
英文名稱 中文名稱
55821944 spherocytic jaundice 球狀血球性黃疸
55821945 spheroid 球狀的
55821946 spheroidal 球狀的
55821947 spheroidal articulation 球窩關節
55821948 spheroidal cell 球狀細胞
55821949 spheroidal-celled carcinoma 球狀細胞癌
55821950 spheroma 球狀瘤
55821951 sphincter 括約肌
55821952 sphincter muscle 括約肌
55821953 sphincter muscle of bile duct 膽總管括約肌
55821954 sphincter muscle of hepatopancreatic ampulla 肝胰壺腹括約肌
55821955 sphincter muscle of membranous urethra 膜狀尿道括約肌
55821956 sphincter muscle of pupil 瞳孔括約肌
55821957 sphincter muscle of pylorus 幽門括約肌
55821958 sphincter muscle of urethra 尿道括約肌
55821959 sphincter muscle of urinary bladder 膀胱括約肌
55821960 sphingolipidosis 神經鞘脂病
55821961 sphingomyelin storage disease 神經鞘髓磷脂沉積病
55821962 sphingomyelinase deficiency 神經磷脂?缺乏
55821963 sphingosine 神經鞘氨醇
55821964 spica ascending bandage 上行穗形繃帶
55821965 spica bandage 人字形繃帶
55821966 spica descending bandage 下行穗形繃帶
55821967 spice 香料
55821968 spicy food 辛辣食物
55821969 spider bite 蜘蛛咬傷
55821970 spider cancer 蜘狀痣癌
55821971 spider cell 蛛狀細胞
55821972 spider nevus 蜘蛛痣
55821973 spider sting 蜘蛛螫傷
55821974 spider telangiectasis 蜘蛛狀毛細管擴張症
55821975 Spiegler's tumor 史庇格勒氏腫瘤
55821976 Spiegler-Fendt sarcoid (lymphocytoma cutis) 施皮格勒-芬特類肉瘤
55821977 Spigelian hernia Spigelian氏疝
55821978 spinach stool 菠菜狀糞
55821979 spinal 脊柱的;脊的
55821980 spinal anesthesia 脊髓麻醉法
55821981 spinal ataxia 脊髓性失調症
55821982 spinal block 脊髓阻斷
55821983 spinal column 脊柱
55821984 spinal dysraphism 脊神經管閉合不全
55821985 spinal fluid 脊髓液
55821986 spinal marrow 脊髓
55821987 spinal meningitis 脊髓膜炎
55821988 spinal muscle 棘肌
55821989 spinal needle 腰椎穿刺針
55821990 spinal nerve 脊神經
55821991 spinal paralytic poliomyelitis 急性脊髓側灰質炎
55821992 spinal shock 脊髓休克
55821993 spinal subarachnoid block 脊髓蜘蛛網膜下腔阻斷
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 23601 到第 23650 筆