
英文名稱 中文名稱
55821844 sorbic acid 山梨酸
55821845 sorbitol 山梨醇
55821846 Sorby's cell Sorby氏容器
55821847 sore 瘡;傷;痛的
55821848 sore mouth 口瘡
55821849 soreness 疼痛
55821850 Soret's band Soret氏光譜帶
55821851 soul blindness 精神性盲
55821852 soul pain 精神痛苦
55821853 sound
55821854 sound injury 聲震損傷
55821855 sour-milk diet 酸乳飲食
55821856 source
55821857 sources of infection 傳染源
55821858 south african tick-bite fever 南非蜱咬熱
55821859 South American blastomycosis 南美芽生菌病
55821860 sowda 黑皮病
55821861 soybean oil 大豆油
55821862 soybean phospholipid 大豆磷脂
55821863 spa 溫泉
55821864 space 間隙;空間
55821865 space medicine 太空醫學
55821866 space nerve 空間神經
55821867 spagyric medicine 鍊丹派醫學;鍊金術醫學
55821868 spandex 斯潘得克斯彈力纖維
55821869 Spanish fly 西班牙蒼蠅
55821870 Spanish influenza 西班牙流行感冒
55821871 Sparganum proliferum 增生性幼絛蟲
55821872 spasm 痙攣
55821873 spasm of abdomen 腹部絞痛
55821874 spasmodic 痙攣的
55821875 spasmodic asthma 痙攣性氣喘
55821876 spasmodic ataxia 痙攣性失調症
55821877 spasmodic cough 痙攣性咳
55821878 spasmodic dysmenorrhea 痙攣性痛經
55821879 spasmodic laryngitis 喘鳴性喉痙攣
55821880 spasmodic rigidity 子宮之痙攣性強硬
55821881 spasmus 痙攣
55821882 spastic 痙攣的
55821883 spastic bladder 痙攣性膀胱
55821884 spastic colitis 痙攣性結腸炎
55821885 spastic dysarthria 痙攣性口吃
55821886 spastic dysuria 痙攣性排尿困難
55821887 spastic stenosis 痙攣性狹窄
55821888 spastical 間隙
55821889 spasticity 痙攣性
55821890 spearmint 綠薄荷
55821891 spearmint oil 綠薄荷油
55821892 special 特別的
55821893 special sense vertigo 感官性眩暈
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 23501 到第 23550 筆