
英文名稱 中文名稱
56971595 A Nation at Risk (report) 危機國家(1983 美國國會報告)
56971596 A Place Called School (report) 《一個稱為學校的地方》
56971597 ABC reading method ABC閱讀法;從字母學起的閱讀法
56971598 ability grouping 能力分組
56971599 absenteeism 曠課
56971600 abstinence-based sex education program 禁制本位的性教育計畫
56971601 abstract conceptual knowledge 抽象概念知識
56971602 academic achievement 學術成就
56971603 academic activity 學術活動
56971604 academic advising, higher education 學術諮詢;高等教育
56971605 academic affairs committee 教務委員會;教務會議
56971606 academic calendar 學校行事曆
56971607 academic club 學術社團
56971608 academic dean 教務長
56971609 academic demand 學術要求
56971610 academic department 學術單位;學系
56971611 academic discipline 學門
56971612 academic freedom 學術自由
56971613 academic integration 學術整合
56971614 academic labor market 學術勞動市場
56971615 academic major 主修
56971616 academic organization 學術組織
56971617 academic performance 學術成就;表現
56971618 academic research 學術研究
56971619 academic residential program 學者駐點計畫
56971620 academic standard 學術水準
56971621 academic support center 學術支援中心
56971622 academic vice president 學術副校長
56971623 accelerated learning 加速學習
56971624 access to education 受教育的管道(機會)
56971625 accommodation 調適
56971626 accountability 績效責任
56971627 accounting education 會計教育
56971628 accreditation 認證
56971629 accrediting agency 認證機構
56971630 achievement test 成就測驗
56971631 achievement value 成就價值
56971632 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS) 愛滋病(後天免疫缺乏癥候群)與人類免疫缺乏病毒
56971633 action research 行動研究
56971634 active listening 積極聆聽
56971635 active modification of child's disabilities 身心障礙兒童的積極調適
56971636 activism 行動主義
56971637 activity-based physical education curriculum 活動本位體育課程
56971638 adapted physical education (APE) 適性體育
56971639 adaptive expertise 適應的專長
56971640 adaptive teaching 適性教學
56971641 adjudication of dispute 爭議仲裁
56971642 adjustment problems of adoptive children 寄養兒童適應問題
56971643 Adler, Mortimer 阿德勒 (1902-2001 美國哲學家)
56971644 admission (入學)許可
總共 1051 筆,顯示第 1 到第 50 筆