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分類 農糧
字號 農糧字第0991098847號
公(發)布日期 2011/1/5 上午 12:00:00
法規中文名稱 植物品種及種苗法施行細則
中文內容 第1條本細則依植物品種及種苗法(以下簡稱本法)第六十四條規定訂定之。第2條依本法所為品種權之各項申請及種苗業登記之申請,應向主管機關以我國文字書面提出。前項申請應檢附之證明文件係外文者,主管機關認有必要時,得通知申請人檢附我國文字譯本或節譯本。各項申請書及檢附之文件,其科學名詞之譯名以國立編譯館編譯者為原則,並應附註外文原名;植物名稱應附註學名。第3條申請人得委任代理人;申請人在中華民國境內無住、居所、事務所或營業所者,應委任代理人為之。申請人委任代理人時,應向主管機關提出委任書,載明代理權限及送達處所。申請人變更代理人之權限或更換代理人時,非以書面通知該主管機關,不生效力。第4條申請人之姓名或名稱、住、居所、事務所或營業所有變更時,應向主管機關申請變更。第5條依本法及本細則所定應檢附之證明文件,以原本或正本為之;其經當事人釋明與原本或正本相同者,得以影本代之。但依本法第十七條第二項規定檢附與中華民國相互承認優先權之國家或世界貿易組織會員證明受理之文件應為正本。原本或正本,經主管機關驗證後得發還之。第6條依本法所為各項申請文件之送達,以書面提出者,以送達主管機關之日為準;以掛號郵寄方式提出者,以交郵當日之郵戳所載日期為準。第7條未依本法第四條規定公告之植物種類,利害關係人得敘明下列事項,向中央主管機關建議公告:一、建議人之姓名、住、居所。如係法人或團體者,其名稱、事務所或營業所及其代表人或管理人之姓名、聯絡電話。二、植物種類及其學名。三、建議公告之理由。四、該植物種類主要栽培品種之性狀表。五、繁殖方法。六、栽培方法。七、建議人之簽名或蓋章。八、提出日期。第8條因繼承、受讓品種申請權或品種權者,應填具申請書,並檢附下列文件向中央主管機關申請之:一、繼承:死亡及繼承證明文件。二、受讓:讓與契約書或讓與人出具之證明文件。公司因併購而承受者,其併購之證明文件。前項繼承或受讓為品種權者,應提出品種權證書。第9條品種權申請書,應載明下列事項:一、植物種類、學名及品種名稱。二、申請人之國籍、姓名、住、居所。如係法人或團體者,其名稱、事務所或營業所及其代表人或管理人之姓名、住、居所、聯絡電話。三、育種者之姓名、住、居所。四、有委任代理人者,其代理人之姓名、住、居所、聯絡電話。五、聲明事項。六、檢附之文件清單。第10條申請人依本法第十四條第一項規定申請品種權主張下列事項者,應於申請時聲明之:一、未超過本法第十二條第二項所定期間。二、依本法第十七條規定主張優先權者,應載明第一次申請品種權之 國家或世界貿易組織會員、申請案號及申請日。三、不予公開之營業秘密資料。第11條本法第十四條第二項第四款所定品種來源為國外育成者,中央主管機關認有必要時,得通知申請人限期檢附外國申請案號檢索資料或審查結果資料;屆期未提供時,依現有資料審查。第12條申請品種權主張優先權者,其申請書之記載事項或證明文件不完備,經通知補正時,該補正部分已見於主張優先權之先申請案,以原申請日為申請日。第13條中央主管機關依本法第二十條第二項規定所為品種權之核准公告應載明下列事項:一、申請案之編號及日期。二、公開案號及日期。三、證書號碼及發證日期。四、植物種類、學名及品種名稱。五、品種特性概要。六、品種權人姓名或名稱。七、權利期間。前項品種權經核准公告後,有錯誤或不完整者,品種權人得向中央主管機關申請更正或補充。中央主管機關於核准更正或補充後,應公告之。第14條依本法第二十七條第二項所定品種權授權他人實施,應由品種權人或被授權人以書面,並檢附授權契約或證明文件向中央主管機關辦理登記。前項授權契約或證明文件,應載明授權地域及期間。第15條品種權質權之設定、變更、消滅,品種權人或質權人應以書面,並檢附品種權證書及下列文件向中央主管機關辦理登記:一、質權設定登記者,其質權設定契約書。二、質權變更登記者,其變更證明文件。三、質權消滅登記者,其債權清償證明文件或各當事人同意塗銷質權設定之證明文件。前項第一款所定質權設定契約,應載明植物種類、品種名稱、品種權證書字號及債權金額;其質權設定期間,以品種權利期間為限。第16條依本法第三十條第一項或第三項規定申請特許實施品種權者,申請人應載明理由,並檢附實施計畫書及相關文件向中央主管機關為之。依本法第三十條第八項或第三十一條規定申請廢止特許實施品種權者,申請人應載明廢止之理由,並檢附證明文件。第17條本法第三十六條第一項第二款所定品種權人拋棄品種權時,應以書面載明下列事項向中央主管機關為之:一、被拋棄品種權之植物種類及品種名稱。二、證書號碼及發證日期。三、拋棄人之國籍、姓名、住、居所。如係法人或團體者,其名稱、事務所或營業所及其代表人或管理人之姓名、住、居所、聯絡電話。四、拋棄人簽名或蓋章。五、拋棄該品種權之起始日期。六、有授權他人實施或設定質權者,應附被授權人或質權人之同意書。第18條申請撤銷或廢止他人品種權者,應以書面載明下列事項向中央主管機關申請:一、該品種之植物種類及品種名稱。二、證書號碼及發證日期。三、申請人之國籍、姓名、住、居所。如係法人或團體者,其名稱、事務所或營業所及其代表人或管理人之姓名、住、居所、聯絡電話。四、撤銷或廢止之理由及證據。五、申請人簽名或蓋章。六、申請日期。前項第四款所定證據,申請人得自提出撤銷或廢止之日起三十日內補提之。第19條中央主管機關受理前條申請案後,應將申請書之副本送達品種權人或其代理人。品種權人應於三十日內提出答辯,除先行聲明理由准予展期者外,屆期不答辯者,逕予審查。第20條中央主管機關應備品種權登記簿,記載下列事項:一、植物種類、學名及品種名稱。二、品種權人之姓名、住、居所及其代理人之姓名、住、居所。三、品種權為共有時,各共有人之持分。四、申請案之編號及日期。五、公開案號及日期。六、核准公告之文號及日期。七、證書號碼及發證日期。八、品種特性。九、育種者之姓名及住、居所。十、品種權繼承或讓與日期及繼承人或受讓人之姓名、住、居所。十一、主張本法第十七條第一項優先權之第一次申請品種權之國家或 世界貿易組織會員、申請案號及申請日。十二、被授權人之姓名或名稱、住、居所及授權登記日期。十三、品種權質權設定、變更或消滅登記日期及質權人姓名或名稱、 住、居所。十四、特許實施品種權人之姓名、國籍、住、居所及核准、撤銷或廢 止日期。十五、補發證書之事由及日期。十六、品種權消滅之事由及日期。十七、品種權利期間及年費繳交紀錄。十八、其他有關品種權事項。前項各項權利人如為法人或團體者,應載明名稱、事務所或營業所及其代表人或管理人之姓名、住、居所、聯絡電話。第21條直轄市及縣(市)主管機關應將登記種苗業者異動資料副知中央主管機關,並於每年一月十五日前將前一年之登記及變更登記資料彙報中央主管機關。第22條主管機關依本法第五十條規定派員檢查時,為檢查種苗標示事項與其內容是否相符,得抽取樣品三份,會同業者封緘,一份交由業者保存,二份由檢查人員攜回供檢驗及保存,攜回之種苗應予價購。主管機關執行前項樣品檢驗時,得會同或委託農業試驗研究機構為之。第23條依本法第六十一條規定發給之品種權證書,應載明下列事項:一、品種權人姓名或名稱。二、植物種類、學名及品種名稱。三、權利期間。四、品種權為共有時,各共有人之持分。五、證書號碼。六、發證日期。第24條品種權證書、種苗業登記證遺失或毀損時,品種權人、種苗業者得敘明事由向主管機關申請補發或換發。第25條本細則自本法施行之日施行。本細則修正條文自中華民國九十九年九月十二日施行。
法規英文名稱 The Enforcement Rules for the Plant Variety and Plant Seed Act
英文內容 Article 1 These enforcement rules are enacted in accordance with Article 64 of the Plant Variety and Plant Seed Act (hereinafter referred to as this Act).Article 2Those plant variety right applications and plant seed enterprise registration applications specified in this Act shall be written in this country's characters and submitted to the competent authority. If the supporting documents to be attached to an application in the preceding Paragraph are in a foreign language, the competent authority may, when deemed necessary, notify the applicant to attach a translation or a summary translation in this country's characters. Translated scientific terms in the application form and attached documents shall in general follow the translations of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation, and the original foreign language terms shall be included as notes. The scientific names of plants shall be included. Article 3An applicant may appoint an agent. The applicant shall appoint an agent to perform the application if the applicant has no residence, office location or place of business in R.O.C. territory. The applicant shall submit a letter of appointment stating the extent of the agent's authorization and serving address to the competent