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ID 5186
EventName 2015 台北藝術自由日 Taipei Free Art Fair
ShowGroupName 伊日美學生活基金會與自由人藝術公寓
EventTypeID 城市萬花筒
DurationStart 2015-05-27
DurationEnd 2015-11-08
IsCharge 免費
Fee null
ShoppingUrl null
ContactName 曾小姐
ContactTel 0987-444-957
ContactFax null
BriefIntroduction 自由應是一個使自己變得更好的機會。 Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.\r\n\r\n我們打造一個平台,破除所有限制,讓藝術自由的在這裡發生。來自世界各地的藝術家、藝術團隊,沒有任何負擔的盡情創作、自由交流。等待被發掘、被看見的年輕創作者,給國際藝術家、策展人及藝術媒體都看見。當我們創造出最大的自由,期待所有可能都實現。
vContent 【活動資訊】
<p>展出日期:2015年11月6日(五) 至 11月8日(日)<br>
展位大小:寬240×深120×高240 cm(無展牆)。<br>
主旨連同報名表檔名請以「2015 台北藝術自由日報名送件+(個人姓名/團體單位名稱)」。<br>
徵件日期:即日起至2015年8月31日 下午17:00止。<br>
<p>1. 環境╳藝術展區<br>
2. 創作者自由發想展區<br>
<p>即日起至:2015年 8月31日開放報名期間</p>
<p>台北藝術自由日展期:2015年11月6日至 8日</p>
<p>2015 Taipei Free Art Fair<br>
<p>Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.</p>
<p>We created Taipei Free Art Fair to create a platform without restrictions, promoting artistic freedom. Artists and groups from around the world, creating and interacting freely. Uncovering gems, unleashing potential, a space to be seen. Realize our greatest expectations in a place without limits.</p>
<p>【Event Info】</p>
<p>Dates:2015/11/6 (Friday) to 11/8 (Sunday)<br>
Location:Huashan 1914 Creative Park, East 2BCD Warehouse</p>
<p>【Exhibition Info】</p>
<p>Booth Fee:None<br>
Size:240 x 120 x 240cm (no exhibition wall provided)<br>
Equipment:110V power outlet</p>
<p>Note: Please provide exhibition plan with application (for details, see registration). Organizers reserve the right to adjust positioning of works according to needs.</p>
<p>【Registration Rules】</p>
<p>Rules:Please download application form click here<br>
Application:Online only, please send all forms and attachments to, E-mail subject “2015 Taipei Free Art Fair Application (Name/Group)".</p>
<p>Deadline:5PM, Aug 31, 2015.<br>
Selection:Organizers will select works from submissions to be displayed at 2015 Free Art Taipei event.</p>
<p>【Exhibition Theme】</p>
<p>□  Art and Environmental Topics<br>
□  Open Topic<br>
Note: All participants’ works will be arranged by organizers.</p>
<p>【Event Timeline】</p>
<p>Until 2015/8/31</p>
<p>Open application</p>
<p>Preliminary screening results announced</p>
<p>Artist confirmation, security deposit deadline</p>
<p>Complete artist list announced</p>
<p>Exhibition Setup</p>
<p>Taipei Free Art Fair</p>
<p>Exhibition Takedown</p>
<p>【Participation Rules】</p>
<p>The Huashan 1914 Creative Park is a historical monument, and according to regulations stipulated in the “Cultural Heritage Preservation Act", smoking, betel nut, and chewing gum is prohibited in all areas. Use of fire, candles, gas, and any electric appliances that may overload circuit breakers is also prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted accordingly.<br>
Lighting fires, using gas stoves, setting off fireworks, and other dangerous activities that may damage historical buildings are prohibited.<br>
Using paste, tape, glue, nails, and other forms of adhesive on the walls and floors of the Park, or on equipment unrelated to the exhibition is prohibited.<br>
Using nails, spray-paint, or electric welding is prohibited.<br>
Exhibition-related objects may not be hung or suspended from existing structures, including walls, pillars, or ceiling.<br>
Due to limited space in the Park, cars will not be allowed entry.<br>
Park is not responsible for lost items; please take care of exhibition materials and other belongings.<br>
Organizers are not responsible or any lost or damaged exhibition and personal materials.<br>
Participants are responsible for processing transactions and tax. Receipts are required for all transactions.<br>
Organizers will not provide storage space.<br>
All decorating materials, exhibition materials, and trash must be removed from the Park by the designated deadline.<br>
After dismantling of exhibition, please await organizer inspection. If participant leaves before inspection, security deposit will not be returned.<br>
<p>Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.<br>
Preliminary screening results will be available on official website after Sep 15, 2015 on the event website; rejected entrees will not be specially notified.<br>
Accepted applicants must confirm by Sep 30, 2015, and submit NT $3000 security deposit.<br>
Security deposit will be returned on Nov 8, 2015 upon completion of exhibition and examination by organizers.<br>
Accepted applicants who do not confirm or submit security deposit will be replaced by candidates from waitlist.<br>
Security deposit will not be returned to applicants who do not complete exhibition.<br>
※Organizer reserves the right to change event rules at any time, please refer to official website for any clarification.</p>
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YouTubeUrl null
LogoImageFile null
InsertTime 2015-05-27 15:32:02
Class1 null
Class2 null
Map null
Travellinginfo null
Parkinginfo null
Keyword null
Food_Name null
Food_Descripti null
Food_Add null
Food_Tel null
Food_Opentime null
Food_Class null
Food_Map null
dtStart 2015-11-06
dtEnd 2015-11-08
timeStart null
Location 華山1914文化創意產業園區,東2BCD倉庫
CityID 臺北市
AreaID 中正區
Address 100 台北市中正區八德路一段1號
longitude null
latitude null