Id routeId nameZh nameEn seqNo pgp longitude latitude goBack address stopLocationId showLon showLat vector
58908 16140 草湳 Caonan 6 0 121.605444 24.970707 1 327 121.6054195 24.97038815 999
58909 16140 圓山 Yuanshan 7 0 121.59933 24.96685 1 2481 121.5994003 24.96681027 999
58910 16140 涼亭站 Pavilion Stop 8 0 121.59722 24.9659 1 56095 121.5972576 24.96603131 999
58911 16140 小天空步道 Mini Skywalk 9 0 121.59539 24.96796 1 2543 121.59539 24.96796 999
58912 16140 貓空壺穴站 Maokong Pothole Stop 10 0 121.5938 24.96933 1 4653 121.59524 24.96881 999
58914 11251 大直國小 Dazhi Elementary School 34 0 121.545525 25.080035 1 1180 121.5462433 25.07975353 999
58915 10421 分子尾 Fenziwei 17 0 121.48912 25.086338 0 10493 121.48792 25.08734 999
58916 10421 分子尾 Fenziwei 33 0 121.489135 25.086093 1 3406 121.48814 25.08686 999
58917 10822 氣象台 Central Weather Bureau 4 0 121.54402 25.16177 0 14488 121.54429 25.16172 999
58918 10912 懷生國中 Huaisheng Junior High School 64 0 121.541076 25.041536 1 2350 121.54088 25.04156 999
58920 10942 新莊高中(幸福路) Xinzhuang High School(Xingfu Rd.) 4 0 121.445813 25.04889 0 8207 121.445821 25.0490358 999
58921 10942 新莊高中(幸福路) Xinzhuang High School(Xingfu Rd.) 121 0 121.445458 25.049208 1 3572 121.4456109 25.04913267 999
58923 10941 中華科技大學 China U. of Science Technology 33 0 121.611206 25.03351 1 50025 121.6111111 25.03369657 999
59920 11153 消防局(松仁) City Fire Department(Songren) 43 0 121.5683767 25.03950167 1 1000688 121.5682964 25.03963104 999
59921 15372 捷運西門站 MRT Ximen 40 0 121.508125 25.041458 1 1793 121.50824 25.04152 999
59922 10911 協和工商 Xiehe High School of Industry and Commerce 18 0 121.5804 25.04259 0 4087 121.58041 25.04259 999
59923 10911 協和工商 Xiehe High School of Industry and Commerce 78 0 121.5809 25.04269 1 2086 121.5807586 25.04270215 999
59924 10872 協和工商 Xiehe High School of Industry and Commerce 13 0 121.5804 25.04259 0 4087 121.58041 25.04259 999
59925 10872 協和工商 Xiehe High School of Industry and Commerce 55 0 121.5809 25.04269 1 2086 121.5807586 25.04270215 999
59926 11125 關渡自然大樓 Guandu Nature Building 1 0 121.46794572473 25.120969163852 0 4660 121.46797 25.12109 999
59927 11125 圓環(天水) Yuanhuan(Tianshui) 49 0 121.51340603839 25.05301884781 0 4668 121.51334 25.05314 999
59928 11125 南京西路口(塔城) Nanjing W. Rd. Entrance(Tacheng) 63 0 121.510329 25.052338 1 1000995 121.5104202 25.05302565 999
59929 11124 關渡站 Guandu Stop 0 0 121.46917551756 25.120856238167 0 546 121.469965 25.12217 999
59930 11124 關渡自然大樓 Guandu Nature Building 1 0 121.46797120571 25.120963092581 0 4660 121.46797 25.12109 999
59931 11124 關渡宮 Guandu Shrine 2 0 121.464965 25.117867 0 1000707 121.4649999 25.11790586 045
59932 11124 敬老院 Senior Citizens Home 3 0 121.46641 25.11933 0 14633 121.4664315 25.11915514 045
59933 11124 關渡國中 Guandu Junior High School 4 0 121.46713 25.12063 0 550 121.46721 25.1206 000
59934 11246 捷運菜寮站 MRT Cailiao 71 0 121.4905483 25.05908167 1 1000651 121.4903241 25.05914618 999
59935 16158 捷運菜寮站 MRT Cailiao 69 0 121.4905483 25.05908167 1 1000651 121.4903241 25.05914618 999
59936 11062 安湖站 Anhu Sta. 10 0 121.615681 25.071821 0 4974 121.615681 25.071821 999
59937 11062 安湖站 Anhu Sta. 44 0 121.615471 25.072151 1 4973 121.615471 25.072151 999
59938 11831 長沙街 Changsha St. 20 0 121.5055 25.04063 0 4176 121.50548 25.04073 999
59939 11832 長沙街 Changsha St. 30 0 121.5055 25.04063 0 4176 121.50548 25.04073 999
59940 15358 金龍里 Jinlong Li 11 0 121.59631 25.08454 0 1000737 121.5965466 25.08459248 999
59942 16127 萬壽橋頭(木柵) Wanshou Qiaotou(Muzha) 10 0 121.57111 24.99134 0 1000541 121.5711104 24.99134033 999
59943 16127 萬壽橋頭(木柵) Wanshou Qiaotou(Muzha) 138 0 121.570945 24.991323 1 1000521 121.5709452 24.99132255 999
59944 15162 萬壽橋頭(木柵) Wanshou Qiaotou(Muzha) 14 0 121.57111 24.99134 0 1000541 121.5711104 24.99134033 999
59945 15162 萬壽橋頭(木柵) Wanshou Qiaotou(Muzha) 82 0 121.570945 24.991323 1 1000521 121.5709452 24.99132255 999
59946 15163 萬壽橋頭(木柵) Wanshou Qiaotou(Muzha) 14 0 121.57111 24.99134 0 1000541 121.5711104 24.99134033 999
59947 15163 萬壽橋頭(木柵) Wanshou Qiaotou(Muzha) 65 0 121.570945 24.991323 1 1000521 121.5709452 24.99132255 999
59948 11056 金龍寺 Jinlong Temple 2 49 0 121.586733 25.088547 1 1069 121.5864559 25.08855421 999
109511 11421 捷運頭前庄站 MRT Touqianzhuang 7 0 121.46135 25.03938 0 1000983 121.4619991 25.0398077 999
109512 11421 捷運頭前庄站 MRT Touqianzhuang 34 0 121.461174 25.039566 1 1000604 121.4619304 25.03997426 999
57457 16125 麗山新村 Lishan New Village 48 0 121.575 25.08516667 1 8545 121.5742675 25.08522466 999
57458 16125 麗山高中(環山) Lishan High School(Huanshan) 47 0 121.577 25.083937 1 8607 121.5767705 25.08421544 999
57459 16125 麗山高中(港墘) Lishan High School(Gangqian) 46 0 121.5783333 25.08283333 1 8631 121.5783099 25.08298972 999
57460 16125 港墘 Kangqian 45 0 121.5783333 25.08116667 1 424 121.5778251 25.08068537 999
57461 16125 西湖圖書館(湖光教會) Xihu Library(Huguang Church) 44 0 121.5783333 25.079 1 1000499 121.5779835 25.07910692 999
57462 16125 環山路 Huanshan Rd. 12 0 121.5716667 25.0865 0 1147 121.5717 25.08607 999
57463 16125 德明財經科技大學(環山) TakMing Collage (HuanShan) 11 0 121.5683333 25.0865 0 1144 121.5682175 25.08634967 999
總共 28070 筆,顯示第 25201 到第 25250 筆