
英文名稱 中文名稱
56755851 rate of geothermal utilization 地熱利用率
56755852 rate of house power 廠用電率
56755853 rate of information loss 資訊丟失率
56755854 rate of occurrence of closing without proper command 誤合閘故障率
56755855 rate of occurrence of opening without proper command 誤合閘故障率
56755856 rate of occurrence of short-circuit events 短路故障率
56755857 rate of occurrence of voltage changes 電壓變化發生率
56755858 rate of pre-assembled pieces in boiler erection 鍋爐安裝組合率
56755859 rate of pressure rise 升壓速度
56755860 rate of radioactive decay 放射衰變率
56755861 rate of railway car inspection 鐵路車箱檢查率
56755862 rate of reaction 反應率
56755863 rate of rise of transient recovery voltage, RRRV 暫態恢復電壓上升率
56755864 rate of rise of TRV 瞬態恢復電壓上升率
56755865 rate of rise suppressor 上升率抑制器
56755866 rate of washing ability 洗淨比
56755867 Rateau turbine 壓力多級衝動式汽輪機
56755868 rated burden of instrument transformer 儀器用變比器額定負載
56755869 rated charging period 額定充電時間
56755870 rated condition 額定情況
56755871 rated connecting capacity 額定連接容量
56755872 rated consumption of water 額定用水量
56755873 rated continuous thermal current 額定連續熱電流
56755874 rated control voltage 額定控制電壓
56755875 rated cooking presure 額定蒸煮壓力
56755876 rated current 額定電流
56755877 rated current and rated time for grounding and short-circuiting equipment 接地和短路裝置的額定電流和額定時間
56755878 rated current transformation ratio 額定電流變換比
56755879 rated current-carrying capacity 額定載流量
56755880 rated d.c. output current 額定直流輸出電流
56755881 rated d.c. output voltage 額定直流輸出電壓
56755882 rated data test 額定資料測定
56755883 rated electrical power 額定電功率
56755884 rated field current 額定磁場電流
56755885 rated field voltage 額定磁場電壓
56755886 rated form factor 額定波形因數
56755887 rated freezing capacity 額定冷凍能力
56755888 rated head; characteristic head 額定水頭
56755889 rated heat capacity 額定熱容量
56755890 rated idle speed 額定空閒轉速
56755891 rated impedance of an energizing circuit 激勵電路額定阻抗
56755892 rated impulse voltage 額定脈衝電壓
56755893 rated input current [for a wire feeder] [送絲裝置的]額定輸入電流
56755894 rated input frequency 額定輸入頻率
56755895 rated input voltage [for a wire feeder] [送絲機構的]額定輸入電壓
56755896 rated instrument limit primary current, IPL 額定儀表限值一次電流
56755897 rated insulation level 額定絕緣水準
56755898 rated insulation voltage 額定絕緣電壓
56755899 rated load speed 額定負載轉速
56755900 rated luminous flux [of a type of lamp] [一種型號燈的]額定光通量
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 22201 到第 22250 筆