
英文名稱 中文名稱
56970393 statistical significance 統計顯著性
56970394 statistical standard 統計標準
56970395 statistical survey 統計調查
56970396 statistical symbol 統計符號
56970397 statistical table 統計表
56970398 statistical theory 統計理論
56970399 statistical tolerance 統計允差
56970400 statistical tolerance analysis 統計允差分析
56970401 statistical tolerance interval 統計允差區間
56970402 statistical tolerance limit 統計允差界限
56970403 statistical tolerance region 統計允差域
56970404 statistical unit 統計單位
56970405 statistical universe 統計母體
56970406 statistical variation 統計變異
56970407 statistically equivalent block 統計對等集區
56970408 statistician 統計師;統計學家
56970409 statistics 統計學;統計
56970410 statistics act 統計法
56970411 statistics law 統計法規
56970412 statistics of attributes 屬性統計
56970413 statistics of crime 犯罪統計
56970414 statistics of tax 賦稅統計
56970415 statistics of variables 屬量統計
56970416 steady state 穩定均衡
56970417 steepest ascent method 最陡上升法
56970418 steepest descent method 最陡下降法
56970419 Stein two-stage confidence procedure Stein二段信賴程序
56970420 Stein's two sample procedure Stein雙樣本程序
56970421 Steiner's triple systems Steiner三重系統
56970422 stem and leaf analysis 莖葉分析
56970423 stem and leaf diagram 莖葉圖
56970424 stem and leaf plot 莖葉圖
56970425 stem family 主幹家庭
56970426 step down procedure 逐步減少法
56970427 step interval 階距
56970428 step stress test 逐步應力試驗
56970429 step-by-step method 逐步法
56970430 step-up procedure 逐步增加法
56970431 Stephan's iterative process Stephan迭過程
56970432 stepwise regression 逐步迴歸
56970433 stepwise regression procedure 逐步迴歸程序
56970434 stereogram 立體圖
56970435 sterilized intervention 沖銷性干預
56970436 Stevens-Craig distribution Stevens-Craig分布;Stevens-Craig分配
56970437 stillbirth rate 死產率
56970438 Stirling distributions Stirling分布;Stir-ling分配
56970439 Stirling's approximation Stirling近似
56970440 Stirling's formula Stirling公式
56970441 stochastic 隨機的
56970442 stochastic approach 隨機法
總共 8352 筆,顯示第 7151 到第 7200 筆