
英文名稱 中文名稱
55805244 costosternal articulations 胸肋關節
55805245 costosternal ligament 肋胸骨韌帶
55805246 costotransverse articulation 肋橫突關節
55805247 costotransverse ligament 肋橫突韌帶
55805248 costoversion thoracoplasty 肋骨外翻胸骨成形術
55805249 costovertebral articulations 肋椎關節
55805250 costovertebral interosseous ligament of Cruveilhier Cruveilhier氏肋椎骨間韌帶
55805251 costovertebral ligament 肋椎韌帶
55805252 costoxipoid ligament 肋劍突韌帶
55805253 cotton pellet 小棉球
55805254 cotton pellet test 小棉球試驗
55805255 cotton pledget 小棉球
55805256 cotton-dust asthma 棉絮性氣喘
55805257 cottonseed glyceride 棉籽油脂酸甘油酯
55805258 cottonseed oil 棉籽油
55805259 cotyloid bone 髖臼
55805260 cotyloid ligament 髖臼韌帶
55805261 couching 白內障摘除術
55805262 cough mixture 鎮咳合劑
55805263 cough plates 咳嗽平板培養基
55805264 cough remedy 鎮咳劑
55805265 cough resonance 咳響
55805266 cough syndrome 咳嗽症候群
55805267 coumarin 香豆素
55805268 Councilman cell Councilman氏細胞
55805269 counseling 諮詢
55805270 counseling intervention 諮詢介入
55805271 counter 計數器
55805272 counterstain 複染
55805273 counting 計數
55805274 counting cell 計數池
55805275 coup de sabre 刀砍狀
55805276 couple 連結;力偶
55805277 couple-force 連結力
55805278 couple-force ratio 力偶比
55805279 coupled beats 配對脈動
55805280 coupled rhythm 聯結節律
55805281 coupler 聯結者
55805282 couples 力偶
55805283 couvade syndrome 擬娩症候群;產翁現象
55805284 cover cell 被蓋細胞
55805285 covergence 會聚性眼球震顫
55805286 covering disease 馬交媾病
55805287 cowden syndrome 多發性缺陷瘤症候群
55805288 Cowden's syndrome(multipel hamartoma syn-drome) Cowden氏症候群(先天性多發錯構瘤症候群)
55805289 Cowper's cyst Cowper氏腺囊腫
55805290 Cowper's ligament Cowper氏韌帶
55805291 cowperian duct 尿道球腺管
55805292 coxofemoral articulation of Buisson 髖關節
55805293 CPLS syndrome(cleft palate lateral synechia synd.) 裂顎外側粘連症候群
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 6901 到第 6950 筆