
英文名稱 中文名稱
55805444 cubital fracture 肘骨折
55805445 cubital nerve 尺神經 (=ulnar nerve)
55805446 cubital tunnel syndrome 肘隧道症候群
55805447 cubitoradial ligament 肘橈韌帶
55805448 cubitoulnar ligament 肘尺韌帶
55805449 cuboid 立方形的;骰形的
55805450 cuboid bone 骰骨
55805451 cuboid cell 立方細胞
55805452 cubonavicular ligament 骰舟韌帶
55805453 cucumber oil 胡瓜油
55805454 cuff 袖口;環帶
55805455 cuirass 胸甲
55805456 Culex 家蚊屬
55805457 Culicidae 蚊科
55805458 Culicoides 糠蚊屬
55805459 Cullen's sign 庫倫氏徵象
55805460 culture 培養
55805461 cuneiform bone of carpus 腕楔狀骨
55805462 cuneocuboid interosseous ligament 骨間楔骰韌帶
55805463 cuneonavicular articulation 楔舟關節
55805464 cupped disc 視神經盤陷落
55805465 cupula of pleura 肋膜頂
55805466 curdling enzyme 凝乳?
55805467 curettage 刮除;刮除術
55805468 curing agent 固化劑
55805469 Curling's ulcer Curling氏潰瘍
55805470 currant jelly thrombus 果漿狀血栓
55805471 current 流;電流
55805472 Curry-Hall syndrome Curry-Hall氏症候群(口腔外胚層發育異常)
55805473 Curtis' disease Curtis氏病
55805474 curve 彎;曲線
55805475 curve muscle 肌動波 (=myogram)
55805476 curve of Spee Spee曲線
55805477 curved needle 彎針
55805478 Cushing's syndrome Cushing氏症候群
55805479 Cushing's syndrome(hypercorticism) 庫欣氏症候群(高可體松)
55805480 Cushing's ulcer Cushing氏潰瘍
55805481 cushion 襯墊組織
55805482 cushion of Eustachian orifice 耳咽管墊
55805483 cushion of Passavant 巴薩威特墊
55805484 cushion of the epiglottis 會厭墊
55805485 cusp 尖;瓣尖
55805486 cusp angle 牙尖角
55805487 cusp height 牙尖高度
55805488 cusp-fossa
55805489 cusp-fossa relations 尖窩關係
55805490 cusp-plane 尖平面
55805491 cusp-plane angle 牙尖-平面角
55805492 cuspal interference 牙間干擾
55805493 Custer's cell Custer氏細胞
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 7101 到第 7150 筆