authority when appointing an agent. The applicant shall notify the competent authority in writing prior to a change of the extent of an agent's authorization, otherwise the said change shall not take effect. Article 4The applicant shall apply to the competent authority for a change whenever the applicant's name, title, residence, office location or place of business changes. Article 5Any certifying document submitted pursuant to this Act and these Implementing Regulations shall be presented in its original form or exemplification. Upon clarifying that photocopied certifying document is identical to the original copy or exemplification, the applicant may submit the photocopy instead. However, the evidentiary proof of the application as accepted by the country or World Trade Organization member set forth in Article 17, Paragraph 2 of the Act shall be presented in exemplification. The original form or exemplification of the proof may be returned to the applicant upon the inspection of the competent authority.Article 6With regard to the serving of application forms in this Act, those forms submitted in written form shall be dated by the date served to the competent authority; and those forms submitted by registered mail shall be dated by the date on the postmark made on the day mailed. Article 7With regard to plant varieties not announced in accordance with Article 4 of this Act, concerned party may clearly state the following items and recommend a public announcement to the central competent authority: and residence of the recommender. The name, office location or place of business, and name and contact telephone of the legal representative or manager if the recommender is a juristic person or organization; 2.the plant species/genus and its scientific name; 3.the reasons for the recommended public announcement; 4.a trait table for the main cultivated varieties of that species/genus; 5.propagation methods; 6.cultivation methods; 7.seal or signature of the recommending person; and of submission. Article 8Those who seek to inherit or be assigned a plant variety right or the right to apply for a plant variety right shall fill out an application form, attach the following documents, and apply to the central competent authority: 1.Inheritance: Documents verifying death and inheritance.2.Assignment: Assignment contract or supporting documents presented by the assignee. Documents verifying merger or acquisition in the case of those companies taken over due to merger or acquisition.The plant variety right certificate shall be submitted when a plant variety right is inherited or assigned in the preceding Paragraph Article 9Plant variety right application forms shall state the following items: 1.the plant species/genus, scientific name, and the denomination of the variety; 2.the applicant's nationality, name, and residence. The name, office location or place of business, name, residence, and phone number of the legal representative or manager if the applicant is a juristic person or organization; and residence of the breeder; 4.the agent's name, residence, and phone number if the applicant has assigned an agent; 5.claimed items; and 6.a list of attached documents. Article 10An applicant shall make the following claims pursuant to Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Act when the declaration is made:1.within the prescribe period set forth in Article 12, Paragraph 2 of the Act;2.the country or World Trade Organization member with which the applicant has applied for the plant variety right, application number, and application date where an applicant claims for the priority right pursuant to Article 17 of the Act; 3.information regarding business secrets that are not made public.Article 11If the origin of a plant variety as specified in Article 14, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 4 of this Act is foreign, the central competent authority may, when deemed necessary, notify the applicant to attach the foreign application case number, search information or receive results within a specified time limit; review will look at existing information when some information has not been submitted within the specified time limit. Article 12If the application form of a plant variety right applicant claiming a priority right is deficient in its statements of information or supporting documents, after the applicant has been notified to remedy such deficiency within a specified time limit, the remedied portion shall be deemed to be already part of the prior claim for priority right application, and the