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ID 5402
EventName 王湘靈個展-質變
ShowGroupName 國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館
EventTypeID 展覽廣場
DurationStart 2015-07-17
DurationEnd 2015-09-13
IsCharge 免費
Fee null
ShoppingUrl null
ContactName 詹小姐
ContactTel 02-2986-1000#2415
ContactFax null
BriefIntroduction 王湘靈的創作大多以人生經驗為主,作品通常帶給觀者某種程度上的壓迫與疏離感,探討人與人之間的存在與變動,並強調事物的本質,以自身為主體,再藉由群體、個人與社會之間「真我」與「假我」來隱喻存在之概念。
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<div>展期|2015 年 07 月 17 日(五) 至 09 月 13 日(日)<br>
開幕|2015 年 07 月 24 日(五) 下午5:00<br>
地點|國立臺北藝術大學 關渡美術館 402展覽室<br>
攝影,無酸相紙輸出∕photographs, archival inkjet print<br>
60×9 0 cm×10 pieces,2014<br>
‘’Leave’’ is a representative word. Things occurred, conversion is effected, however, it is only a change in the form.<br>
It’s still there, essentially.<br>
I reclaimed security here which had been lost for years, yet the loss of sense of belonging inevitably ensues.<br>
Nothing is forever, or, everything is permanent.<br>
<strong>作品二:漣漪∕The Ripple</strong><br>
單頻錄像∕single-channel video,2015<br>
These videos were taken in early 2015 when New York was shrouded by snow and there was not a beam of light for almost the entire winter. After coming back from my hometown, my family came across my mind all the time, while I was fighting the most inclement weather day and night. <br>
I used to believed I had no doubt. And yet instead my soul started to vacillate. I felt completely detached from the world.<br>
【創作自述∕Artist Statement】<br>
In making art, I base my conceptual ideas on the recollection of intimate memories. The themes of my work tend to push viewers to the boundaries of their inner consciousness and to see their own fears.
The relationship between “being” and “changing” is one of these themes. Here, my art becomes a metaphor for existence which emphasizes the very nature of things. This often evolves into a study on the awareness of a ego as it shifts in and out of interactions within society.<br>
王湘靈生於台灣臺北,畢業於紐約市立大學音樂演奏碩士,紐約國際攝影中心。原先背景為古典音樂演奏者,在完成學業後毅然決定朝當代藝術發展,媒材以影像為主,目前居住於紐約。曾參與知名行為藝術家Marina Abramovic紐約Sean Kelly Gallery展覽工作。作品《質變∕Metamorphosis》先後多次在紐約參加聯展,並受邀線上雜誌Art4d magazine訪談, 2015年獲得Photo Annual Award第一名,作品於布拉格展出並將出版於雜誌,同年七月將於關渡美術館舉行首次個展。<br>
Hsiang-Lin Wang is a NYC-based artist born and raised in Taiwan. Before coming to the USA her background was exclusively in music. In 2013, she received an MA in music performance from Queens College, CUNY. In 2014, she graduated from the International Center of Photography in NYC. Her interests center round photography, installation, and video. In 2014, she worked in Marina Abramovic’s "Generator" at the Sean Kelly Gallery in NYC. Recently, she has won the Photo Annual Award . Her work is now on display at Teplice in Prague and will be published in art photo magazine in the summer of 2015. <br>
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InsertTime 2015-06-05 17:12:07
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dtStart 2015-07-17
dtEnd 2015-09-13
timeStart null
Location 國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館402展覽室
CityID 臺北市
AreaID 北投區
Address 學園路1號
longitude null
latitude null