
英文名稱 中文名稱
55805344 cretinoid 呆小症樣的
55805345 cretinoid dysplasia 呆小病性發育障礙
55805346 cretinoid edema 呆小病狀水腫
55805347 Criax's syndrome Criax氏症候群
55805348 cribriform bone 篩狀骨
55805349 cribriform plate of ethmoid bone 篩骨的篩板
55805350 cribrose 篩狀的生物
55805351 cribrose cell 篩細胞
55805352 cricoarytenoid articulation 環杓關節
55805353 cricopharyngeal 環狀軟骨與咽的
55805354 cricopharyngeal achalasia syndrome 環狀軟骨與咽弛緩不能症候群
55805355 cricopharyngeal ligament 環咽韌帶
55805356 cricopharyngeal muscle 環咽肌
55805357 cricosantorinian ligament 小角咽韌?
55805358 cricothyroarytenoid ligament 環盾杓韌帶
55805359 cricothyroid ligament 環盾韌帶
55805360 cricothyroid muscle 環甲肌
55805361 cricotracheal ligament 環氣管韌帶
55805362 Crigler-Najjar syndrome Crigler-Najar二氏症候群
55805363 crisis 危象;危症
55805364 Crisp's aneurysm Crisp氏動脈瘤
55805365 crista galli 雞冠
55805366 critical 危急的;臨界的
55805367 critical appraisal skill 嚴格評讀
55805368 critical flicker fusion frequency 臨界閃光頻率
55805369 critical hemorrhage 危急性出血
55805370 crocodile skin 鱷皮狀魚鱗癬
55805371 crocodile tears syndrome(gustatory lacrimation) 假哭性症候群(衛覺性流淚)
55805372 crohn's disease 克隆氏症
55805373 Cronkhite-Canada syndrome(gastrointestinal polypo-sis-hyperpigmentation-nail dystrophy-generalized al-opecia) Cronkhite-Canada氏症候群(胃腸道息肉─色素過度沉著─甲失養─廣泛性禿髮)
55805374 crooked foot 彎曲足
55805375 Crookes' lens Crookes透鏡
55805376 cross 交叉的;十字的
55805377 cross circulation 交叉循環
55805378 cross dressing 易裝癖
55805379 cross infection 交互傳染
55805380 Cross syndrome(oculocerebral syndrome with hypo-pigmentation) Cross氏症候群(眼─腦症候群伴色素過少症)
55805381 crossbite 咬合錯位
55805382 crossbite elastics 反合彈力圈
55805383 crossed anesthesia 對側感覺缺失
55805384 crossed embolism 對側栓塞
55805385 crossed leg palsy 架腿麻痺
55805386 crossed lens 對側透鏡
55805387 crossed metastasis 交叉性轉移
55805388 crossed paralysis 交叉性麻痺
55805389 crossed pyramidal tract 錐體交叉徑
55805390 crossed tolerance 交叉性耐力
55805391 croupous 浮膜的;哮吼性的
55805392 croupous colitis 浮膜性結腸炎
55805393 croupous gastritis 浮膜性胃炎
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 7001 到第 7050 筆