
英文名稱 中文名稱
56970793 theorem 定理
56970794 theoretical distribution 理論分布
56970795 theoretical error 理論誤差
56970796 theoretical frequencies 理論次數
56970797 theoretical mean 理論平均數
56970798 theoretical mode 理論眾數
56970799 theoretical moment 理論動差
56970800 theoretical probability 理論機率
56970801 theoretical statistics 理論統計學;理論統計
56970802 theoretical variable 理論變數
56970803 theory of approximation 近似理論;逼近理論
56970804 theory of estimation 估計理論
56970805 theory of games 賽局論
56970806 theory of large samples 大樣本理論
56970807 theory of probability 機率論
56970808 theory of regression 迴歸理論
56970809 theory of reliability 可靠度理論
56970810 theory of sampling 抽樣理論
56970811 theory of sampling distribution 抽樣分布理論
56970812 theory of small samples 小樣本理論
56970813 theory of testing of hypotheses 假設檢定理論
56970814 Thiele's semi-invariant Thiele半不變量
56970815 third quartile 第三四分位數
56970816 Thomas distribution Thomas分布;Thomas分配
56970817 Thompson's rule Thompson規則
56970818 Thorndike chart Thorndike圖
56970819 three dimensional lattice 三維格子
56970820 three point assay 三點試驗
56970821 three series theorem 三級數定理
56970822 three-dimensional projection charts 三維投影圖
56970823 three-sigma limits 三標準差界限
56970824 three-sigma rule 三標準差規則
56970825 three-stage cluster sampling 三段叢聚抽樣
56970826 three-stage least squares 三段最小平方
56970827 three-way classification 三向分類;三因子分類
56970828 three-way layout 三向配置;三因子配置
56970829 threshold autoregressive model 門檻自我迴歸模型
56970830 threshold cointegration 門檻共積;門檻共整合
56970831 threshold error correction model (TECM) 門檻誤差修正模型
56970832 threshold model 門檻模型
56970833 threshold parameter 臨界參數;最低故障時間參數
56970834 threshold regressive model 門檻迴歸模型
56970835 tick system 鉤記制度
56970836 ticket sampling 標籤抽樣
56970837 tied double changeover design 連結雙重交叉設計
56970838 tied ranks 平秩
56970839 ties 同分值
56970840 ties in data 數據同分值
56970841 tightened inspection 加嚴檢驗
56970842 tilling 束圖分析法
總共 8352 筆,顯示第 7551 到第 7600 筆