
英文名稱 中文名稱
57715326 Volar ligament 掌韌帶
57715327 Volar nerve (or Metacarpal nerve; Palmar branch) 掌神經
57715328 Voluntary muscle 隨意肌
57715329 Vomer 鋤骨
57715330 Vomerine teeth 鋤齒
57715331 Vomero-nasal organ (or Jacobson's organ) 鋤鼻器
57715332 Vomero-palatine 鋤?骨
57715333 Vomeronasal nerve 鋤鼻神經
57715334 Vortex vein 渦形靜脈
57715335 Vulvar cleft 陰門裂
57715336 Water cell 水桴【見駱駝】
57715337 Wax gland (or Ceruminous glands) 耳垢腺;盯?腺
57715338 Web (or Vexillum; Vane) 羽片;?
57715339 Weberian apparatus Weber 器
57715340 Wedge-shaped fasciculus 楔狀束
57715341 Wharton's duct (or Mandibular duct; Submaxillary duct) 頜下腺管
57715342 Whiskers (or Vibrissae)
57715343 White blood corpuscle 白血球
57715344 White body 白體
57715345 White commissure 白聯體
57715346 White matter (or White nerve substance) 白質
57715347 White nerve substance (or White matter) 白質
57715348 White ramus 白枝
57715349 Wilson's muscle (or Urethral muscle) 尿道肌
57715350 Windpipe (or Trachea) 氣管
57715351 Wing (atlas) 椎翼(寰椎骨)
57715352 Wing coverts (or Coverts;Tectrices) 覆羽
57715353 Wing of ilium 胯翼
57715354 Wing of vomer 鋤翼
57715355 Wing quills (or Remiges; Flight feathers) 飛羽;翼羽
57715356 Winged scapula 翼狀髆骨
57715357 Wings of nose (or Alae of nose; Side of nose) 鼻翼
57715358 Winter plumage 冬羽
57715359 Wirsung's duct (or Pancreatic duct) 胰管
57715360 Wishbone 願骨【與 Furcula; Merry thought bone 所指相同】
57715361 Wolf tooth 飢齒【指馬之第一前血齒】
57715362 Wolffian body Wolff 體【即中腎】
57715363 Wolffian duct Wolff 管【即中腎管】
57715364 Womb (or Uterus) 子宮
57715365 Worm-like process (or Vermiform appendix) 蚓突
57715366 Wormian bone (or Sutural bone) 縫間骨
57715367 Wrist
57715368 Xiphiplastron 劍腹甲
57715369 Xiphisternal horn 劍胸角
57715370 Xiphisternal process 劍胸突
57715371 Xiphisternum (or Ensiform appendix) 劍胸骨【即後胸骨】
57715372 Xiphoid cartilage (or Ensiform cartilage) 劍狀軟骨
57715373 Xiphoid process (or Ensiform process) 劍突
57715374 Yellow ligaments 黃韌帶
57715375 Yellow marrow 黃髓
總共 6013 筆,顯示第 5951 到第 6000 筆