original application date shall be taken to be the application date. Article 13Central competent authority's plant variety right approval and public announcement performed in accordance with Article 20, Paragraph 2 of this Act shall state the following items: 1.application case number and date; 2.public announcement case number and date; 3.certificate number and issuance date; 4.plant species/genus, scientific name, and the denomination of the variety; 5.summary of variety characteristics; 6.the name or title of the holder of the plant variety right; and 7.the rights period. If the plant variety right information referred to in the preceding Paragraph contains errors or omissions after approval and public announcement, the holder of the plant variety right may apply to the central competent authority to rectify errors or remedy deficiencies. The central competent authority shall make a public announcement after approving the correction or remedied information. Article 14When plant variety right is licensed to a third party to exercise in accordance with Article 27, Paragraph 2 of this Act, the holder of a plant variety right or the licensee shall submit a written application with attached licensing contract or supporting documents to the central competent authority for registration. The licensing contract or supporting documents in the preceding Paragraph shall state the license region and period. Article 15With regard to the creation, change, or expiration of a plant variety right pledge, the holder of a plant variety right or pledgee shall submit a written application with attached plant variety right certificate and the following documents to the central competent authority for registration: 1. the pledge creation contract for those who wish to register pledge creation; 2. supporting documents concerning the change for those who wish to register a pledge change; and 3.supporting documents concerning financial obligation repayment or supporting documents concerning the agreement among concerned parties to revoke the pledge for those who wish to register the expiration of a pledge. The pledge creation contract in Subparagraph 1 of the preceding Paragraph shall state the plant species/genus, the variety denomination, the plant variety right certificate number, and the amount of financial obligation. The pledge period shall be limited to plant variety right period. Article 16When a person applies for a compulsory license to exercise a plant variety right in accordance with Article 30, Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 3 of this Act, the applicant shall state the reason and attach an implementation proposal and relevant documents, when applying to the central competent authority. When a person applies to revoke a compulsory license to exercise a plant variety right in accordance with Article 30, Paragraph 8 or Article 31 of this Act, the applicant shall state the reason for revocation, and attach supporting documents. Article 17The holder of a plant variety right who wishes to abandon the plant variety right in accordance with Article 36, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 of this Act shall submit a written statement of the following matters to the central competent authority: 1.the plant species/genus and the variety denomination of the plant variety right to be abandoned;2.certificate number and issuance date; 3.the nationality, name, and residence of the abandoning person. The name, office location or place of business, and name, residence, and phone number of the legal representative or manager if the applicant is a juristic person or organization; 4.the seal or signature of the abandoning person;5.the starting date of abandonment of the plant variety right; and6.a letter of consent from the licensee or pledgee shall be attached if a third party will be licensed to exercise the plant variety right or create a pledge. Article 18Those applying to nullify or cancel a third party's plant variety right shall submit a written statement of the following matters to the central competent authority:1.the plant species/genus and the variety denomination;2.the certificate number and issuance date; 3.the nationality, name, and residence of the abandoning person. The name, office location or place of business, and name, residence, and phone number of the legal representative or manager if the applicant is a juristic person or organization;4.the reason and evidence for nullification or cancellation;5.the applicant's seal or signature and6.the application date. The applicant