
英文名稱 中文名稱
56971795 change agent 變革推動者
56971796 character development 品格發展
56971797 character education 品格教育
56971798 charitable organization 公益組織
56971799 Charter of the United Nations 聯合國憲章
56971800 charter school 特許學校
56971801 child abuse and neglect 兒童虐待和疏忽
56971802 Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) 兒童虐待預防和治療法(美國)
56971803 child advocacy 兒童辯護方案
56971804 child art 兒童藝術
56971805 child care 兒童照顧
56971806 Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) 兒童照顧和發展基金(美國)
56971807 child development 兒童發展
56971808 child labor 童工
56971809 child mortality 兒童死亡率
56971810 child neglect 兒童疏忽
56971811 child parent education 親子教育
56971812 child protective services 兒童保護服務
56971813 child welfare 兒童福利
56971814 child-centered education 兒童中心教育
56971815 Children and Their Primary Schools 兒童及初等學校報告書(英國)
56971816 Children in Need 需要幫助的兒童報告書(英國)
56971817 Children's Analogical Thinking Modifiability (CATM) test 兒童類比思考可變性測驗
56971818 Children's Inferential Thinking Modifiability (CITM) test 兒童推理思考可變性測驗
56971819 children's literature 兒童文學
56971820 children's rights 兒童權利
56971821 Children's Seriational Thinking Modifiability (CSTM) test 兒童序列思考可變性測驗
56971822 Chomsky, Noam 諾姆‧喬姆斯基 (1928- 美國語言學家)
56971823 Christian day school 基督教日間學校(不住宿)
56971824 chronometric information processing measuring method 精密資訊處理測量方法
56971825 church related institution 教會相關機構
56971826 church schools, American 教會學校(美國)
56971827 church-state issue 政教議題
56971828 civic capacity 公民能力
56971829 civic disposition 公民氣質
56971830 civic education 公民教育
56971831 civil rights 公民權利
56971832 Civil Rights Act 民權法
56971833 civil servant 公務員
56971834 Clandinin, D. Jean 珍‧克朗蒂尼 (加拿大教育學者)
56971835 class period 上課時段
56971836 class size 班級規模
56971837 classical conditioning 古典制約
56971838 classification of disciplines 學門分類
56971839 classroom assessment 課堂評量
56971840 classroom behavior 教室行為
56971841 classroom curriculum 教室(班級)課程
56971842 classroom design 教室設計
56971843 classroom discourse 教室言語互動
56971844 classroom dynamics of peer relations 同儕(關係)教室動力;班級同儕動態關係
總共 1051 筆,顯示第 201 到第 250 筆