
英文名稱 中文名稱
58097227 degas 除氣
58097228 degasification 脫氣[作用];除氣[作用]
58097229 degasifier; degasser 除氣劑
58097230 degeneracy 縮退性;簡併性;縮退度;簡併度
58097231 degeneration 縮退化;簡併化
58097232 degradation 降解[作用]
58097233 degradation reaction 降解反應
58097234 degras 粗羊毛脂
58097235 degreasing 脫脂;去脂
58097236 degreasing agent 去脂劑
58097237 degreasing solvent 去脂溶劑
58097238 degree of acidity 酸度
58097239 degree of activity 活性度
58097240 degree of base saturation 鹼飽和度
58097241 degree of cross linking 交聯度
58097242 degree of crystallinity 結晶度
58097243 degree of dispersion 分散度
58097244 degree of dissociation 解離度
58097245 degree of electrolytic dissociation 電離度
58097246 degree of freedom 自由度
58097247 degree of hydrolysis 水解度
58097248 degree of intoxication 毒害度
58097249 degree of ionization 游離度
58097250 degree of nitration 硝化度
58097251 degree of polarization 偏極度;偏光度
58097252 degree of polymerization 聚合度
58097253 degree of saturation 飽和度
58097254 degree of sweetness 甜度
58097255 degree of swelling 潤脹度
58097256 degree of tannage 鞣度
58097257 degree of turbulence 亂流度
58097258 degree of unsaturation 不飽和度
58097259 degree of vacuum 真空度
58097260 degree of whiteness; whiteness 白度
58097261 degritting 除砂
58097262 degumming 去膠
58097263 degumming enzyme 去膠?
58097264 degumming oil 去膠油
58097265 dehalogenation 脫鹵[作用];去鹵[作用]
58097266 dehumidification; dehumidifying 除濕
58097267 dehumidifier 除濕劑;除濕器
58097268 dehydrase 去水?;脫水?
58097269 dehydrate 去水物;脫水物
58097270 dehydrated alcohol 脫水酒精;無水酒精
58097271 dehydrated castor oil 脫水篦麻油
58097272 dehydrating agent 脫水劑;去水劑
58097273 dehydration 脫水[作用];去水[作用]
58097274 dehydration tank 脫水槽
58097275 dehydrator 脫水器;脫水劑
58097276 dehydrocyclization 脫氫環化[作用];去氫環化[作用]
總共 25628 筆,顯示第 8601 到第 8650 筆