
英文名稱 中文名稱
55826569 Waking dream 醒夢[症]
55826570 War neurosis 戰時神經病
55826571 Weakening of the mind 精神變弱
55826572 Weakness in judgment 判斷力薄弱
55826573 Weakness of association 聯想薄弱
55826574 Weakness of mind; Feeble mindedness 低能
55826575 Weakness of willpower 意志薄弱
55826576 Weariness; Lassitude 厭倦
55826577 World-woe; Weariness of life 悲世,厭世
55826578 Xanthopsia; Xanthopia; Yellow vision 黃幻視
55826579 Xenophobia 生客恐怖,排外性
55826580 Zelotypia 熱中癖
55826581 Zoanthropia; Zoanthropy 變獸妄想
55826582 Zoophilism; Zoophilia erotica 戀獸慾
55826583 Zoophobia 動物恐怖
55826584 Zoopsia 動物幻視
55826585 Zoostuprum; Zooerastia; Bestialism; Bestiality 獸姦
總共 1067 筆,顯示第 1051 到第 1067 筆