
英文名稱 中文名稱
55800944 artery of glomerulus 腎小球動脈
55800945 artery of labyrinth 迷路動脈
55800946 artery of penis 陰莖動脈
55800947 arterys of cerebrum 大腦動脈
55800948 arterys of Mueller Mueller動脈
55800949 arthralgia 關節痛
55800950 arthritic acne 關節炎性痤瘡
55800951 arthritic atrophy 關節萎縮
55800952 arthritic psoriasis 關節炎性乾癬
55800953 arthritis 關節炎
55800954 arthritis deformans 變形性關節炎
55800955 arthritis deformans juvenilis 青年型變形性關節炎
55800956 arthritis deformans neoplastica 贅生變形性關節炎
55800957 arthritis fungosa 黴菌性關節炎
55800958 arthritis hiemalis 冬令關節炎
55800959 arthritis interna 內臟痛風
55800960 arthritis leucocytotica 白血球增多性關節炎
55800961 arthritis mutilans 殘毀性關節炎
55800962 arthritis nodosa 結節性關節炎
55800963 arthritis sicca 乾性關節炎
55800964 arthrochalasis multiplex congenita 多發性先天性關節異常鬆弛
55800965 arthroderma uncinatum 鉤狀節皮菌
55800966 arthropathic psoriasis 關節病型乾癬
55800967 arthropathy 關節病變
55800968 arthropathy-camptodactyly syndrome 關節病性指彎曲症候群
55800969 arthroplasty 關節造形術
55800970 arthropod bites 節肢動物叮咬
55800971 arthropod dermatosis 節肢動物皮膚病
55800972 arthropods 節肢動物
55800973 arthrospores 分節芽胞
55800974 Arthus reaction 阿都司氏反應
55800975 articfical teeth 人工齒
55800976 artichoke 朝鮮薊
55800977 articular 關節的
55800978 articular block 關節阻斷
55800979 articular callosity 關節胼胝
55800980 articular capsule 關節囊
55800981 articular cavity 關節腔
55800982 articular disc 關節盤
55800983 articular disk 關節盤
55800984 articular fracture 關節面折斷
55800985 articular gout 關節痛風
55800986 articular ligament of vertebrae 椎骨關節韌帶
55800987 articular meniscus 關節半月板
55800988 articular muscle 關節肌
55800989 articular nerve 關節神經
55800990 articular neuralgia 關節神經痛
55800991 articular surface of patella 髕骨關節面
55800992 articulartion 關節
55800993 articulated splint 有節夾板
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 2601 到第 2650 筆