
英文名稱 中文名稱
58095777 cone and plate sensor system 錐板傳感系統
58095778 cone filter 錐形濾器
58095779 cone-and-plate viscometer 錐板黏度計
58095780 cone-type pole face 圓錐形磁極面
58095781 confidence band 信賴帶
58095782 confidence coefficient 信賴係數;可靠係數
58095783 confidence degree 信賴度
58095784 confidence interval 信賴區間
58095785 confidence level 信賴度;可靠度
58095786 confidence limit 信賴界限;可靠界限
58095787 confidence probability 信賴機率
58095788 confidence region 信賴區域
58095789 configuration 組態
58095790 configuration interaction {= CI} 組態交互作用
58095791 confining liquid; sealing liquid 密封液體
58095792 confirmatory reaction 確認反應
58095793 confirmatory test 確認試驗
58095794 confocal laser Raman spectrometer 共軛聚焦雷射拉曼光譜儀
58095795 conformability 均覆性
58095796 conformable 均勻覆蓋
58095797 conformation 構形
58095798 conformational analysis 構形分析
58095799 conforming article 合格品
58095800 confounding 混雜;混雜設計
58095801 congealer 冷凍器
58095802 congealing point 凍凝點;凝點
58095803 congelation 凍凝[作用]
58095804 congener 同族元素; 同類物
58095805 conglomerate; conglomeration 晶團
58095806 conglutin 藍豆蛋白
58095807 conglutination reaction 膠著反應
58095808 congo red test paper 剛果紅試紙
58095809 congruent melting point [相]合熔點
58095810 conical beaker 錐形燒杯
58095811 conical column 錐形管柱
58095812 conical flask 錐形瓶
58095813 conical quartering 四分[採樣]法
58095814 conical thin layer chromatograph 錐形薄層層析儀
58095815 coniferyl alcohol reagent 松柏醇試劑
58095816 coning and quartering 錐形四分法
58095817 conjugase 拼合?
58095818 conjugate acid 共軛酸
58095819 conjugate acid-base pair; conjugated acid base pair 共軛酸鹼對
58095820 conjugate base 共軛鹼
58095821 conjugate fiber 複合纖維
58095822 conjugate gradient method 共軛梯度法
58095823 conjugate ion 共軛離子
58095824 conjugate momentum 共軛動量
58095825 conjugate particles 共軛粒子對
58095826 conjugate phase 共軛相
總共 25628 筆,顯示第 7151 到第 7200 筆