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No Title Preview Content Year Month Volume Period OrderAsc OrderDesc Assortment Position
31831292 262 EPA to Lower Subsidies for PET Bottle Recycling With the PET Bottle Recycling Fund overdrawn by about NT$770 million, the EPA decided from December 1 of this year to lower the recycling fee subsidy for waste bottles to NT$7 per kilogram to balance outgoing subsidies with incoming fees. In addition, sta With the PET Bottle Recycling Fund overdrawn by about NT$770 million, the EPA decided from December 1 of this year to lower the recycling fee subsidy for waste bottles to NT$7 per kilogram to balance outgoing subsidies with incoming fees. In addition, sta 1999 2 2 6 1 2 Recycling print/V2/V2-06
31831293 261 EPA Sits Down with High-tech and Environmental Firms With the world economy slowing, the EPA and various high-tech firms held a forum for businesses to air their views on environmental policies and for the EPA to explain current environmental policies and the direction of future streamlining efforts. The EP With the world economy slowing, the EPA and various high-tech firms held a forum for businesses to air their views on environmental policies and for the EPA to explain current environmental policies and the direction of future streamlining efforts. The EP 1999 2 2 6 1 2 General Policy print/V2/V2-06
31831294 260 EPA Shortens Air Pollution Permit Application Process The EPA has steadily improved the efficiency of air pollution permit processing work. In recent years, installation and operation permit processing time has decreased by 46% and 48% respectively. The process will soon be streamlined further by combining i The EPA has steadily improved the efficiency of air pollution permit processing work. In recent years, installation and operation permit processing time has decreased by 46% and 48% respectively. The process will soon be streamlined further by combining i 1999 2 2 6 1 2 Air Quality print/V2/V2-06
31831295 259 EPA Promotes Establishment of Cleaner Production Indicators The EPA plans to establish Cleaner Production indicators and research the scope of production process conditions. For the concrete and steel industries, these include an environmental conditions indicator (ECI), management performance indicator (MPI) and The EPA plans to establish Cleaner Production indicators and research the scope of production process conditions. For the concrete and steel industries, these include an environmental conditions indicator (ECI), management performance indicator (MPI) and 1999 2 2 6 1 2 Sustainable Development print/V2/V2-06
31831296 258 EPA Announces Consolidation of General Waste Recycling Categories On October 23, an amendment to the Guidelines for the Selection of General Waste Recycling and Disposal Certification and Authorization Groups was formally announced. In addition, auditing and authorization work will be merged. Waste iron containers, alum On October 23, an amendment to the Guidelines for the Selection of General Waste Recycling and Disposal Certification and Authorization Groups was formally announced. In addition, auditing and authorization work will be merged. Waste iron containers, alum 1999 2 2 6 1 2 Recycling print/V2/V2-06
31831297 257 EIA Tracking and Monitoring Work to be Systematized The EPA and target industry competent authorities have engaged in a functional division of work to strengthen post-EIA tracking activities. The EPA has already begun tracking 87 cases of which three development projects were each fined NT$300,000 and eigh The EPA and target industry competent authorities have engaged in a functional division of work to strengthen post-EIA tracking activities. The EPA has already begun tracking 87 cases of which three development projects were each fined NT$300,000 and eigh 1999 2 2 6 1 2 Environmental Impact Assessment print/V2/V2-06
總共 3256 筆,顯示第 3251 到第 3256 筆