
英文名稱 中文名稱
55809144 fluid discharge 液狀排出物
55809145 fluid greases 水性油脂
55809146 fluid level 液面
55809147 fluid tumor 液質瘤
55809148 fluke 吸蟲
55809149 flukes 肝蛭
55809150 fluoride 氟化物
55809151 fluoroderma 氟皮病
55809152 flush 潮紅
55809153 flush terminal plane relationship 上下乳臼齒最末端平面的垂直關係
55809154 flux (熔媒)助熔劑
55809155 flying edema 暫時性水腫
55809156 Flynn-Aird syndrome(skin atrophy,ulceration,al-opecia,dental varies and neuroectodermal syn-drome) Flynn-Arid氏症候群(表皮萎縮、潰瘍、禿頭、蛀牙、神經外胚層症候群)
55809157 Foa-Kurloff cell Foa-Kurloff二氏細胞
55809158 foam 泡沫
55809159 foam cell 泡沫細胞
55809160 foam embolism 泡沫栓塞
55809161 foaming mouth 泡沫口腔
55809162 focal 局部的
55809163 focal acantholytic dyskeratosis 局部棘層鬆解性角化異常
55809164 focal acral hyperkeratosis 局部肢端過度角化症
55809165 focal adenomyomatous hyperplasia of the gall bladder 膽囊局限性腺肌增生
55809166 focal dermal dysplasia 局部真皮發育異常
55809167 focal disease 局部病灶
55809168 focal dystonia 局部肌肉緊張不足
55809169 focal epithelial hyperplasia 局部表皮增生
55809170 focal facial dermal dysplasia(FFDD) 局部臉頰真皮發育異常
55809171 focal glomerulonephritis 局灶性腎絲球腎炎
55809172 focal infection 局部性感染
55809173 focal mucinosis 局部黏液素病
55809174 focal myelitis 局灶性脊髓炎
55809175 focal myelopathy 局部脊髓病變
55809176 focal necrosis 局限性壞死
55809177 focal nephritis 局灶性腎炎
55809178 focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver 肝局限性結節狀增生
55809179 focal sclerosing osteomyelitis 局病硬化性骨髓炎
55809180 foetor 臭味
55809181 foetor ex ore 口臭
55809182 foetor oris 口臭
55809183 Foix-Alajouanine disease Foix-Alajouanine二氏病
55809184 fold 皺襞
55809185 fold falx cerebri 大腦鐮皺摺
55809186 Folius muscle Folius氏肌
55809187 folk medicine 民俗療法
55809188 follicle 濾泡;囊
55809189 follicle atresia 卵泡閉鎖
55809190 follicle cell 濾泡細胞
55809191 follicle mites 毛囊蝨
55809192 follicle-stimulating hormone 卵泡刺激激素
55809193 follicular 濾泡的;濾胞的;囊的
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 10801 到第 10850 筆