
英文名稱 中文名稱
56973724 electronic-based school administration 校務行政e化
56973725 elementary and junior high school 國民中小學
56973726 elementary and secondary school 中小學
56973727 elementary and secondary school of aboriginal 原住民中小學
56973728 elementary education 初等教育
56973729 elementary school 小學;基礎學校{英}
56973730 elementary school English teaching 國小英語教學
56973731 elocution [= oration] 演講;辯論術
56973732 emergency assistance for overseas Chinese students 僑生急難救助
56973733 emotion 情緒
56973734 empirical method 經驗法;實徵
56973735 Empirical pedagogy 經驗教育學
56973736 Empirical psychology 實證心理學
56973737 Empiricism 經驗論;經驗主義
56973738 encyclopedia of education 教育百科全書
56973739 endowed school 捐資學校
56973740 endurance test 持久測驗;耐力測驗
56973741 engineering college 工學院
56973742 engineering education 工程教育
56973743 English 英語
56973744 Enlightenment; The enlightenment 啟蒙運動
56973745 enrollment promoting association 招生策進總會
56973746 enrollment; registration 登記;入學;註冊
56973747 entrance examination 入學考試
56973748 Environmental Education 環境教育
56973749 epitome method 摘要法
56973750 equal opportunity for education 接受教育機會平等
56973751 equivalent-group method 等組法
56973752 Esperanto 世界語
56973753 esprit de corps ed. 精神教育
56973754 essay-type examination 論文式考試;申論方式測驗
56973755 establishment of private schools 私立學校興學
56973756 esthetic judgment 美感判斷
56973757 esthetic pedagogy 美育[教]學
56973758 ethical education 倫理教育
56973759 Ethics 倫理學
56973760 Eugenics 優生學
56973761 European art diploma 歐洲藝術文憑
56973762 evaluation bulletin 評鑑公告
56973763 evaluation of teaching profession 教師專業評鑑
56973764 evaluation outcome 評鑑成果
56973765 evaluation standard criteria 評鑑標準
56973766 evening school; Night school 夜校
56973767 Evolutionistic pedagogy 進化論派教育學
56973768 examination 考試;檢查
56973769 examination and recognition 檢覈
56973770 examination and recognition 檢覈通過
56973771 examination system 考試制度
56973772 examining committee 考試委員會
56973773 excellent performance 績優{學生社團評鑑暨觀摩活動)
總共 2198 筆,顯示第 651 到第 700 筆