may submit the evidence specified in Subparagraph 4 of the preceding Paragraph within 30 days of the date of application for nullification or cancellation. Article 19The central competent authority shall serve a copy of the application form to the holder of the plant variety right or that person's agent after accepting an application in the preceding Article. The holder of the plant variety right shall make a defense within 30 days. Unless the holder of the plant variety right states a reason in advance and is granted an extension, the central competent authority will proceed with a review if no defense has been made within the given time limit. Article 20The central competent authority shall prepare a registration book for the plant variety right which contains the following information:    1.plant species/genus, scientific name, and the variety denomination;                 2.the name and domicile/residence of the plant variety right holder and the name and domicile/residence of the representative; 3.the respective shares of the owners if the plant variety right is jointly owned;4.application number and date;5.public case number and date;6.the approval and publication document number and date; 7.the certificate number and issue date; 8.variety characteristics;9.the name and domicile/residence of the breeder;10.succession or assignment of the plant variety right or date of succession or assignment and the name, domicile, and residence of the successor or assignee;11.the country or World Trade Organization member with which the applicant has applied for the plant variety right, application number, and application date where an applicant claims for the priority right pursuant to Article 17, Paragraph 1 of the Act;12.the licensee's name or title, and domicile/residence, and the license registration date; 13.the plant variety right pledge creation, change, or expiration registration date and the pledgee's name or title, and domicile/residence;14.the name, nationality, and residence of a holder of a compulsory license to exercise the plant variety right and the approval, nullification, or cancellation dates;15.the reason for replacement certificate issuance and issuance date; 16.the reason for plant variety right expiration and expiration date;17.plant variety right period and annual fee payment record; and品18.other matters connected with the plant variety right. If any of the rights holders in the preceding Paragraph are juristic persons or organizations, its name, office location or place of business, and the name, residence, and phone number of its legal representative or manager shall be stated.Article 21Municipality or county/city competent authorities shall forward information on changes involving registered plant seed enterprises to the central competent authority, and shall submit compiled registration and registration change information of the previous year to the central competent authority before January 15 of each year. Article 22The competent authority may take three sets of samples when sending inspectors in accordance with Article 50 of this Act to inspect whether a plant seed enterprise's plant seed markings are consist with seed content. After sealing the samples in conjunction with the enterprise, one set of samples shall be given to the enterprise for preservation, and two other sets of samples shall be taken back by the inspectors for inspection and preservation; the taken seed samples shall be purchased at cost. The competent authority may perform the sample inspection tasks in the preceding Paragraph in conjunction with an agricultural experimental research organization or may entrust such an organization to perform such tasks. Article 23A plant variety right certificate issued in accordance with Article 61 of this Act shall state the following items: 1.the name or title of the holder of the plant variety; 2.the plant species/genus, scientific name, and the variety denomination; 3.the rights period; 4.the respective shares of the owners if the plant variety right is jointly owned; 5.the certificate number; and6.the issuance date. Article 24If a plant variety right certificate or plant seed enterprise registration certificate is lost or destroyed, the holder of the plant variety right or plant seed enterprise may apply to the competent authority for replacement or re-issuance with explanation of the reason. Article 25The Enforcement Rules shall come into effect upon enforcement.The amended articles of the Enforcement Rules shall be enforced on September 12, 2010.
發布單位 行政院農業委員會