
英文名稱 中文名稱
55809194 follicular angina 濾泡性咽峽炎
55809195 follicular atrophoderma and basal cell carcinoma 毛囊萎縮性真皮與基底細胞癌
55809196 follicular carcinonia 毛囊性上皮癌
55809197 follicular cell 濾泡細胞
55809198 follicular colitis 濾胞性結腸炎
55809199 follicular cyst 毛囊囊腫
55809200 follicular dendritic cells 毛囊樹突狀細胞
55809201 follicular fluid 濾泡液
55809202 follicular goiter 濾泡性甲狀腺腫
55809203 follicular hyperplasia 濾泡增生
55809204 follicular impetigo of Bockhart 毛囊性膿痂疹
55809205 follicular lutein cell 濾泡性黃體素細胞
55809206 follicular lymphoma 濾泡性淋巴瘤
55809207 follicular occlusion tetrad 毛囊阻塞四疊症
55809208 follicular occlusion triad 毛囊阻塞三疊症
55809209 follicular sinusitis 濾泡性竇炎
55809210 follicular spicule 毛囊刺
55809211 follicular tumor 毛囊瘤
55809212 follicular ulcer 濾胞性潰瘍
55809213 follicular/follicularis alopecia 毛囊炎性禿髮
55809214 follicularis 濾泡
55809215 folliculitis 毛囊炎
55809216 folliculitis decalvans 禿性毛囊炎
55809217 folliculitis erythematosa reticulata 網狀紅斑毛囊炎
55809218 folliculitis keloidalis 蟹足腫性毛囊炎
55809219 folliculoma 卵胞瘤;卵泡瘤
55809220 folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma 毛囊皮脂腺囊狀錯構瘤
55809221 folliculovestibular fistula 女性尿道周?管
55809222 Folling's disease 福林氏病;苯酮尿症
55809223 following ear piercing 穿耳洞後
55809224 Fommel's disease Fommel氏病
55809225 Fone's-method 方尼士法
55809226 Fones' method 方尼士氏刷牙法
55809227 Fones'toothbrushing technique 方尼士刷牙法
55809228 food additives 食物添加劑
55809229 food asthma 食物性氣喘
55809230 food infection 食物感染
55809231 food mites 食物蝨
55809232 food-deficiency disease 食物缺乏病
55809233 foot
55809234 foot cell 足細胞
55809235 foot fungus 足分枝黴菌
55809236 foot phenomenon 足現象
55809237 foot reflex 足反射
55809238 foot tip 足尖
55809239 foot-and-mouth disease 口蹄病
55809240 footwear 鞋類
55809241 foramen
55809242 foramen caecum linguae 舌盲孔
55809243 foramen caecum ossis frontalis 額骨盲孔
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 10851 到第 10900 筆