group cname ename
151 10-1 權益/股金 Equities/Capital Stock
152 10-2 收益/總計 Revenues and Gains/Total
153 10-2 收益/利息收入 Revenues and Gains/Interest Income
154 10-2 收益/手續費收入 Revenues and Gains/Service Revenue
155 10-2 收益/公平市價變動列入損益之金融資產及負債利益 Revenues and Gains/Gains of Financial Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss
156 10-2 收益/其他收益 Revenues and Gains/Others
157 10-2 費損/總計 Expenses and Losses/Total
158 10-2 費損/利息費用 Expenses and Losses/Interest Expense
159 10-2 費損/手續費費用 Expenses and Losses/Service Expense
160 10-2 費損/公平市價變動列入損益之金融資產及負債損失 Expenses and Losses/Gains of Financial Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss
161 10-2 費損/用人費用 Expenses and Losses/Personnel Expense
162 10-2 費損/其他費損 Expenses and Losses/Others
163 10-2 其他損益 Other Gains and Loses
164 10-2 稅前損益 Income before Income Tax
165 10-2 收益/透過損益按公允價值衡量之金融資產及負債利益 Revenues and Gains/Gains of Financial Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss
166 10-2 費損/透過損益按公允價值衡量之金融資產及負債損失 Expenses and Losses/Losses of Financial Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss
167 10-2 費損/員工福利費用 Expenses and Losses/Employee Benefit Expense
168 10-3 股本 Capital Stock
169 10-3 資產 Assets
170 10-3 股東權益 Equities
171 10-3 稅前損益 Net Income before Income Tax
172 10-3 授信總額 Total Credit
173 10-3 存款(含郵匯轉存款) Deposits(include Deposit Replaced by the Chunghwa Post Co.)
174 10-3 放款 Loans
175 10-3 放款轉列之催收款 Overdue Receivable Replaced by Loans
176 10-3 逾期放款 Non-performing loans 計 Subtotal
177 10-3 逾期放款/甲類 Non-performing loans 計 Subtotal/Tier I
178 10-3 逾期放款/乙類 Non-performing loans 計 Subtotal/Tier II
179 10-3 放款(含催收款) Loans (overdue receivable included)
180 10-3 逾放比率% Non- performing Loan Ratio %
181 10-3 放款及放款轉列催收款之備抵呆帳 Bad Debt Reserve
182 10-3 專撥營業資金 Working Capital
183 10-3 承銷及首次買入 Underwriting/ First
184 10-3 交易額 Transactions
185 10-3 逾期授信金額(含應收票據) Non-performing Credit
186 10-3 授信總餘額 Total Credit
187 10-3 逾期授信比率(%) Non-performing Credit Ratio%
188 10-3 備抵呆帳 Bad Debt Reserve
189 10-3 股金 Capital Stock
190 10-3 社員權益 Equities of Members
191 10-3 存款 Deposits
192 10-3 逾期放款Non-performingloans計 Subtotal
193 10-3 逾期放款Non-performingloans計/甲類 Subtotal/Tier I
194 10-3 逾期放款Non-performingloans計/乙類 Subtotal/Tier II
195 10-3 權益 Equities
196 11-2 負債占淨值比率 Liability/Equity
197 11-2 負債占資產比率 Liability/Asset
198 11-2 雙重槓桿比率 Double Leverage Ratio
199 11-2 淨值報酬率 Returns on Equity
200 11-2 資產報酬率 Returns on Asset
總共 200 筆,顯示第 151 到第 200 筆