
英文名稱 中文名稱
56970443 stochastic approximation procedure 隨機逼近程序;隨機近似程序
56970444 stochastic calculus 隨機微積分
56970445 stochastic comparison of tests 檢定的隨機比較
56970446 stochastic continuity 隨機連續性
56970447 stochastic convergence 隨機收斂性
56970448 stochastic definite 隨機恒定的
56970449 stochastic dependence 隨機相依性
56970450 stochastic differentiability 隨機可微分性
56970451 stochastic differential equation 隨機微分方程
56970452 stochastic disturbance 隨機擾動
56970453 stochastic error 隨機誤差
56970454 stochastic functional equation 隨機泛函方程式
56970455 stochastic independence 隨機獨立性
56970456 stochastic integrability 隨機可積分性
56970457 stochastic integral 隨機積分
56970458 stochastic integral and differential equations 隨機積分與微分方程
56970459 stochastic kernel 隨機核
56970460 stochastic law of growth 成長隨機法則
56970461 stochastic linear equation 隨機線性方程式
56970462 stochastic matrix 隨機矩陣
56970463 stochastic model 隨機模型
56970464 stochastic order 隨機順序
56970465 stochastic paper 機率紙
56970466 stochastic process 隨機過程
56970467 stochastic programming 隨機規劃
56970468 stochastic transitivity 隨機遞移性
56970469 stochastic trend 隨機趨勢
56970470 stochastic variable 隨機變數
56970471 stochastically decreasing 隨機遞減的
56970472 stochastically increasing 隨機遞增的
56970473 stochastically larger or smaller 隨機大於或小於的
56970474 stochasticized 隨機化的
56970475 stochastics 隨機學
56970476 stopping region 終止域
56970477 stopping rules 止步規則;終止規則
56970478 stopping times 止步時間;終止時間
56970479 straight line basis 直線基準
56970480 straight line correlation 直線相關
56970481 straight line depreciation 直線折舊法
56970482 straight line trend 直線趨勢
56970483 strata chart 分層圖
56970484 strategy 策略
56970485 stratification 分層
56970486 stratification after selection 抽後分層
56970487 stratified cluster sampling 分層群聚抽樣
56970488 stratified multiple stage sampling 分層多段抽樣
56970489 stratified one stage sampling 分層一段抽樣
56970490 stratified purposive sample 分層立意樣本
56970491 stratified purposive sampling 分層立意抽樣
56970492 stratified random sample 分層隨機樣本
總共 8352 筆,顯示第 7201 到第 7250 筆