column value
RowNumber 101
CAT1 景點
CAT2 Museum
SERIAL_NO 2011051800000163
MEMO_TIME Daily 09:00 to 18:00
stitle Taipei Mayor's Residence
xbody Japanese tatami mats meet western-style furniture at this landmark building constructed in 1940. The building served as the residence of nearly every Taipei mayor up until 1994. Since 1999, the city's Department of Cultural Affairs has contracted a third party to manage the residence as an art and cultural center focusing on literature, history and philosophy. Apart from displays and other events, the center arranges art and cultural courses for the public. The center restaurant specializes in roasted mutton knees and German pig's feet. You can also peruse a wide selection of poetry books on sale at the center bookshop.
avBegin 2011/05/18
avEnd 2011/12/28
idpt 臺北旅遊網
address Zhongzheng Dist.,Taipei CityNo. 46, Xuzhou Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei 100
xpostDate 2011/12/28
langinfo 20
info MRT Station:From Shandao Temple Station (Exit 5), follow Shaoxing S. St. (about 10 minutes on foot)Take the No. 205, 212, 257, 262, 276, 299, 605, or Zhongxiao Arterial Route bus to the Ministry of Audit; the 0 South, 37, 214, 249, 261, 263, 270, 621, 630, 651, or Ren-ai Arterial Route to the Ren-ai-Hangzhou intersection or Ren-ai-Shaoxing S. St. intersection; the 61 or 208 to Kainan Vocational High School; the No. 222, 237, 253, or 297 to Ren-ai Rd. Sec. 2; or the 606 to the Federation of Overseas Chinese Association.
longitude 121.52434
latitude 25.04035
MRT Shandao Temple
MEMO_TEL 886-2-2396-8198
MEMO_FAX 2358-3548