(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 30501 到 30600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
ship observation 船舶觀測
ship operation 船舶運轉
ship over 回役
ship owner 船東;船舶所有人
ship owner's liability {= s.o.l.}; shipowner's liability 船東責任
ship pass; ship canal 通航水道
ship permanent magnetism 永久船磁
ship plate 船板
ship position 船位
ship power station 船舶發電所
ship proportion 船型比例
ship radio licence 船舶無線電臺執照
ship registration 船舶登記
ship repairer's liability {= s.r.l.; s.r. liab.} 船舶承修責任
ship repairing service 修船業
ship report 船舶報告
ship reporting system 船舶報告系統
ship safety inspection 船舶安全檢查
ship side valve 舷側閥
ship speed 船速
ship speed distribution 航速分配
ship spot 艦上彈著修正
ship stabilizer 船舶穩定器
ship stabilizing gear 船舶穩定裝置
ship station identity 船舶電臺識別
ship station; ship's station 船舶電臺
ship steel 船用鋼材
ship supply facilities 船舶供應機構
ship survey 船舶檢驗
ship synoptic code 船舶綜觀[天氣]電碼
ship traffic simulation 船舶交通模擬
ship ventilation 船舶通風
ship wave 船行浪
ship weapon coordinator {= SWC} 艦上武器協調官
ship weather report 船舶氣象報告
ship wind 船行風
ship's agent 船舶代理人
ship's call sign 船舶呼號
ship's certificates surveying record book 船舶證書檢驗紀錄簿
ship's clerk 文書士官長
ship's company 全體官兵
ship's constant 船舶常數
ship's documents 船舶文書
ship's fire fighting 船舶滅火
ship's heading 艏向
ship's husband 船舶管理人
ship's markings 船舶標誌
ship's material burned as fuel 早期燒煤船煤用罄時以船上物品{如桌、椅}當煤使用
ship's meeting circle 船艦相遇圓
ship's name 船名
ship's nationality 船舶國籍
ship's number 船舶代號
ship's official number 船舶登記號碼
ship's orders 艦規
ship's organization book 艦艇組織規程
ship's papers 船舶文件
ship's passenger 船舶旅客
ship's qualification assistance team {= SQAT} 艦船合格協助小組
ship's register book 船名錄;船舶登記簿
ship's release 交提單
ship's secretary 文書官
ship's stores burned as fuel 早期燒煤船煤用罄時以船上物料{司多}當煤使用
ship's time; zonet 船用時
ship-board 船上
ship-load 船之貨載;船之載量
ship-man 海員
ship-operator 船舶營運人
ship-to-ship distress alerting 船對船遇險警報
ship-to-shore distress alerting 船對岸遇險警報
ship-to-shore movement 艦岸運動
ship/aircraft coordinated search 船舶/飛機協作搜尋
ship/helicopter asoustic prediction system {= SHARPS} 艦船直升機音響預測系統
shipalt 改裝令;換裝令
shipboard automation system 船上自動化系統
shipboard management 船上管理
shipboard oil pollution emergency plan 船上油污染應急計畫
shipboard wind plotter 船用真風填算盤
shipbuilding 造船
shipbuilding codes 船舶種類代碼
shipbuilding industry 造船工業;造船業
shipbuilding specification 造船規範
shiphandling 船舶操縱
shiphandling in heavy weather 大風浪中操船
shiphandling in ice 冰中操船
shipmate 船夥;同船者
shipment 船運;船運之貨
shipowner 船舶所有人;船東
shipowner's liability to cargo 船東對貨物之責任
shipowner's lien 船東留置權
shipper 託運人
shipper's interest 託運人利益
shipper's load and count 託運人裝載並計數
shipper's weight 託運人申報重量
shippers council 託運人協會
Shipping Act; Shipping Law 航業法
shipping agent 船務代理人;船務代理行;航業代理人
shipping application 託運單
shipping articals 船員僱傭契約
shipping bill 載貨單
shipping clerk 運務員