(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 1067 筆資料,顯示第 1 到 100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Abasia 步行不能
Abnormal perception 知覺異常,理會異常
Absence 出神
Absence of mind 精神不在
Abulia; Aboulia; Loss of will-power 意志缺失
Acarophobia 疥瘡恐怖
Accident neurosis 災害性神經病
Acoria; Aplesia; Insatiable hunger 不飽症,貪食不飽
Acquired dementia 後天失智
Acquired insanity 後天精神病
Active algolagnia; Sadism 主動性[疼]痛淫,施虐淫,Sade氏式淫亂
Active negativism; Commanded negativism 主動拒絕症,主動違拗,主動性消極主義
Actual neurosis 真性神經病
Acute dementia; Stupidity; Anoia 急性失智
Acute stupor 急性木殭
Adiadochokinesis; Adiadochocinesia 運動變換不能,動作變換不能
Adipsia; Absence of thirst 不渴症,渴感缺乏
affect 性情,情感
Affectation; Affectedness 矯飾
Affection; Emotion; Mental emotion; Excitement 動情,感情,外情
Affective alienation 情感性錯亂
Affective epilepsy 情感性癲癇
Affective neurosis; Emotional neurosis 情感性神經病
Affectivity; Emotivity 感觸性,易感性
Aftificial somnambulism 人為夢行症,人為性夢行症
Agathodemania 神憑妄想
Ageusia 味覺缺失
Agnosia; Mind-blindness 領會不能,不識症
Agoraphobia; Fear of open places 廣場恐怖,曠野恐怖
Agrammatism 語法缺失,言不通順
Ahedonia; Anhedonia 快感缺乏,興致缺乏,掃興
Aichmophobia 鋒刃恐怖
Akathisia; Acatisia 靜坐不能
Akinesia algera [疼]痛性運動不能,[疼]痛性動作不能
Akinesia; Akinesis 運動不能,動作不能
Alcoholic epilepsy 酒[中]毒性癲癇
Alcoholic hysteria 酒[中]毒性?病,酒[中]毒性協識脫離
Alcoholic insanity 酒[中]毒性精神病
Alcoholic paranoia 酒[中]毒性妄想狂,酒[中]毒性偏狂
Algolagnia 〔疼〕痛淫,痛性淫亂
Algophobia; Odynophobia 疼痛恐怖,痛苦恐怖
Alienation; Entanglement; Mental derangement; Mental confusion 精神錯亂
Allochiria; Allachesthesia; Allachaesthesia 精神性對偶感覺,對錯感覺,易側感覺
Allopsychic disorientation 外界定向力障礙
Allopsychosis 異向性精神病,異感性精神病
Allotriogeusia; Deception of taste 味覺異常
Allotriophagy; Pica 異嗜癖,異食癖
Allotriosmia 嗅覺異常,異嗅
Alopecanthropia 變狐妄想
Alteration of mental condition 心境轉變
Alternating personality; Alternating conciousness 交替性人格,交替性意識
Amaurotic idiocy 黑矇性白癡
Amaxophobia 乘車恐怖
Amblyaphia; Dullness of sense of touch 觸覺遲鈍,鈍觸
Amentia activa; Active amentia 主動性精神錯亂症
Amentia occulta; Occult amentia 隱匿性精神錯亂症
Amentia partialis; Partial amentia 部份性精神錯亂症
Amentia passiva; Passive amentia 被動性精神錯亂症
Amentia senilis; Senile amentia 老年精神錯亂症
Amentia simplex; Simple amentia 單純性精神錯亂症
Amentia; Hallucinosis 急性幻覺性精神錯亂,精神錯亂症
Amimia 表情缺失,擬態缺失
Amnesia; Lose of memory; Morbid forgetfulness 記憶缺失,健忘
Amnestic confabulation 健忘性虛談症
Amok; Amuck 馬來人殺人狂
Amusia 樂歌不能,音樂不能,無知音能
Anacusis; Anacousia 聽覺缺失,聾
Analgesia; Analgia; Painlessness 痛感缺失,痛覺缺失
Anaphrodisia; Absence of sexual desire 性慾缺乏
Androphobia; Fear of male sex 男性恐怖
Androphonomania; Homicidal mania 殺人癖,殺人狂
Anemic insanity 貧血性精神病
Anemophobia 通風恐怖,畏風
Anerethisia; Apathism 興奮性缺失,不起興奮
Anergia; Anergy 能力缺失
Anesthesia 感覺缺失,知覺脫失
Bradyphrasia 言語遲慢,[精神性]遲語症
Anesthesia sexualis; Frigidity; Abepithymia; Absence of sexual desire 性感缺失,情慾冷淡
Anginophobia 心狹病恐怖,心絞痛恐怖
Angophrasia; Hemming 言語澀滯,〔精神性〕澀語症
Anility 老嫗型癡愚,老嫗性
Anoesia 智力缺失
Anomaly of character 性格異常
Anopsia; Ablepsia 視覺缺失,盲
Anorexia mentalis 精神性食慾缺乏
Anorexia nervosa 神經性食慾缺乏
Anorexia; Anorexy; Loss of appetite 食慾缺乏,厭食
Anosmia; Anosphresia; Anesthesia olfactoria; Absence of sense of smell 嗅覺缺失,癰
Anosognosia; Ignorance of existence of disease 無病感覺,病者健康感
Anterograde amnesia 順行性健忘,遠事遺忘
Anthropophagy; Man-eating 食人癖
Anthropophobia 人類恐怖
Antisociality 反社會症,厭世
Anxiety hysteria 恐怖性?病,恐怖性協識脫離
Anxiety neurosis 恐怖[性]神經病,悸懼性神經病,焦慮性神經病
Anxiety psychosis 恐怖性精神病,悸懼性精神病,焦慮性精神病
Anxiety; Feeling of fear 恐怖感覺,焦慮,悸懼
Aooria;Aplesia;Insatiable hunger 不飽症,貪食不飽
Apandria 不近男症,遠男症
Apathetical idiocy 無感性白癡