
英文名稱 中文名稱
57715276 Vestibule of larynx 喉前庭
57715277 Vestibule of mouth 口前庭
57715278 Vestibule of omental cavity 胃繫膜腔前庭
57715279 Vestibule of vagina 陰道前庭
57715280 Vexillum (or Vane; Web) 羽片;?
57715281 Vibrissae 鼻毛
57715282 Vibrissae (or Whiskers)
57715283 Vidian canal (or Pterygoid canal) 翼管
57715284 Vidian nerve (or Nerve of pterygoid canal) 翼管神經
57715285 Viliform teeth 絨毛齒
57715286 Villus (複,Villi) 絨毛
57715287 Visceral arch 咽弧
57715288 Visceral branch (or Visceral nerve) 內臟神經
57715289 Visceral cleft (or Gill cleft; Branchial cleft; Gill slit) 鰓裂
57715290 Visceral cranium (or Splanchnocranium; Viscerocranium) 咽顱【即咽骨】
57715291 Visceral layer 臟層
57715292 Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis (testis )(or Visceral portion of tunica vagindlis) 本鞘膜
57715293 Visceral lymph gland 臟壁淋巴腺
57715294 Visceral motor column 內臟運動柱
57715295 Visceral motor fiber 內臟運動纖維
57715296 Visceral muscle 臟肌【即平滑肌】
57715297 Visceral nerve (or Visceral branch) 內臟神經
57715298 Visceral pericardium 內臟圍心膜
57715299 Visceral peritoneum (Serosa) 內臟腹膜
57715300 Visceral pleura 內臟胸膜
57715301 Visceral portion of tunica vagindlis (or Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis (testis)) 本鞘膜
57715302 Visceral pouch 鰓囊
57715303 Visceral sensory column 內臟感覺柱
57715304 Visceral sensory fiber 內臟感覺纖維
57715305 Visceral skeleton 咽骨
57715306 Visceral vessel (or Splanchnic vessel) 內臟血管
57715307 Viscerocranium (or Splanchnocranium; Visceral cranium) 咽顱【即咽骨】
57715308 Vitelline artery 卵黃動脈
57715309 Vitelline vein 卵黃靜脈
57715310 Vitreodentine 透明齒質
57715311 Vitreous body (or Vitreous humor) 透明液
57715312 Vitreous humor (or Vitreous body) 透明液
57715313 Vitreous stroma 透明基質
57715314 Vocal cord (or True vocal cord) 聲帶
57715315 Vocal ligament 聲韌帶
57715316 Vocal lip 聲帶脣
57715317 Vocal muscle 聲帶肌
57715318 Vocal process 聲帶突
57715319 Vocal sac 聲囊【見兩棲類】
57715320 Volar antibrachial artery 掌臂動脈
57715321 Volar carpal ligament (or Palmar carpal ligament) 腕掌韌帶
57715322 Volar digital branch 掌指?神經?枝
57715323 Volar digital vein 掌指靜脈
57715324 Volar groove 掌溝
57715325 Volar interosseous artery 掌骨間動脈
總共 6013 筆,顯示第 5901 到第 5950 筆