that looks kind of a like a kite, the hawk-like bird of prey. This is Yuan Mountain, which is also known as Vulture Mountain, one of Taiwan’s “100 Little Peaks.” Looking out from Sanxia Old Street, one notices a mountain that looks kind of a like a kite, the hawk-like bird of prey. This is Yuan Mountain, which is also known as Vulture Mountain, one of Taiwan’s “100 Little Peaks.” The entrance to the trail leading up Yuan Mountain is 100 meters from the historical street, and from there the moderate climb to the well-known copper bell on the mountainside takes about an hour. The bell, which is also known as “Guangfu Bell,” is a popular tourist attraction. On the way there are many places for hikers to take a break and soak in the view. Off in the distance is Yingge, and on a clear day one can even see all the way to downtown Taoyuan. Two of the most popular months to visit are April and May because at this time you can also admire tung blossoms and fireflies. Yuan Mountain 鳶山 E1_382000000A_012244
2014/06/26 13:58:05 新莊文化藝術中心,新莊 05 25.05734 121.44342 382000000A None 242 No. 133, Zhongping Rd, Xinzhuang Dist ,New Taipei City, Taiwan 242 886-2-29603456 Being the first municipal culture center built by the country, Xinzhuang Culture and Art Center is located in Gongba Park and has a modern outlook that symbolizes the color of a newly risen town. With coconut trees on both sides, the big square is open for people to take a rest. Being the first municipal culture center built by the country, Xinzhuang Culture and Art Center is located in Gongba Park and has a modern outlook that symbolizes the color of a newly risen town. With coconut trees on both sides, the big square is open for people to take a rest. The whole building has 3 floors and 1 floor underground, a performance hall, an art hall, a periodical room, a reading room, a file room and a hand puppet show museum. The center will provide the public with a long-lasting exhibition of arts with its multifunctional equipments. Xinzhuang Culture and Art Center 新莊文化藝術中心 E1_382000000A_012071
2013/01/16 01:00:00 Wulai Township 12 24.91571 121.67393 382000000A 08:00-17:00 Ride Bus 1601 from Taipei Main Train Station to Wulai Station. Walk into the station. Drive on Taiwan National Highway. Exit at Xindian Interchange. Turn right on Zhongsing Road. T 233 At the corner of Lansheng Bridge and Wuncyuan Road, Wulai Township, Taipei County 886-2-26617826 The minitrains were used in Wulai to transport lumber.In 1963 the open-air cute little trains were transformedfor tourism. The track is 1.6 KM long and it goes to a waterfall. Those who make the trip early in the morning have plenty of time to to walk back on a "lover's lane" and end their trip on Wulai Old Street. The minitrains were used in Wulai to transport lumber.In 1963 the open-air cute little trains were transformedfor tourism. The track is 1.6 KM long and it goes to a waterfall. Those who make the trip early in the morning have plenty of time to to walk back on a "lover's lane" and end their trip on Wulai Old Street. Wulai Tour Minitrain 烏來觀光台車 E1_382000000A_011949