column value
RowNumber 149
CAT1 景點
CAT2 Mountain Trails
SERIAL_NO 2012062000000017
stitle Bihu Hiking Trail
xbody The 1,327-meter Bihu Hiking Trail connects Alley 12, Lane 60, Sec. 3 of Neihu Rd. and Lane 131 of Dahu St. It is inhabited by various species of fauna and flora, such as the Taiwan Blue Magpie, Crested Serpent Eagle, Pallas’s squirrel and the Indian Cabbage White butterfly. The favorable weather, water and soil conditions also enable Taiwan Acacia, Large-leaved Nanmu, ferns and shade-tolerant native plants to thrive in Bihu, which was once a coal-mining boom town under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Provincial Government. To illustrate the progress of regional history and culture, a nostalgically simulated Xinfuben Mine, complete with a mine tunnel, rails and cinder-loaded mining cart was launched (at 1k+000) on the footpath. Bihu Hiking Trail is perfect for weekend recreation as it lies close to Mt. Zhongyong, Mt. Liyu, the Yuanjue Temple Hiking Trail, Yuanjue Waterfall, Dahu Park, and other attractions popular with hikers. With street lighting available along the length, Bihu Hiking Trail is perfect for taking in Taipei’s beautiful nightscape.
avBegin 2012/06/20
avEnd 2015/02/26
idpt 臺北旅遊網
address Neihu Dist.,Taipei CityBetween Alley 12, Lane 60, Sec. 3, Neihu Rd. and Lane 131, Dahu St.
xpostDate 2015/02/26
langinfo 20
info Get off at MRT Neihu or Dahu Park Station, and you will find the entrance to the hiking trail within walking distance.1. Bus: 240, 247, 267, 521, Mini Bus 2: alight at Jinlong Zen Buddhist Temple, and walk toward entrance to the trail in Lane 60, Sec. 3, Neihu Rd. 2. Bus: 278, 284, 287, 617, 620, 630: alight at Dahu Park Station, and walk along Dahu Villa St. toward the entrance to the trail in Lane 131, Dahu St.
longitude 121.591965
latitude 25.088918
MRT Dahu Park