
英文名稱 中文名稱
55727961 pattern shop 模型工場
55727962 pattern tie bar 模型加強筋
55727963 pattern varnish 模型清漆
55727964 pattern-draw molding machine 脫模式造模機
55727965 peak load 尖峰負荷
55727966 pear 梨木
55727967 pearlite 1.波來鐵 2.波來體
55727968 pearlite cast iron 波來鑄鐵
55727969 pearlite malleable iron 波來鐵展性(可鍛)鑄鐵
55727970 pearlite rim 白緣(黑心展性鑄鐵)
55727971 pedestal grinder 檯式磨床
55727972 peel 加料鏟
55727973 peel back 翻轉(殼模製造)
55727974 peeling 剝落;剝皮
55727975 peen 尖底搗鎚
55727976 peen hardening 珠擊硬化
55727977 peen rammer 尖底搗鎚;尖底舂
55727978 peening 鎚平;輕敲
55727979 peening shot 噴珠
55727980 peep-hole 窺孔
55727981 peeping hole 窺孔
55727982 peeping hole cover 窺孔蓋
55727983 pencil core 增壓砂心
55727984 pencil gate 雨淋式進模口
55727985 pencil ring gate 雨淋式環澆口
55727986 pendant shaking equipment 懸掛式清箱裝置
55727987 pendulum conveyer 垂擺式輸送機
55727988 pendulum grinder 擺動式磨輪機
55727989 pendulum hammer 擺動鎚
55727990 penetrating power 穿透能力(X光試驗)
55727991 penetration 穿透;貫穿
55727992 penetration core 增壓砂心
55727993 penumatic rammer 氣動搗桿,氣動舂
55727994 penumatic tube dispatch system 風管輸送系統
55727995 percentage of area reduction 縮面百分率
55727996 percentage of elongation 伸長百分率
55727997 perforated chaplet 有孔砂心撐
55727998 periodic annealing furnace 分次退火爐
55727999 peritectic reaction 包晶反應
55728000 peritectic transformation 包晶變態
55728001 peritectoid 包析
55728002 peritectoid reaction 包析反應
55728003 permanent continuous casting 恆久連續鑄造
55728004 permanent mold 永久模;金屬(鑄)模
55728005 permeability 透氣性
55728006 permeability test 透氣性試驗
55728007 permeability tester 透氣性試驗器
55728008 permissible dust emission 容許揚塵
55728009 petroleum coke 石油焦
55728010 petroleum polymer 石油聚合物
總共 5314 筆,顯示第 3351 到第 3400 筆