Id routeId nameZh nameEn seqNo pgp longitude latitude goBack address stopLocationId showLon showLat vector
17225 10711 憲光公寓 Xianguang Apartment 33 0 121.543955 24.99959833 0 2533 121.5439366 24.99971917 999
17226 10711 景明街口 Jingming St. Entrance 34 0 121.542325 25.00164167 0 2457 121.5422592 25.00180894 999
17227 10711 武功國小(興隆) Changan Elementary School(Xinglong) 35 0 121.5400417 25.00433 0 2413 121.5393 25.00421 999
17228 10711 師大分部 National Taiwan Normal University Branch 36 0 121.538815 25.00706333 0 2430 121.5380722 25.00817206 999
17229 10711 捷運公館站 MRT Gongguan 37 0 121.535253 25.013948 0 1991 121.5346285 25.01442222 999
17230 10711 台電大樓 Taipower Building 38 0 121.530373 25.01856 0 2231 121.5311478 25.01782549 999
17231 10711 羅斯福和平路口 Roosevelt and Heping Intersection 42 0 121.522578 25.026702 0 1000050 121.522063 25.027274 999
17232 10711 羅斯福浦城街口 Roosevelt and Pucheng Intersection 40 0 121.526585 25.022005 0 2359 121.5261 25.02247 999
17233 10711 羅斯福金門街口 Roosevelt and Kinmen St. Intersection 41 0 121.5247267 25.02394333 0 1000049 121.5246768 25.02410614 999
17234 11763 貓纜動物園站 Maokong Gondola Taipei Zoo Station 69 0 121.577272 24.996877 1 2443 121.576285 24.99626767 999
17235 10711 潮州街口 Chaozhou St. Entrance 43 0 121.520925 25.02906167 0 2342 121.5210821 25.0291861 999
17236 10711 羅斯福寧波街口 Roosevelt Ningbo Intersection 44 0 121.5197167 25.03072333 0 1980 121.5198136 25.03086916 999
17237 10711 捷運中正紀念堂站(羅斯福) MRT Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall(Roosevelt) 45 0 121.5183817 25.0327 0 1982 121.5188243 25.03222423 999
17238 10711 一女中(公園) Taipei First Girls High School(Gongyuan) 46 0 121.515105 25.03668833 0 6713 121.5151343 25.03759793 999
17239 10711 捷運台大醫院站 MRT NTU Hospital Sta. 47 0 121.516105 25.04137667 0 1993 121.51631 25.04151 999
17240 10711 博物館(館前) Taiwan Museum(Guanqian) 48 0 121.514998 25.043998 0 2001 121.5150651 25.04409056 999
17241 11121 關渡站 Guandu Stop 1 0 121.465483 25.1185 0 1000707 121.4649999 25.11790586 999
17242 10711 臺北車站(開封) Taipei Main Sta. (Kaifeng) 49 0 121.5141267 25.04604667 0 1892 121.5138413 25.0462203 999
17243 11121 敬老院 Senior Citizens Home 2 0 121.466517 25.119367 0 14633 121.4664315 25.11915514 999
17244 10711 重慶南路一段 Chongqing S. Road Sec. 1 50 0 121.513135 25.04575833 1 1962 121.5131249 25.04560505 999
17245 11121 關渡自然公園 Guandu Nature Park 3 0 121.469283 25.12025 0 14634 121.4693216 25.12058241 999
17246 10711 博物館(襄陽) Taiwan Museum(Xiangyang) 51 0 121.51511 25.04342667 1 2000 121.5146668 25.04337336 999
17247 11121 關渡里 Guandu Li 5 0 121.466867 25.12305 0 14636 121.4671778 25.12259315 999
17248 10711 捷運台大醫院站 MRT NTU Hospital Sta. 52 0 121.516295 25.042275 1 1994 121.51614 25.04222 999
17249 11121 捷運關渡站 MRT Guandu Sta. 6 0 121.467267 25.1244 0 391 121.4678915 25.1247444 999
17250 10711 一女中(公園) Taipei First Girls High School(Gongyuan) 53 0 121.5150583 25.03804833 1 1847 121.5149627 25.03800782 999
17676 10783 師大綜合大樓 National Taiwan Normal U. General Building 53 0 121.5305167 25.02650833 1 2292 121.53006 25.02666 999
17677 10742 景美國小(景興) Jingmei Elementary School(Jingxing) 86 0 121.542233 24.9893 1 2463 121.5425 24.98972 999
17678 10783 師大 National Taiwan Normal U. 54 0 121.5280917 25.02670833 1 6025 121.5276869 25.02677833 999
17679 10742 世新大學 Shih Hsin University 87 0 121.544483 24.988383 1 2394 121.54384 24.98854 999
17680 10783 捷運古亭站(和平) MRT Guting Sta.(Heping) 55 0 121.5248917 25.02700833 1 3943 121.5243 25.0271 999
17681 10742 復興派出所 Fuxing Police Substation 88 0 121.547167 24.986933 1 2455 121.5465259 24.9867882 999
17682 10783 羅斯福金門街口 Roosevelt and hfu Kinmen Lukou 56 0 121.5252833 25.02329167 1 1000044 121.5243501 25.0242886 999
17683 10742 考試院 Examination Yuan 89 0 121.549567 24.987383 1 2406 121.54903 24.98726 999
17684 10783 羅斯福浦城街口 Roosevelt and Pucheng Intersection 57 0 121.5258783 25.02267333 1 2359 121.5261 25.02247 999
17685 10742 溝子口 Gouzikou 90 0 121.552333 24.9879 1 2485 121.5520009 24.98763799 999
17686 10783 羅斯福辛亥路口 Roosevelt and hfusinhailukou 58 0 121.5285183 25.020365 1 2353 121.528697 25.020027 999
17687 10742 光輝路口 Guanghui Rd. Entrance 91 0 121.555367 24.988283 1 2402 121.55539 24.98818 999
17688 10783 台電大樓 Taipower Building 59 0 121.5308667 25.01800833 1 2231 121.5311478 25.01782549 999
17689 10742 中興公寓 Zhongxing Apartment 92 0 121.558117 24.988817 1 2377 121.55717 24.98854 999
17690 10783 捷運公館站 MRT Gongguan 60 0 121.5358417 25.013025 1 1991 121.5346285 25.01442222 999
17691 10742 再興中學 Zaixing High School 93 0 121.559683 24.988833 1 2403 121.5585532 24.9886613 999
17692 10783 福和橋 Fuhe Bridge 61 0 121.5236833 25.00381667 1 1000297 121.523431 25.003877 999
17693 10742 文山一分局 Wenshan Police Sta. 1 94 0 121.563117 24.98905 1 2378 121.56251 24.98887 999
17694 10783 永元路 Yongyuan Rd. 62 0 121.522341 25.001322 1 1000296 121.522403 25.002057 999
17695 10742 木柵 Muzha 95 0 121.56675 24.988633 1 1000439 121.5664178 24.98844794 999
17696 10783 秀朗國小 Xiulang Elementary School 63 0 121.521133 24.999902 1 1001136 121.521493 24.99993 999
17697 10742 木柵市場 Muja Market 96 0 121.568583 24.9879 1 50682 121.568557 24.987905 999
17698 10783 得和路 Dehe Rd. 64 0 121.518361 25.000181 1 60000 121.51834 25.00023 999
17699 10742 永安街 Yongan St. 97 0 121.5696 24.986767 1 142 121.56893 24.98672 999
總共 28070 筆,顯示第 6901 到第 6950 筆