
英文名稱 中文名稱
57718275 cognitive evaluative quality of pain 痛覺的認知評估
57718276 cognitive factor 認知因素
57718277 cognitive heuristic 認知捷思法
57718278 cognitive impairment 認知損傷
57718279 cognitive information processing 認知訊息處理
57718280 cognitive inhibition 認知抑制
57718281 cognitive involvement 認知涉入
57718282 cognitive learning 認知學習
57718283 cognitive map 認知圖;認知地圖
57718284 cognitive miser 認知吝嗇
57718285 cognitive model 認知楷模
57718286 cognitive modeling 認知仿效
57718287 cognitive need 認知需求
57718288 cognitive neuroscience 認知神經科學
57718289 cognitive person variable 認知個人變項
57718290 cognitive personality 認知性人格特質
57718291 cognitive potential 認知潛能
57718292 cognitive process 認知歷程
57718293 cognitive psychology 認知心理學
57718294 cognitive questionnaire 認知問卷
57718295 cognitive relaxation 認知放鬆
57718296 cognitive reserve hypothesis 認知存量假說
57718297 cognitive resource theory 認知資源理論
57718298 cognitive restructuring 認知重建
57718299 cognitive schema 認知基模
57718300 cognitive school 認知學派
57718301 cognitive science 認知科學
57718302 cognitive self-instructional training 認知自我教導訓練
57718303 cognitive self-regulation 認知自我調節
57718304 cognitive simplicity 認知單純性
57718305 cognitive skill 認知技能
57718306 cognitive structure 認知結構
57718307 cognitive style 認知類型、認知風格
57718308 cognitive technique in management of stress 壓力管理認知技術
57718309 cognitive theory 認知理論
57718310 cognitive theory of emotion 情緒的認知理論
57718311 cognitive theory of learning 認知學習論
57718312 Cognitive Therapy 認知治療
57718313 cognitive triad 認知三角
57718314 cognitive vulnerability to depression 形成憂鬱之認知易脆因子、形成憂鬱之認知脆弱因子
57718315 cognitive-affective processing system (CAPS) 認知-情感處理系統
57718316 cognitive-behavioral self-management training 認知行為之自我管理訓練
57718317 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 認知行為治療
57718318 cognitive-experiential self-theory 認知經驗自我理論
57718319 cognitivism 認知主義
57718320 cohesiveness 凝聚力
57718321 cohort effect 世代效應、同輩效應、科夥效應
57718322 colchicine 秋水仙素
57718323 cold sore 嘴唇?疹
57718324 cold turkey withdrawal 急遽戒斷症狀
總共 9069 筆,顯示第 1651 到第 1700 筆