
英文名稱 中文名稱
55825519 Abasia 步行不能
55825520 Abnormal perception 知覺異常,理會異常
55825521 Absence 出神
55825522 Absence of mind 精神不在
55825523 Abulia; Aboulia; Loss of will-power 意志缺失
55825524 Acarophobia 疥瘡恐怖
55825525 Accident neurosis 災害性神經病
55825526 Acoria; Aplesia; Insatiable hunger 不飽症,貪食不飽
55825527 Acquired dementia 後天失智
55825528 Acquired insanity 後天精神病
55825529 Active algolagnia; Sadism 主動性[疼]痛淫,施虐淫,Sade氏式淫亂
55825530 Active negativism; Commanded negativism 主動拒絕症,主動違拗,主動性消極主義
55825531 Actual neurosis 真性神經病
55825532 Acute dementia; Stupidity; Anoia 急性失智
55825533 Acute stupor 急性木殭
55825534 Adiadochokinesis; Adiadochocinesia 運動變換不能,動作變換不能
55825535 Adipsia; Absence of thirst 不渴症,渴感缺乏
55825536 affect 性情,情感
55825537 Affectation; Affectedness 矯飾
55825538 Affection; Emotion; Mental emotion; Excitement 動情,感情,外情
55825539 Affective alienation 情感性錯亂
55825540 Affective epilepsy 情感性癲癇
55825541 Affective neurosis; Emotional neurosis 情感性神經病
55825542 Affectivity; Emotivity 感觸性,易感性
55825543 Aftificial somnambulism 人為夢行症,人為性夢行症
55825544 Agathodemania 神憑妄想
55825545 Ageusia 味覺缺失
55825546 Agnosia; Mind-blindness 領會不能,不識症
55825547 Agoraphobia; Fear of open places 廣場恐怖,曠野恐怖
55825548 Agrammatism 語法缺失,言不通順
55825549 Ahedonia; Anhedonia 快感缺乏,興致缺乏,掃興
55825550 Aichmophobia 鋒刃恐怖
55825551 Akathisia; Acatisia 靜坐不能
55825552 Akinesia algera [疼]痛性運動不能,[疼]痛性動作不能
55825553 Akinesia; Akinesis 運動不能,動作不能
55825554 Alcoholic epilepsy 酒[中]毒性癲癇
55825555 Alcoholic hysteria 酒[中]毒性?病,酒[中]毒性協識脫離
55825556 Alcoholic insanity 酒[中]毒性精神病
55825557 Alcoholic paranoia 酒[中]毒性妄想狂,酒[中]毒性偏狂
55825558 Algolagnia 〔疼〕痛淫,痛性淫亂
55825559 Algophobia; Odynophobia 疼痛恐怖,痛苦恐怖
55825560 Alienation; Entanglement; Mental derangement; Mental confusion 精神錯亂
55825561 Allochiria; Allachesthesia; Allachaesthesia 精神性對偶感覺,對錯感覺,易側感覺
55825562 Allopsychic disorientation 外界定向力障礙
55825563 Allopsychosis 異向性精神病,異感性精神病
55825564 Allotriogeusia; Deception of taste 味覺異常
55825565 Allotriophagy; Pica 異嗜癖,異食癖
55825566 Allotriosmia 嗅覺異常,異嗅
55825567 Alopecanthropia 變狐妄想
55825568 Alteration of mental condition 心境轉變
總共 1067 筆,顯示第 1 到第 50 筆