
英文名稱 中文名稱
57713526 Pastern joint 骹關節
57713527 Patagial muscle 蹼肌
57713528 Patellar ligament 髕韌帶;膝韌帶
57713529 Pathetic nerve (or Trochlear nerve) 滑車神經
57713530 Paunch (or Rumen) 瘤胃
57713531 Pecten 櫛膜
57713532 Pecten of pubis 恥梳
57713533 Pectinate ligament of iris 虹膜櫛狀韌帶
57713534 Pectineal process 櫛狀突
57713535 Pectineus muscle 櫛狀肌
57713536 Pectoral aorta (or Thoracic aorta) 胸部大動脈
57713537 Pectoral arch 肩弧
57713538 Pectoral artery 胸動脈
57713539 Pectoral fascia 胸肌膜
57713540 Pectoral fin 胸鰭
57713541 Pectoral girdle (or Shoulder girdle) 肩帶
57713542 Pectoral lymph-sac 胸淋巴囊
57713543 Pectoral mammae 胸乳;胸位乳房
57713544 Pectoral muscle 胸肌
57713545 Pectoral plate 胸板
57713546 Pectoral scute 肩盾
57713547 Pectoral septum 胸隔
57713548 Pectoral vein 胸靜脈
57713549 Pedicle (or Radix of vertebra) 椎根
57713550 Pelvic arch 腰弧
57713551 Pelvic cavity 骨盤腔
57713552 Pelvic colon 尻結腸
57713553 Pelvic extremity (Posterior extremity) 骨盤端
57713554 Pelvic fascia 骨盤肌膜
57713555 Pelvic fin (or Ventral fin) 腹鰭
57713556 Pelvic flexure 結腸骨盤曲
57713557 Pelvic ganglion 骨盤神經結
57713558 Pelvic girdle 腰帶
57713559 Pelvic inclination (or Inclination of pelvis; Obliquity of inlet) 骨盤傾斜
57713560 Pelvic limb (or Hind limb) 後肢;下肢
57713561 Pelvic lymph gland 骨盤淋巴腺
57713562 Pelvic part 骨盤部
57713563 Pelvic peritoneum 骨盤腹膜
57713564 Pelvic plate 骨盤板【即坐恥板】
57713565 Pelvic plexuses 下腹?神經?叢
57713566 Pelvic surface 骨盤面
57713567 Pelvic symphysis 骨盤縫
57713568 Pelvic vein 骨盤靜脈
57713569 Pelvis 骨盤
57713570 Pelvis part 骨盤部
57713571 Penis (or Phallus) 陰莖
57713572 Penis bone 陰莖骨
57713573 Pennate muscle 羽狀肌
57713574 Perennibranchiate 宿鰓
57713575 Perfect joint 完全關節
總共 6013 筆,顯示第 4151 到第 4200 筆