
英文名稱 中文名稱
56970693 T-score T記分
56970694 t-statistics t統計量
56970695 T-test T檢定
56970696 t-tests t檢定
56970697 table for range 全距表
56970698 table lookup 查表
56970699 table of cumulative frequency distribution 累積次數分布表
56970700 table of frequency distribution 次數分布表
56970701 table of random numbers 隨機數表;亂數表
56970702 tables for runs 連串表
56970703 taboo probability 禁止機率
56970704 taboo state 禁止狀態
56970705 tabular form 表列式
56970706 tabular investigation 表式調查
56970707 tabular presentation 列表陳示
56970708 tabular statement 列表說明
56970709 tabulating error 彙總誤差
56970710 tabulation 表列
56970711 tabulation of data 數據的表列
56970712 tabulation system 製表系統
56970713 tail
56970714 tail area 尾部面積
56970715 tail behavior 尾部特性
56970716 tail distribution 尾端分布;尾端分配
56970717 Tak?cs process Tak?cs過程
56970718 tally 畫記
56970719 tandem queues 縱排陣等待線
56970720 tandem tests 縱排檢定
56970721 tantiles n分位數
56970722 target population 目標母體
56970723 tax burden ratio 賦稅負擔率
56970724 tax collection rate 收稅率
56970725 tax revenue 賦稅收入
56970726 tax smoothing model 稅收平滑模型
56970727 tax statistics 賦稅統計
56970728 taxable income brackets 課稅級距
56970729 taxi operating condition survey 計程車營運狀況調查
56970730 Taylor rule model 泰勒法則模型
56970731 Taylor's theorem 泰勒定理
56970732 Tchebychev's inequality Tchebychev不等式
56970733 Tchebychev-Hermite polynomials Tchebychev-Hermite 多項式
56970734 technical error 技術誤差
56970735 technicians and associate professionals 技術員及助理專業人員
56970736 technology shocks 技術衝擊
56970737 technometry 工藝統計學;工藝計量學
56970738 telecommunication statistics 電信統計
56970739 telegraph statistics 電報統計
56970740 telemetry 計量遙測學;遙測統計學
56970741 telephone statistics 電話統計
56970742 temporal classification 暫時分類
總共 8352 筆,顯示第 7451 到第 7500 筆