
英文名稱 中文名稱
56970593 supernormal dispersion 超正常離散
56970594 supernormal distribution 超常態分布
56970595 superpopulation 超母體
56970596 superposed process 疊加過程
56970597 superposed variation 疊加變異
56970598 superposition or linear diffusion method 疊加法
56970599 supersaturated designs 超飽和設計
56970600 superscript 上標
56970601 supplementary and continuing education statistics 補習及進修教育統計
56970602 supplementary information 輔助資訊
56970603 supplemented balance 補充平衡
56970604 supply delay time 待料時間
56970605 support 自然對數概似比;自然對數概度比;支撐集合
56970606 support function 自然對數概似函數;自然對數概度函數(依kendall定義翻譯)
56970607 support service activities - ISIC 支援服務業
56970608 support set 支撐集合
56970609 sure event 必然事件
56970610 surface chart 平面圖
56970611 surface diagram 平面圖
56970612 surprise index 驚奇指數
56970613 surprise stratum technique 驚奇分層技巧
56970614 survey 調查
56970615 survey analysis 調查分析
56970616 survey design 調查設計
56970617 survey method 調查方法
56970618 survey of earnings by occupation 職類別薪資調查
56970619 survey of family income and expenditure 家庭收支調查
56970620 survey of family income and expenditure 家庭收支調查
56970621 survey of gender equality in employment and management 僱用管理性別平等概況調查
56970622 survey of gender equality in the workplace 工作場所性別平等概況調查
56970623 survey of motor vehicle freight traffic 汽車貨運調查
56970624 survey of price paid by farmer 農民所付物價調查
56970625 survey of price received by farmer 農民所得物價調查
56970626 survey of production value on transport and storage industries 運輸及倉儲業產值調查
56970627 survey of travel by R.O.C citizens 國人旅遊狀況調查
56970628 survey of visitors expenditure and trends in Taiwan 來臺旅客消費及動向調查
56970629 survey on management and utilization of foreign workers 外籍勞工運用及管理調查
56970630 survey on the living and employment situation of labor 勞工生活及就業狀況調查
56970631 survey unit 調查單位
56970632 survival analysis 存活分析
56970633 survival characteristic curve 存活特徵曲線
56970634 survival function 存活函數
56970635 survival probability 存活機率
56970636 survival rate 存活率
56970637 survival rate of enterprise 企業存活率
56970638 survival time 存活時間
56970639 survivor function 存活函數
56970640 switchback 互換
56970641 switchback design 互換設計
56970642 switching procedure 轉換程序
總共 8352 筆,顯示第 7351 到第 7400 筆