
英文名稱 中文名稱
57711576 Epithelial body 上皮體
57711577 Epithelial-like layer (or Epitheliomorph layer) 上皮狀層
57711578 Epitheliomorph layer (or Epithelial-like layer) 上皮狀層
57711579 Epitrichium 胎兒外皮
57711580 Epo?phoron 卵巢冠
57711581 Epurals 尾上骨
57711582 Equator of the lens 晶赤道
57711583 Esophageal artery 食管動脈
57711584 Ethmoid bone 篩骨
57711585 Ethmoid cornu 篩角
57711586 Ethmoid foramen 篩孔
57711587 Ethmoid labyrinth 篩骨迷路
57711588 Ethmoid plate 篩板
57711589 Ethmoid region 篩骨區
57711590 Ethmoidal artery 篩動脈
57711591 Ethmoidal fossa 篩窩
57711592 Ethmoidal meatus 篩道
57711593 Ethmoidal nerve 篩神經
57711594 Ethmoidal spine 篩棘
57711595 Ethmonasal bone 篩鼻骨
57711596 Ethmoturbinal plate 篩鼻甲板
57711597 Ethmoturbinals (or Ethmoturbinates) 篩鼻甲骨
57711598 Ethmoturbinates (or Ethmoturbinals) 篩鼻甲骨
57711599 Eustachian tube (or Auditive tube; Auditory tube) 耳咽管
57711600 Eustachian valve Eustachii瓣
57711601 Excretory duct 排泄管
57711602 Exoccipital bone 外枕骨
57711603 Exoskeleton (or External skeleton) 外骨骼【與 Dermal skeleton 所指相同】
57711604 Extension 伸展
57711605 Extensor fossa 伸趾窩
57711606 Extensor process 伸腱突
57711607 External acoustic meatus (or External auditory passage) 外耳道
57711608 External acoustic process 外耳突
57711609 External arcuate fibres 外弧纖維
57711610 External auditory meatus 外耳道
57711611 External auditory passage (or External acoustic meatus) 外耳道
57711612 External auricular muscle 外耳肌
57711613 External branch 外肢
57711614 External branchia (or External gill) 外鰓
57711615 External capsule 外囊
57711616 External carotid artery 外頸動脈
57711617 External carotid foramen 外頸動脈孔
57711618 External carotid plexus 外頸【神經】叢
57711619 External ceratohyoid muscle 外角舌肌
57711620 External cremaster muscle 外睪舉肌
57711621 External cuneiform (or Ectocuneiform; Lateral cuneiform) 外楔骨【即第三楔骨】
57711622 External ear 外耳
57711623 External frontal crest 外額脊
57711624 External genital organs 外生殖器
57711625 External gill (or External branchia) 外鰓
總共 6013 筆,顯示第 2201 到第 2250 筆