
英文名稱 中文名稱
57718225 cochlear nuclei 耳蝸神經核
57718226 cocktail party effect 雞尾酒會效應
57718227 cocktail party phenomenon 雞尾酒會現象
57718228 code of ethics 倫理守則
57718229 codeine 可待因
57718230 coding 編碼
57718231 coding strategy (資料分析的)編碼策略
57718232 codominance 共顯性
57718233 codon 密碼子
57718234 coeffcient of stability equivance 穩定等值係數
57718235 coefficient of association 關聯係數
57718236 coefficient of contigency 列聯係數
57718237 coefficient of correlation 相關係數
57718238 coefficient of dependability 可靠係數{註:同 dependability coefficient}
57718239 coefficient of determination 決定係數
57718240 coefficient of generalizability 概化係數{註:同 generalizability coefficient}
57718241 coefficient of internal consistency 內部一致性係數
57718242 coefficient of stability 穩定係數
57718243 coefficient of variation 變異係數
57718244 coenzyme 輔?
57718245 coercive home environment 高壓強制家庭環境
57718246 coercive power 強制權力
57718247 cognition 認知
57718248 cognition response model 認知反應模式
57718249 cognitive learning 認知學習
57718250 Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) 認知能力測驗
57718251 cognitive appraisal 認知評估
57718252 cognitive approach 認知取向
57718253 cognitive assessment 認知衡鑑
57718254 cognitive associative learning 認知連結學習
57718255 cognitive behavioral coping-skill therapy 認知行為之因應技巧治療
57718256 cognitive behavioral modification(CBM) 認知行為矯治法、認知行為改變技術
57718257 cognitive behaviorial paradigm 認知行為典範
57718258 cognitive bias 認知偏誤
57718259 cognitive busyness 認知忙碌
57718260 cognitive clarity 認知清晰度
57718261 cognitive complexity 認知複雜度
57718262 cognitive consistency 認知一致性
57718263 cognitive consonance 認知協調
57718264 cognitive coping skill 認知的因應技巧
57718265 cognitive defense 認知防衛
57718266 cognitive development 認知發展
57718267 cognitive developmental theory 認知發展理論
57718268 cognitive disorder 認知疾患
57718269 cognitive dissonance 認知失調
57718270 cognitive dissonance theory 認知失調理論
57718271 cognitive distortion 認知扭曲
57718272 cognitive economy 認知經濟性
57718273 cognitive enhancement therapy (CET) 認知提升治療法
57718274 cognitive evaluation theory 認知評價理論
總共 9069 筆,顯示第 1601 到第 1650 筆