
英文名稱 中文名稱
55728461 repreparation 再處理
55728462 research engineer 研究工程師
55728463 residual cementite 殘留雪明碳鐵
55728464 residual dust content 殘留塵量
55728465 residual magnetism 殘磁
55728466 residual pearlite 殘留波來鐵
55728467 residual strain 殘留應變
55728468 residual stress 殘留應力
55728469 residue 殘留物
55728470 residue after ignition 燃餘殘留物
55728471 residues 1.殘留物 2.篩留物
55728472 resilience 彈性能
55728473 resin 樹脂
55728474 resin binder 樹脂黏結劑
55728475 resin bonding plant 樹脂裏貼工場
55728476 resin coated sand 樹脂裏貼砂
55728477 resin modification 樹脂調質
55728478 resin modified core oil 樹脂調質砂心油
55728479 resin particle 樹脂微粒
55728480 resin sand 樹脂砂
55728481 resistance furnace 電阻爐
55728482 resistance pyrometer 電阻高溫計
55728483 resistance spiral 蝸旋電阻線
55728484 resistance to metal penetration 金屬穿透阻力(砂模)
55728485 resistance to thermal shocks 熱震阻力
55728486 resistivity 1.電阻係數 2.電阻性
55728487 resolution 分解
55728488 respirator 1.防塵面具 2.口罩
55728489 retained austenite 殘留沃斯田鐵
55728490 retained strength(sand) 殘留強度(鑄砂)
55728491 retort 蒸餾器
55728492 retort carbon 蒸餾碳
55728493 return facilities 回程裝置(壓鑄)
55728494 return sand 循環砂
55728495 return scrap 回爐廢料
55728496 returns 回爐料
55728497 reverberatory furnace 反射爐
55728498 reverse chill 逆冷硬(鑄疵)
55728499 reverse horn gate 反喇叭形澆口
55728500 reverse mottle 逆冷硬麻口(展性鑄鐵鑄疵)
55728501 reversible pattern plate 可翻轉模型板
55728502 revolving speed 轉速
55728503 Reynold's number(R) 雷諾數
55728504 rhenium 錸(Re)(稀金屬元素)
55728505 rhodium 銠(Rh)
55728506 rhombic system 斜方晶系(結晶)
55728507 rib
55728508 riddle 粗篩
55728509 riddled sand 篩分砂
55728510 rigging 配置模型
總共 5314 筆,顯示第 3851 到第 3900 筆