
英文名稱 中文名稱
57711476 Egg teeth 卵齒
57711477 Eggs (or ova; ovules)
57711478 Eisler theory (or Theory of Eisler) Eisler 說【對邊肢體同原說之一派】
57711479 Ejaculatory duct 射精管
57711480 Ejaculatory orifice 射精孔
57711481 Elastic cartilage 彈性軟骨
57711482 Elastic membrane (Larynx) 彈性膜
57711483 Elbow 肘節
57711484 Elbow join 肘關節
57711485 Elbow muscle 肘肌
57711486 Electrical plate 電板
57711487 Ellitical recess 橢圓窩
57711488 Embolomerous vertebrae 楔狀椎骨
57711489 Eminence of concha 耳殼隆起
57711490 Emissary vein 導血管
57711491 Enamel 琺瑯質;釉質
57711492 Enamel cap 琺瑯冠
57711493 Enamel layer (or Enamel organ) 琺瑯層;釉層
57711494 Enamel membrane 琺瑯膜;釉膜
57711495 Enamel organ (or Enamel layer) 琺瑯層;釉層
57711496 Enamel-pulp 琺瑯髓
57711497 Enciform process (or Xiphoid process) 劍突
57711498 End-brain 端腦
57711499 Endo-cuneiform (or Internal cuneiform; Medial cuneiform) 內楔骨【即第一楔骨】
57711500 Endocardium 內心層
57711501 Endochondral bone (骨色)內化骨【與 Primary bone 一名詞所指相同】
57711502 Endochondral bone formation (or Endochondral ossification; Chondral ossification) (骨色)內骨化
57711503 Endochondral ossification (or Chondral ossification; Endochondral bone formation) (骨色)內骨化
57711504 Endoconulid 下內?
57711505 Endocrine organ 內分泌器
57711506 Endolymph 內淋巴
57711507 Endolymph fossa (or Endolymphatic fossa) 內淋巴窩
57711508 Endolymphatic duct 內淋巴管
57711509 Endolymphatic fossa (or Endolymph fossa) 內淋巴窩
57711510 Endolymphatic space 內淋巴隙
57711511 Endosteum 骨髓膜
57711512 Endoturbinates (or Entoturbinals) 內鼻甲板
57711513 Ensiform appendix (or Xiphisternum) 劍胸骨【即後胸骨】
57711514 Ensiform cartilage (or Xiphoid cartilage) 劍狀軟骨
57711515 Entale 肢內片
57711516 Entepicondylar foramen 內上髁孔【與 Ulnar foramen 所指相同】
57711517 Entobronchus 內枝氣管
57711518 Entoglossum 舌內骨【此名詞與 Glossohyal 所指相同】
57711519 Entomarginal fissure 內緣溝
57711520 Enton 肢內桿
57711521 Entoplastron 內腹甲【?類之 Episternum】
57711522 Entopterygoid 內翼骨
57711523 Entoturbinals (or Endoturbinates) 內鼻甲板
57711524 Entotympanic bone (or Metatympanic bone) 內鼓骨
57711525 Entovarial canal 陷入卵巢溝
總共 6013 筆,顯示第 2101 到第 2150 筆