
英文名稱 中文名稱
57713476 Paramastoid process 副乳突
57713477 Paranasal sinus 副鼻腔
57713478 Parapharyngeal lymph gland 副咽淋巴腺
57713479 Paraphysis 線狀體
57713480 Parapophysis 椎體突
57713481 Paraquadrate 副方骨
57713482 Paraseptum cartilage 副隔軟骨
57713483 Parasphenoid bone 副蝶骨
57713484 Parasphenoid vacuity 副蝶窩
57713485 Parasternum 副胸骨【與 Abdominal rib; Abdominal splint rib 所指相同】
57713486 Parastyloideum 副柱骨
57713487 Parathyroid 副盾狀腺
57713488 Parenchyma of testis 睪丸實質
57713489 Parethmoid 副篩骨【即外篩骨】
57713490 Parietal artery 體壁動脈
57713491 Parietal bone 頂骨
57713492 Parietal border 頂緣
57713493 Parietal branch (or Somatic vessel; Somatic branch) 體壁?血管?枝
57713494 Parietal cartilage 壁軟骨
57713495 Parietal flexure (or Apical flexure) 頂曲
57713496 Parietal fossa 頂窩【與 Endolymph fossa 所指相同】
57713497 Parietal lamina 頂葉
57713498 Parietal layer 壁層
57713499 Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis (testis)(Parietal portion of tunica vaginalis) 總鞘膜
57713500 Parietal lobe 頂葉
57713501 Parietal lymph gland 體壁淋巴腺
57713502 Parietal muscle 體壁肌【即橫紋肌】
57713503 Parietal organ (or Pineal gland; Pineal body; Pineal organ) 松果腺;松果體
57713504 Parietal pericardium 體壁圍心膜
57713505 Parietal peritoneum(Serosa) 體壁腹膜
57713506 Parietal pleura 體壁胸膜
57713507 Parietal surface 頂面
57713508 Parietal suture 頂縫
57713509 Parietal tubercle(Parietal eminence) 頂結
57713510 Parietal vein 體壁靜脈
57713511 Parietal-frontal suture 頂額縫
57713512 Parieto-occipital suture 頂枕縫
57713513 Parieto-temporal canal 頂顳道
57713514 Paroccipital process 副枕突【即副乳突】
57713515 Parolfactory area(Brocae) 副嗅區
57713516 Paro?phoron 卵巢旁體
57713517 Parotic crest 副耳脊
57713518 Parotic process 副耳突
57713519 Parotid artery 腮腺動脈
57713520 Parotid duct (or Steno's duct; Stenonian duct) 腮腺管
57713521 Parotid gland 腮腺
57713522 Parotid lymph gland 腮淋巴腺
57713523 Parotid plexus 腮腺?神經?叢
57713524 Parotid vein 腮腺靜脈
57713525 Parovarial canal 副卵巢溝
總共 6013 筆,顯示第 4101 到第 4150 筆