column value
ID 6028
EventName 天堂一般:王佩瑄個展
ShowGroupName 王佩瑄
EventTypeID 展覽廣場
DurationStart 2015-07-17
DurationEnd 2015-08-15
IsCharge 免費
Fee null
ShoppingUrl null
ContactName 王小姐
ContactTel 03-526-6456
ContactFax null
BriefIntroduction 2015年香港,急攘攘蠅爭血。在這紛亂的小世界中,孑然寄居著一群被主流香港忽視的神祕客,試圖以樸素又不平凡的方式,建立屬於自己的蜜與奶之地。
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2015, Hong Kong, a relentlessly hustled little world in forever motion. Underneath its spectacular city façade, a group of discreet individuals resides, long overlooked by the mainstream society. Humbly and with immense determination, they strive to construct their own promised land of milk and honey.<br>
Like Paradise is the first formal showcase of Pei-Hsuan Wang’s long-term project Made of Star-Stuff: Imagining Outsides at the Center of the World. Based in Hong Kong and investigating the condition of minority groups in Diaspora within the city, the project set out collecting “the Other stories” through fieldwork and participatory art practices. These imaginations from all over the world connect seemingly disparate and unrelated individuals, creating a collective narrative bridging spaces, time, and experiences.<br>
Participatory art practices acts as a medium to connect, and is also the raw ingredient to the works presented in Like Paradise. It takes form as a drawing game: individually, the artist and “the Other participants” describe a Thing from their past without disclosing what it is; the process is filmed, and upon viewing the filmed descriptions, the participants would draw each other’s Thing. The resulted drawings and filmed footages are then transformed into video and installation pieces, carrying the ever-evolving stories and imaginations of all participants.<br>
"We are all made of stars that exploded. The simple specs of celestial dust came together through complex processes to form individuals that are so diverse yet connected at the same time. The atoms in my right hand may come from a different star than my left hand, but my left hand and the right hand of some unknown person half way across the planet may share the one dust that came from the same star. This imagination of matters and materials could inspire the imagination of individual experiences, furthermore generating the ever-evolving imagination for space and geography. The ties between countless seemingly unrelated peoples, places, and imaginations can thus be established." —Made of Star-Stuff: Imagining Outsides at the Center of the World
YouTubeUrl null
LogoImageFile null
InsertTime 2015-07-14 22:23:50
Class1 null
Class2 null
Map null
Travellinginfo null
Parkinginfo null
Keyword null
Food_Name null
Food_Descripti null
Food_Add null
Food_Tel null
Food_Opentime null
Food_Class null
Food_Map null
dtStart 2015-07-17
dtEnd 2015-08-15
timeStart 14:00
Location 江山藝改所
CityID 新竹市
AreaID 北區
Address 江山街17之4號
longitude 120.96418
latitude 24.8048879