
英文名稱 中文名稱
55800994 articulatio 關節
55800995 articulation 關節
55800996 articulation of elbow 肘關節
55800997 articulation of head of rib 肋頭關節
55800998 articulation of hip 髖關節
55800999 articulation of humerus 肱關節
55801000 articulation of knee 膝關節
55801001 articulation of pisiform bone 豌豆關節
55801002 articulation of pubis 恥骨關節
55801003 articulation of shoulder 肩關節
55801004 articulation of tubercle of rib 肋橫突關節
55801005 articulations of auditory ossicles 聽骨關節
55801006 articulations of digits of foot 趾關節
55801007 articulations of digits of hand 指關節
55801008 articulations of fingers 指間關節
55801009 articulations of foot 足關節
55801010 articulations of metacarpal bones 掌骨間關節
55801011 articulations of metatarsal bones 蹠骨間關節
55801012 articulations of toes 趾關節
55801013 articulator 咬合器
55801014 articulator articulation 連接關節
55801015 articulus 關節
55801016 artifact 人工產物
55801017 artificial 人工的;人造的
55801018 artificial (alloplast) bone graft 人造移植骨
55801019 artificial acne 人為痤瘡
55801020 artificial anterior teeth 人工前牙
55801021 artificial anus 人工肛門
55801022 artificial cavity classification 人工窩洞分類法
55801023 artificial crown 人工牙冠
55801024 artificial dentition 人工齒列
55801025 artificial denture 人工義齒
55801026 artificial desensitization 人工減敏
55801027 artificial fixtures dental implants 人工固定式牙科植體
55801028 artificial infection 人工感染
55801029 artificial leather 人造革
55801030 artificial lens 人工晶狀體
55801031 artificial lung 人工肺
55801032 artificial occlusion 人工咬合
55801033 artificial palate 人造?
55801034 artificial penile nodule 陰莖人工結節
55801035 artificial plate 人工板
55801036 artificial pneumothorax 人工氣胸
55801037 artificial respiration 人工呼吸
55801038 artificial skin 人造皮
55801039 artificial stone 人造硬石膏
55801040 artificial sweetener 人工甘味劑
55801041 artificial tooth root dental implants 人工牙根牙科植體
55801042 artificial velum 人工?帆
55801043 artificial ventilation 人工換氣
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 2651 到第 2700 筆